Book tool/Feedback
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Bug: Saving as PDF skips numbered equations
[edit]Effect: Numbered equations are not displayed in the rendered PDF
Example: Metric tensor
The PDF rendering finishes without errors, and the file can be downloaded. But all numbered equations are not there, simply as that.
Bug:Saving as ZIM doesn't fix redirected links
[edit]I built a book on geometry, starting with one page hyperbolic geometry and I added related pages by hovering the mouse over links and clicking on the add-this-to-book link. Unfortunately, some like Klein model are redirected to a page with a more specific title, and these are added to the book, but the links don't get fixed in the resulting ZIM file. This means that when I use a reader like kiwix off-line, the link to Klein model is there, and the page it's supposed to point to is there in the ZIM file, but following the link doesn't work because it requires a trip to the web site to handle the redirection.
Bug:Server Problem Generating PDF
[edit]Hi everyone,
I'm maintaining a wiki for the company I'm working for, and I'm trying to set up the collection extension. Everythings is going fine for creating and saving a book, but as for uploading book as a pdf file or displaying it thanks to PediaPress, the uploading stops at 1% and I have the following eror message :
Une erreur est survenue sur le serveur de rendu : RuntimeError: RuntimeError: command failed with returncode 256: ['mw-zip', '-o', u'cache/eb/eb52efc743de7be0/', '-m', u'cache/eb/eb52efc743de7be0/metabook.json', '--status', u'qserve://localhost:14311/eb52efc743de7be0:makezip', '--config', u'', '--template-blacklist', u'MediaWiki:PDF Template Blacklist', '--template-exclusion-category', u"Exclure lors de l'impression", '--print-template-prefix', u'Imprimer', '--print-template-pattern', u'$1/Imprimer', '--username', u'WIKINOPY', '--password', '{OMITTED}', '--domain', u'https'] Last Output: attern only. 1% creating nuwiki in u'cache/eb/eb52efc743de7be0/tmpQ4gSFr/nuwiki' /home/tools/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mwlib-0.12.14-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mwlib/ DeprecationWarning: deprecated call get('mw_license_url') if l.get('mw_license_url'): /home/tools/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mwlib-0.12.14-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mwlib/
My wiki cannot be edit or read by an '*' unlogged user, and as I keeped the default use of pediawiki server in my local setting I have those two lines :
$wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = 'WIKINOPY:Password';
I also tryied with $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = 'WIKINOPY:Password:'; and as I thought the problem was that the server couldn't log to my wiki I even tryed with all permissions (read, edit...) set to true for unlogged users, but I still have the same eror!
Is anyone willing to help me? -- 09:53, 9 May 2011 (UTC)
Question: Principal Authors
[edit]How is the list of principal authors computed? It looks as if any contributor is listed.
- Currently there is no consensus on "who are the principal authors" in the community. Therefore all contributors are mentioned. --he!ko 19:19, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: Add a table of contents
[edit]Did you consider to add a table of contents at the first page of the PDF? I think this might improve usability of larger PDFs. --he!ko 15:57, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Question: Differences between printed books and downloadable PDFs
[edit]I created a book and downloaded the PDF. When I wanted to order a printed book with pediapress and looked at the preview I noticed various differences!?
- The layout of printed books differs, as a technology more suitable for printed books is used to generate the PDFs. Printed books feature a Table of Contents, an Index, have a different size (A5 or 8.5×5.5in) and images and tables are layouted differently. The downloadable PDF looks ok when printed (A4) at home and can be generated within a reasonable amount of time. The PDF of printed books is optimized for print and its generation takes way too long to be a viable alternative for Wikipedia. --he!ko 19:56, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: <poem/>-tag not supported
[edit]It looks like the <poem/>-tag is not supported (example). He!ko 16:08, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: License in the PDF looks strange
[edit]Any PDF created from an article on the French Wikipedia has two weird bits :
- Just before the license, a grey frame saying "Raccourcis [1]ées/Licence&hidetrans=1&hidelinks=1&hideimages=1 +"
- Juste after, the text "[1] http:/ / fr. wikipedia. org/ w/ index. php?title=Special:Pages_li" under the heading "Liens externes".
See for example the page, whose PDF is here. (reported by fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan, moved here).--he!ko 19:09, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
I should maybe add that the name of the license (GFDL) does not appear on the French Wikipedia, and maybe it is linked to this problem? le Korrigan →bla 08:26, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
- The logfiles hint to [1] as being the license used, at least for de:. Need to investigate further. --he!ko 09:49, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
- Wiki sites can now set their custom license source which should solve this issue. See Book_tool#Setting_a_custom_license_source for details. --he!ko 15:36, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: PNG logo has a black background
[edit]On the article fr:Star Wing (PDF), on page 10, the logo is a PNG with a transparent background but is rendered with a black background. I haven't seen other images doing this. le Korrigan →bla 08:15, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
- Unfortunately this is a bug in the PDF toolkit we are using. There is a ticket about that in our bug tracker, and the bug has been submitted to the PDF toolkit developers. -- Volker.haas 13:48, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Weird indent with bullet points
[edit]On the article fr:Star Wing (PDF), page 15, the section "Médias externes" is rendered with a weird indent, possibly caused by the templates. Note that if you know which template or which aspect causes this and it is a fr.wikipedia-specific issue I can maybe address it but so far I don't know. Thanks! le Korrigan →bla 08:19, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
- I added a ticket for that problem. -- Volker.haas 14:03, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Infoboxes take up all width
[edit]On most French Wikipedia articles with an infobox (such as fr:Star Wing PDF, page 1), the infobox takes up all the width. And the title of the infobox is on the left and not centered. I do not know whether this is something to be solved by you or on fr.wikipedia, any advice would be welcomed :-) le Korrigan →bla 08:22, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
- This is a known issue and there is not much that can be done about that. Please see the FAQ for some limitations of this tool. --he!ko 14:52, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
- We are thinking about a solution, but it won't be here tomorrow.--he!ko 09:18, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: localise "Contributors" and "anonymous edits"
I can't seem to be able to localise the texts "Contributors" and "anonymous edits" on fr.wikipedia. We should be able to do so. Thanks. le Korrigan →bla 08:25, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
- These can be localized on betawiki --he!ko 14:54, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Two supplementary external links
[edit]On fr:Star Wing (PDF), page 19, a new section "Liens externes" is added, with two external links pointing to the English Wikipedia. I think they are caused by the banner "Featured Article" at the end of the article, which has two external links itself (however not the same ones). le Korrigan →bla 08:28, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: License and authors of images
[edit]As far as I see there is a link to the commons page for an image, which might be fine as long as the pdf is still in the computer. But the license and authors for images should be shown after printing it too. Can it be a list after the contributors? /Ainali 17:23, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
PDF Download doesn't run
In this book, when I want to click on "Télécharger en PDF", it doesn't run. --ComputerHotline 12:10, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
- I notified the tech team but got no response yet. You may try to bother them also on IRC #wikimedia-tech. --he!ko 16:55, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
- "no space [was] left on device". Should be working again. --he!ko 13:38, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: "ref name=" causes problems with some templates
[edit]When a template accepts an unnamed parameter (in the form {{template|parameter}} instead of {{template|parameter=value}}, and if the parameter value contains a sign equal ("="), usually the template doesn't work and returns {{{1}}}, this is standard MediaWiki behaviour. However this doesn't happen when using <ref name="something"> : it works fine on MediaWiki, but causes problems with PDF export. See fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug2 and corresponding PDF export.
Thanks, le Korrigan →bla 19:58, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
(should be fixed with this changeset)
Bug: formatnum: doesn't work
doesn't seem to work, or at least doesn't take into account localised settings. See fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug3 for expected and actual PDF output. This means that French-specific output isn't obtained, and it can cause confusion as we use the comma for decimals instead of the dot.
Thanks, le Korrigan →bla 20:07, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
- Is somebody looking to resolve this problem ? — Riba (talk) 19:58, 14 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug:Unwanted link with fr:Template:Date
[edit]For some reason, a link is created in the PDF to the page fr:octobre 1970. It has been noticed on fr.wikipedia using the template {{date}}, but I have made some tests on fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug4 and I can't find the cause for it. Sorry. le Korrigan →bla 20:23, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
- This is somewhat confusing. Can you give a minimal example where this links appears in the PDF although it should not appear? --he!ko 18:48, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
- This completely puzzles me. If I put just the wikilink in a page, there is no link created in PDF (see fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug7). If I expand the "date" template then no link is created either (see fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug6). But if I put the "date" template, then it does create a link in PDF, whether it is before or after other wikilinks (see fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug5). The code
is responsible for that. And actually it happens with any page (see fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug8), so it is clearly this syntax which causes the problem. I'm afraid the "date" template is a complex one with a lot of parser functions... so I can't really debug that. le Korrigan →bla 19:03, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
- This completely puzzles me. If I put just the wikilink in a page, there is no link created in PDF (see fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug7). If I expand the "date" template then no link is created either (see fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug6). But if I put the "date" template, then it does create a link in PDF, whether it is before or after other wikilinks (see fr:Utilisateur:Korrigan/bug5). The code
Thanks for fixing that, but can you explain what caused it? Out of curiosity. le Korrigan →bla 16:04, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
- No, I asked my colleague but he had no clue what update fixed it. Sorry. --he!ko 09:44, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Extension Tags and other not printable code
[edit]We are using some extensions which are not supported. So tags like: <googlemaps></googlemaps><DynamicArticleList></DynamicArticleList> are not parsed correctly. It would be nice to have an option in Collections to exclude these tags and also other wiki-texts which are not printable. 15:21, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
- Which site are you talking about? If you run your own PDF-server you can easily implement this in --he!ko 18:44, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: have a better link at the end
[edit]Currently, when producing a PDF, there is a link at the end leading to the printed version (eg
- The first problem is that this link is not clikable currently, it probably should be.
- This should be fixed with the next update. -- Volker.haas 14:17, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
- The second problem is that this link is a bit "obscure" to the average Wikipedia reader, maybe a second link should be added, pointing to "the current version of this article", leading to the usual, so that the origin of the article is more clear.
- Maybe the PDF generation date can be printed as well? Or maybe the date / time of last article revision? I know this may be already in the PDF metadata, but 1) it is not easily accessible to beginners, and 2) there may be different "last revision dates" when several articles are put together, so saying how old is each one can be useful?
Thanks, le Korrigan →bla 19:07, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
- We had a more readable link in earlier versions, but these did use two lines of text and looked really ugly. I prefer to stick with the current solution. There is a ticket for the creation date (and once this is implemented people will complain, that its formatting is not localized ;-) --he!ko 09:42, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Question: Templates "Hide from print" and "Only in print" ??
[edit]Here I read about templates "Hide from print" and "Only in print", but I can't seem to find out what the contents of these should be. Is there a description or example available somewhere ? - Erik Baas 21:33, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
- Hi Erik, I did not set this template up on en.wp since we changed something in the software. Somehow MW is not yet updated to the the new SW. I'll care about this issue once the new version is active. "Only in print" is explained here (last paragraph). --he!ko 16:42, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
- OK, thanks, I'll wait for it. Meanwhile, I created a (temporary ?) solution with en:Template:Only_in_print plus en:Template:Only_in_print/style (and it works). - Erik Baas 02:40, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: table headers in wrong column
[edit]The PDF for the enwiki Mount Hood has all the issues (mentioned above) related to tables and templates. In addition, the table on page 4 has five columns which mostly render okay, but the heading has those for columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 all in column 2's header. It has the !! present too (see below), so maybe the parser isn't the usual one, and doesn't understand some of the more recent extensions to wikitable markup? Or maybe the embedded citations are confusing it?
Area[22] millions of ft² !! Volume[22] billions of ft³ !! notes !! GNIS location[23]
EncMstr 22:20, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: { {main} } which displays Main article: <article name> disappears
[edit]On Mount Hood on page 6 it successfully contains the Climbing accidents section, but omits any reference to the main article, which appears due to the wikimarkup : {{main|Mount Hood climbing accidents}}. I can understand why a printed version might omit article links, but then shouldn't it remove the whole See also section? EncMstr 22:24, 26 February 2009 (UTC)
- The Main Template was added to the Exclude in Print Category which prevents the templates content to appear in the PDF. This is intentional. If you think the Main Template should be printed this should probably be discussed. -- Volker.haas 13:24, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
Thai alphabets showed as boxes in PDF
[edit]It seems that Thai alphabet rendered incorrectly. It shows Thai alphabets as boxes when rendering in PDF format; Thai language rendered in ODT format works fine. I tested rendering in other Asian characters such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean. They are rendered fine except Thai. --Manop 21:39, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
Appearance: Article titles
[edit]The article title appear at the top of all pages. This looks bad on the first page because there's a small title at the top and a much bigger title underneath. One of them needs to be removed from the first page.--Patton123 13:07, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
- It think this is pretty common in printed works and would not change it unless we get more complaints. --he!ko 09:38, 5 March 2009 (UTC)


- I would really like this titles (or at least the big one) to disappear too; especially on Dutch wikibooks, where titles are quite long, and also contain the book's title. Example: b:nl:Programmeren in TI-83+ Assembly/Speciaal/Problemen/TASM-foutmeldingen. It looks real ugly (see image), and is not necessary at all. - Erik Baas 12:47, 15 April 2009 (UTC) - Please ?
- P.S.: This wikibook consists of 28 articles, so the printed book will contain 28 of these big fat bold titles, using up to 14% of the available space on each page... :-( - Erik Baas 00:37, 24 April 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Image alternate text
[edit]Alternate text for images, which is visible when someoen has images turned off or uses a screenreader, appears instead of the image caption in all articles that use alternate text, including the "alt=" bit. (Example article)--Patton123 13:11, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
Appearance: Wikitables
[edit]Wikitables, which are almost always necessary because htey contain information that isn't in prose, don't appear very well in many articles. (Example table)--Patton123 13:12, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
- Do you refer to the infobox or to the tank comparison table? Automatically translating tables to the fixed size constraints of paper formats is hard and I think both tables in this article are rendered reasonable. Nonetheless we are planning to improve the layout of frequently used infoboxes. --he!ko 09:57, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Icons
[edit]Small 17x17px icons such as File:North.svg show up HUGE, taking up whole pages and throwing the text out of line.--Patton123 13:16, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
- Can you please give an example article? I just checked w:List of sovereign states which features 250+ small SVG images and did not see any problems with them. --he!ko 15:28, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
- I could track the problem to the (protected) w:Template:Geographic Location. Setting the width attribute for the images would fix the problem. But since this is a navigational template it should rather be added to w:Category:Exclude in print. --he!ko 15:32, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
Bug: External links
[edit]External links show up as typed out URLs instead of the link name or nothing at all. (Example article)--Patton123 13:17, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: Date and/or version of contents
[edit]I think the exported PDF, as well as the printed book, should contain the date of printing and/or a version number; in small print, in the footer of the first page. - Erik Baas 21:30, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
- The version number (oldid) is already included, and the date has been suggested above in #Proposal: have a better link at the end. le Korrigan →bla 21:53, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
- I missed the part about the date, sorry.
- The inclusion of version numbers (oldid) is not good enough. A "book" may consist of a large number of wiki-articles, and this "oldid" will be at the end of each chapter; a version number (of the book, I mean) is only useful when it's on the first page. - Erik Baas 22:20, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
- Printed books do contain the creation date. For PDFs there is a ticket requesting this feature. --he!ko 08:07, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit]see [2], chinese "," can't display.--Shizhao 12:16, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: contributor opt-out
[edit]Is it possible for a contributor to opt-out of appearing in the list of contributors? For example I have edited some articles, and so my username will appear in the list in any PDF book that includes those articles. I am not really concerned either way, but it would be nice if I could place a special template on my user page that said, in effect, "opt-out of contributors list in books". Or something like "treat me as anonymous for books". 84user 13:50, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
Page and chapter title formatting
[edit]I created a book on Italian Wikibooks: JavaScript, but the wiki markup in the piped links and in the chapter titles is not considered, and it is showed raw. It would be nice to have the possibility of formatting page and chapter titles. --Ramac 17:09, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Revision date needed on article PDF
[edit]The PDF version of an article should have the date of the last edit included in the version rendered. This date is not (necessarily) the date the PDF was generated, which is the request of Ticket #443 mentioned above. That date would be a rather poor substitute, but it would be much better than the current situation which shows no date at all. -R. S. Shaw 07:24, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: depends on Monobook
[edit]This can probably be considered a bug with either the Book tool *or* MediaWiki itself, but I'd like to point out that extension does not actually work with skins other than Monobook - the relevant sidebar links simply don't show up. In particular, this happens with the classic skin.
Since MediaWiki ships these skins by default and allows users to select them, I think it's fair to consider them to actually work. Whether the extension needs to be rewritten in a skin-agnostic manner or whether MediaWiki's facilities for allowing extensions to interact with the UI are too Monobook-centric and need to be improved is something I can't say, but I'm sure the developers will be able to work something out. :) -- Schnee 19:15, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
- The problem is with some skin lacking behind MW compatibility. --he!ko 12:37, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Problems with proofread wikisource books
[edit]As you know, "proofread books" are books obtained with a proofread extension; in en.s this means to work on a special namespace Page:, where the text is introduced side to side to the image of scanned page of a book; then a textual verson is built up by transclusion of Page: pages.
I tested Book tool on such textual version in it.s (whereBook tool has been implemented from some days), then into en:s, where I built a test text s:User:Alex_brollo/Books/Equitation from some chapters of s:Equitation.
I found a big trouble, since most transclusions from Page: pages don't run politely. I found the same trouble into it.s. A minor trouble into en:s is printing of a [ page ] link into the text, but I know that this is rather easily managed using Template:Hide in print into the code of en:Template:Page, as we did into it.s.
Is there some trick so have a good PDF rendering of proofread wikisource books? Perhaps de:s friends found it, but I can't speak German. :-( --Alex brollo 18:59, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
- I met heiko into #booktool irc channel. While building a "bug example" for him, I saw something interesting. I opened a 3d into Scriptorium of en.s, and I quote here part of my post.
In the meantime, I met heiko into #booktool irc channel. While creating a "simple book" to document the proofread bug for him (here: s:User:Alex brollo/Books/Equitation_test, from s:Equitation/Chapter 1), suddendly I saw one "bug rule", then a second one:
- book tool renders only the last paragraph of a transcluded Page:
- book tool doesn't know the page= parameter of image tags--Alex brollo 09:57, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
Does anyone have any updates on where the book tool is at with regard to proofread Wikisource pages? It currently produces a single page with something like '[page] [page] [page] [page] ...'. I'm sure people are working on this; it seems like such a great addition to Wikisource. So: who's working on it? How can I help? — Sam Wilson ( Talk • Contribs ) … 08:27, 27 November 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Wikisource needs a way have different licenses available for different pages. Not everything on Wikisource is GFDL. Most is Public Domain, but there are also materials under Creative commons and Free Art licenses--BirgitteSB 21:15, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
- This is a known problem. See how to set a custom licence for your wiki for a possible workaround (by mentioning that some text may be covered by other licenses than the GFDL). Please consider to support this request Thanks, he!ko 19:58, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: image gallery doesn't work correctly
[edit]Creating a book from, the two image galleries do not size the images uniformly and the image captions are not present. Hlj 23:24, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: external links cause bulleted list indentation error
[edit]When a bulleted list item contains an embedded external link, the following bullets are indented incorrectly. See the example in the References section of where the reference to Esposito causes the following links to be indented. Hlj 23:04, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
- This bug will be fixed in the refined version of the parser. -- Volker.haas 11:26, 9 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Arabic Text Does Not Process Properly: All Letters Disconnected
[edit]Creating a PDF file from the Wiki Masdar version of The Thousand and One Nights causes a problem: %A9/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%B2%D8%A1_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%84 ... Here's a link for the creation page: The text is running left-to-right and the letters are disconnected. All other formatting appears to be OK. Example here:
- Unfortunately this is a known issue and we don't know how to handle it. The problem seems to be that the toolkit we are using to generate the PDFs doesn't automatically join arabic letters. If I am correct, character joining might be done by analysing the source-text and transforming single characters to different unicode points depending on their position in a word. If anybody knows tools that can achieve this, I would be very greatful. -- Volker.haas 15:56, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Intro missing in an article
[edit]In the article fr:Pôle Nord, the introduction (section 0, before the first header) is missing from the PDF version. I have no idea what causes it. le Korrigan →bla 17:49, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- After some trials, the bug may come from the
introductory image (and not from templates), as it includes <br /> in its caption.le Korrigan →bla 18:44, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
- I've pushed a little further and actually, the bug is from fr:Template:Coord... Is Wikipedia-EN is experiencing the same with en:Template:Coord ? Antaya 19:45, 14 March 2009 (UTC)
- Unfortunately the link to the pdf is not working anymore ("old" pdfs are deleted after a while). And I don't see anything wrong with the article. Antaya, it looks if you spend quite some time adapting the markup - I assume you got rid of the problematic code. Could you post a markup snippet that is responsible the problem that was originally mentioned please. -- Volker.haas 15:10, 16 March 2009 (UTC)
Bug: Template Coord
[edit]Hello devs!
WP-EN don't have this problem with English {{Coord}} compare to the French {{Coord}} :
- (French) fr:Ny-Ålesund — French book
- (English) en:Ny-Ålesund — English book
Thanks to take a look there. Antaya 12:18, 17 March 2009 (UTC)
- Check out en:Template:Coord#Coordinates_in_PDF. -- en:User:Docu/User:D2
Bug: License does not start on a new page
[edit]The "License" header used to start at the top of a new page; was that changed on purpose, or is it a bug ? - Erik Baas 19:53, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
Paper Sizes (and eBooks)
[edit]Is there a way to render PDFs in paper formats other than A4? The printouts don't look very good in the US where it's impossible to buy ISO-sized paper... Stuuf 21:46, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- Unfortunately this is currently not possible since there is no per-user configuration. -- Volker.haas 14:23, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
- This issue is also important for heavy eBook users like me. If I could make PDF eBooks with A5 paper format, for instance, I'm sure I could read them much better in my eReader. Igtorque 10:24, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
Appearance: Math as raster images
[edit]Math sections (other than trivial ones that normally render as simple HTML) currently don't look as nice as the other text, since they're imported as raster images. Using vectors and text would look better. Part of the description of PediaPress says it uses TeX... Would it be possible to include the TeX math code directly if this is the case? Stuuf 21:51, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
- The toolkit used to render the downloadable PDFs is not capable of including tex-math directly. Therefore formulas need to be rastered. The books are rendered using LaTeX which is obviously capable of including the tex code directly. -- Volker.haas 14:21, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
- Are there any plans to support tex-math in the downloadable PDFs so the formulas are exported as vector images?? That would be awesome!! -- 12:16, 20 May 2010 (UTC)
Incorrect paths
[edit]The links provided in the PDF output link to e.g. instead of --Eleassar my talk 20:06, 17 June 2009 (UTC)
Messing up notes v. citations
[edit]As can be seen in this book, the interface does not distinguish between reference groups. It instead lumps all of the references, both notes and citations, under the first heading, leaving the second with nothing under it. Ed (talk) 04:29, 26 June 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: Add all subpages of a page
[edit]We could add pages one by one, or add all pages in a category with one click, but how could we add all the subpages of one page (such as wikisource:The Time Machine) without adding them one by one? This case should be very common for the books in wikisource. Thanks. --Wihwang 11:32, 24 July 2009 (UTC)
- I also think this is a good proposal. One is generally interested in all the book and not only a subset of it. Mpaa 08:05, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
- I like this idea too, considering the way Wikibooks books are organized. Helder 14:55, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
- See also Bug 26448 and Bug 26533. Helder 15:22, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
Labeled Section transclusion apparently unsupported
[edit]I can't obtain the PDF inclusion of a text transcluded by basic LST (Labeled Section Transclusion). See here: I didn't use there Italian variant of Template:Page, but only plain LST transclusion. --Alex brollo 10:22, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: Truncate disambiguation titles
[edit]When using an article title as a heading in a book, there is no need to have the disambiguated title. It would look better to remove the disambiguation all together. A template in the article like {{dabtitle}} would work better than a category for all disambiguated articles.
- en:Showing Out (Get Fresh at the Weekend) - Not a dab title
- en:Respectable (Mel and Kim song) - A dab title
The second one would look better as just "Respectable" in the book. - LA @ 07:19, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
- Currently this can only be done manually: You need to save the book after collecting articles. After that you need to edit the saved collection page. Simply add a display title to the article links. I added a ticket with your request to our issuetracker. --Volker.haas 09:15, 15 September 2009 (UTC)
Question: Formatting
[edit]I had it render a pdf of s:Annals of the World. I have a section at the top of each page. Then it adds the page title on top of that, then it adds the Chapter title above that. It looks like this:
The First Age of the World
All I want is the chapter title. I there any way to fix it? Arlen22 19:37, 10 September 2009 (UTC)
- Currently this is not possible. I added the request to the above mentioned ticket. --Volker.haas 09:08, 15 September 2009 (UTC)
- See also Bug 28066. Helder 15:22, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
Federalist Papers No. 1-12
[edit]Federalist Papers No. 1-12 when downloaded as PDF does not show the Document, only the header and footer. -- Benw610 (talk) 15:00, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
- Could you please link to the article or collection that fails. I checked Federalist No. 1 which rendered without a problem. -- Volker.haas 12:58, 5 October 2009 (UTC)
Licensing: contributors of templates and included pages are ignored
[edit]If I add {{:included page with history}} to an article it is rendered properly but no one from the included page is credited at the end of the file. I found it out at b:de:Praktikum Anorganische Chemie/ Sulfid (German Wikibooks). This is a problem as it leads to license violations. Matthias 10:16, 8 October 2009 (UTC)
- A similar problem is described on Bug 28064: when the content of a page was created outside of the wiki (or in other page of the same wiki), and the credit to those authors is added in the edit summary, the original authors are not credited by their work. The extension should provide some way to indicate additional authors of a page/book so that they could be added to the same list where the wiki users are listed. Helder 15:35, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
Proposal: Put the page number in the image sources
[edit]At the end of the book there is a list of the media used in the same book: there is the file name, the source (a link to the wikipedia page), the license and the contributor name.
It would be nice to put also the page(s) of the book where the file was used, since for the reader is not possible to know the media file name. --Panairjdde 18:01, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
Proposal: Removal of some sections
[edit]It would be nice to have the possibility to remove some sections, as "See also" and "External links". --Panairjdde 18:04, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
I agree. Also it would be useful to be able to merge all references and move them to the end of the book. Same for list of contributors.--Polymeris 18:29, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
Proposal: Per-book template removal
[edit]It would be nice to put a per-book template removal, so that it would be possible for different users to remove different templates. --Panairjdde 18:07, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
- Unfortunately this is currently not supported. Since this would be rather complex I guess we won't change that anytime soon. Sorry for that. --Volker.haas 14:13, 1 December 2009 (UTC)
Bug: <hiero> tag unsupported
[edit]It looks like the <hiero> tag isn't correctly supported; it renders like the code itself, that is the <hiero>A1</hiero> tag renders like A1 and not like
. See Help:WikiHiero syntax for details. Tagt The Spellcaster 00:53, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- Handling the hiero extension is not supported unfortunately. Now hiero tags are ignored. I know this is not the real solution, but there is no way for us to support it currently. -- Volker.haas 14:06, 1 December 2009 (UTC)
Enhancement: The Book Tool shall allow to include pages from different wikis
[edit]Currently, the Book Tool only allows to include pages belonging to the wiki where it was started (Spanish only, English only, etc). It will be very helpful to include more detailed pages from other languages (specially english), or pages that only exist in other languages. -- Jmerli (talk) 11:39, 14 January 2010 (UTC)
Bug: Source URLs in section 'Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors' do not link correctly if they contain brackets
[edit]Source URLs in the section 'Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors' in generated PDFs display the full image URL, but the hyperlink itself is truncated if it contains a round bracket. For example (from w:Book:BBC Sports Personality of the Year), when you click the URL
, it takes you to
. mattbr 12:19, 24 January 2010 (UTC)
Bug: padleft and padright
and {{padright:|3|abcde}}
return "aaa" instead of "abc". — putnik 15:45, 22 February 2010 (UTC)
Bug? disappearing save/share book feature
[edit]the save/share book box (below and to the right of the manage book page in the book creator) disappears when i log in. i can still do pdf downloads or print books, i just have to build them up from scratch every time. not saying it's definitely a bug (cos surely someone else would have noticed by now!), maybe i'm doing something wrong... -- Prhodian (talk) 23:54, 28 March 2010(UTC)
It is a mistake, the option to save book disappears in English and Spanish but not French or Catalan.--NeoQuiQ 22:56, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
Really? I can't get it in either French or English... -- 14:56, 17 June 2010 (UTC)
I get the same problem, the save/share book box disappears. Can someone help me please? - Ingrid
Question: How to load a book on English Wikiversity?
[edit]Testing the tool on v:, following these instructions, I don't see a link to load a saved book. Example book: v:User:Jtneill/Books/SRDPTest. -- Jtneill - Talk 03:49, 10 April 2010 (UTC)
- I found an open book link by importing v:Template:Saved book from w:Template:Saved book. However, given the instructions I was expecting to find an open book link in the sidebar and I think this would be useful. -- Jtneill - Talk 04:08, 10 April 2010 (UTC)
Bug: Tool not working with Page namespace (en-wikisource)
[edit]The book tool is not working correctly with the Page namespace on English Wikisource. (This problem may be similar to the section Problems with proofread wikisource books, above.)
The Mainspace text is based on the Page namespace, in which a DjVu version of a book can be seen side-by-side with the text, allowing the text to be proofread. When I tried to create a book based on proofread text in the Mainspace, I discovered that the text is not being brought through to the finsihed book. For example, with Wikisource:Books/Bull-dog Drummond, the book reads as follows:
Prologue <pages index="BulldogDrummondSapper.djvu" from=11 to=27/> Chapter 1 <pages index="BulldogDrummondSapper.djvu" from=28 to=49/> Chapter 2 <pages index="BulldogDrummondSapper.djvu" from=50 to=74/> [and so forth...]
I tried to adjust by linking directly to each page in turn in the Page namespace but this does not work. The text comes through but each page in the Page namespace is treated as a separate article, destroying the layout of the finished book. Even if this had worked, it would not have been practical for large texts.
The book tool is especially useful for this kind of text on Wikisource. Is there a solution or work-around available for this problem? - AdamBMorgan 01:02, 3 May 2010 (UTC)
- Additional information: I have a work-around from Wikisource's Scriptorium but it is a little awkward and impractical for general usage. This bug seems to be a deal-breaker as far as use of the book tool on Wikisource goes. Anyway, the normal method of constructing pages on Wikisource is to use a tag, ie.
<pages index="BulldogDrummondSapper.djvu" from=11 to=27/>
but this results in the tool just printing the tag and not the pages to which the tag links. The work-around is to transclude the pages, ie.{{page:BulldogDrummondSapper.djvu/11}}{{page:BulldogDrummondSapper.djvu/12}}...{{page:BulldogDrummondSapper.djvu/27}}
This method of transclusion works with the book tool. The first version can be seen here and the second version here. Still, the bug prevents any real use of the book tool (without creating duplicate texts in this way) on Wikisource. - AdamBMorgan 13:01, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
Question: Subchapters working when done in code but discarded with tool?
[edit]I notice subchapters/headings and indented text are creatable in code, but not with the tool. See the book: Book:Trust Law in Wealth Management & Estate Planning. In this book there are concepts that have sub-concepts, and these can be coded in manually and appear okay on the rendered page (like the numbered paragraphs below), but, when
- (1) the book tool is used, they can't be created, and if they already have been created manually, the book tool discards them; and
- (2) when generated in PDF, the PDF version also discards the subsections, even though they show up fine in the manually coded version.
In particular, the ;; and :: and further iterations of these wiki-indenters (sorry, don't know the technical term for the markup) don't show up upon printing and get discarded in the book tool. So the question is, how to get them working in the book tool and in the generated PDF? Thanks. Below are sample parts of the file where such indenting is used to denote a sub-heading and the items under it.
;Entities to consider <--- standard heading
:[[Charitable organization]] <--- standard list-item
::[[501(c)]] <--- sub-list of the list-item above: prefixed with "::"
::[[Foundation (non-profit)]]
::[[Foundation (United States law)]]
::[[Private foundation]] and so on
. . .
;;Banking & money <--- the ;; denotes a sub-heading
:[[Bank secrecy]] <--- sub-list of the heading above
etc.. oops, forgot to sign. - Sctechlaw 09:06, 3 May 2010 (UTC)
The extension is not parsing templates
At Wikibooks we have some templates that automatically generate lists of chapters for our books (for things like Print versions and navigation), and we are trying to use it also to generate the collections. The problem is that, although our template generates a list with the same syntax used by the extension, the extension doesn't expand the templates, and so we get an empty collection when the "automatic collection" is loaded (
It would be very very nice to have this template expansion, because then our users wouldn't need to create any duplicated lists.
This seems similar to the above bugs #Problems_with_proofread_wikisource_books and #Bug: Tool not working with Page namespace (en-wikisource). Helder 14:28, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
Cannot Print or Optimize
[edit]The PDF file generated for Book:Enterprise Architecture cannot be printed or optimized. When saving it as HTML 4.01 with CSS 1.0 (an option in Acrobat Pro), it is successful but with a warning that "Acrobat was able to make this document accessible but found the following oddities: Some difficule pages were encountered requiring all graphics on those pages to be labeled as figures. [8, 11]" -- 10:41, 14 June 2010 (UTC)
Question about using different browsers to access my book
[edit]I created my book using Chrome as the browser, but I cannot seem to access my book while using Safari. Am I missing something obvious about accessing across browsers, or is this just how it is? -- Amaling (talk) 02:57, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
- I too am unable to access a book with Safari (v4.1.2): the rendering seems to go OK but the page at the download link is completely empty. —Odysseus1479 20:32, 31 October 2010 (UTC)
Text formatting in article names
[edit]I created a book containing several articles about Navy ships. The names of ships are italicized, i.e.: USS Heermann, so in order to properly format the article's title in the book's table of contents, I tried to use the following link syntax:
:[[USS Heermann (DD-532)|USS ''Heermann'']]
The italics within the link syntax were not recognized at all.
Sbb 00:47, 7 August 2010 (UTC)
Template links to articles
[edit](this is similar to my previous topic, but probably a separate parse issue in the Book tool)
In the book I created, there are several articles on Navy ships. Since Navy ship names are properly italicized, the Wikipedia Ships project uses the w:Template:Ship or w:Template:USS article link templates as a shorthands to properly format links to ship names. For instance, instead of typing [[USS Heermann (DD-532)|USS ''Heermann'' (DD-532)]], we would use {{USS|Heermann|DD-532}} to display USS Heermann (DD-532).
The book tool would not create links to articles when I used the "Ship" or "USS" template links.
Sbb 01:06, 7 August 2010 (UTC)
Creating more than one Wikibook
[edit]How can I create more than one book?
Amaling 05:05, 7 August 2010 (UTC)
Odd fonts
[edit]It seems like when a pdf of a page is created and it contains certain characters like em dash — or “ or ” these characters are rendered with the FreeSans font instead of the FreeSerif font, even though the FreeSerif font contains these characters.
Also, a page with tables in it gets the Times-Roman font added into the pdf even though it doesn't seem to be used. --Sherbyte 11:02, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
Book tool cannot render some Japanese characters
[edit]Some of the kanji characters in Japanese are different from them in Chinese. Now, the book tool might embeds the Chinese fonts only, so some characters in Japanese are shown broken. Is it able to embed Japanese fonts with Chinese fonts? There are free fonts by japanese government "IPA fonts". --Akaniji 06:59, 3 November 2010 (UTC)
Bug: rendering fails at layout stage
[edit]I am trying to download the book 'Natural History'. Natural History
An error occured on the render server: RuntimeError: command failed with returncode 9: ['mw-render', '-w', 'rl', '-c', 'cache/5f/5ffc2efd3355ee57/', '-o', 'cache/5f/5ffc2efd3355ee57/output.rl', '--status',
I have tried on different computers and with three different browsers and the process fails but with slightly different messages. Layout gets past 60%. I have successfully downloaded another book.
user:martinjohnross -- 08:52, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
Omission of infobox pictures from book pages
[edit]I'm trying to create a book of the contents of Category:Electric Locomotives of South Africa. All these articles use a Template:Infobox locomotive and all of them contain a picture of the locomotive concerned as the infobox header. In the book format, however, the infobox contents are included but the header picture is always omitted. Instead, random pictures that appear in the text part of most articles and/or in the gallery are included.
Question: Is it possible to enforce inclusion of the infobox picture?
Andre Kritzinger 18:54, 4 April 2011 (UTC)
Export to Open Office format omits Wikimedia Commons Images and citations
[edit]How can Wikimedia project articles be exported in Open Office format?
I just exported Finance industry in the United States to *.odt format using the book creator. I immediately noticed two problems with the result:
- The article includes two plots from Wikimedia Commons that were not exported at all: [[File:BankingCrises.svg|thumb| ...]] and [[File:USFinanceIndustry.svg|thumb| ...]].
- None of the citation template information was exported. The article currently includes 13 footnotes, and the export included 13 footnote numbers. However, most of the footnotes were blank: a number followed by a blank line. All the material like {{cite book | last = Sachs | first = Jeffrey D. | authorlink = w:Jeffrey Sachs| | title = The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity | publisher = Random House | year = 2011 | isbn = 978-0-679-60502-7 | pages=54, 126}} was missing. Only material like <ref>Lessig 2011, p. 83</ref> actually appeared.
I copied the article into my sandbox under Wikipedia and got the same result. This indicates that my problem is not restricted to Wikiversity.
Suggestions? Thanks, DavidMCEddy (talk) 18:06, 30 March 2013 (UTC)
Bug: Characters not rendered in en:nested word
[edit]Several of the characters in the en:nested word article are rendered as boxes in pdf. These characters include ↝, ⟩, and ⟨. This happens in both renderers. -- Creidieki 18:53, 20 April 2011 (UTC)
Question: excluding non free-media from print
[edit]Please see this thread. Thanks! --Elitre 12:10, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
Bug: cladograms drawn using clade template don't appear correctly
[edit]A large number of Wikipedia pages contain cladograms drawn using W:Template:Clade (or variants thereof). This template works by constructing a complex nested table in which the relevant borders of some cells are shown thus 'drawing' the lines which make up the cladogram. See e.g. W:Polysporangiophyte#Phylogeny. When these pages are rendered in a book, the connecting lines do not appear, rendering the cladogram useless. Peter coxhead 19:01, 22 July 2011 (UTC)
Bug: Created chapters included in PDF but not OpenDocument
[edit]If in the Book Creator I create some chapters to organize my book, the chapters are included in the PDF but not included in the OpenDocument Text or the openZIM file. You can use my small test book (and I would guess any other book) as an example. Unjedai 16:02, 28 July 2011 (UTC)
- Hi, how do you expect chapters to work in ZIM files? As ZIM files just hold the bunch of articles which have been selected, there is no way in arranging them in chapters, at least I have no idea how and why to do that. --Manuel Schneider(bla) (+/-) 07:55, 3 August 2011 (UTC)
OK so maybe it doesn't make sense for ZIM. What about OpenDocument? That's really the one I care about anyway. Unjedai 17:17, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
PDF book printing fails on Acrobat 9 (windows); viewing crashes reader 9 (linux); bad PDFs?
[edit]I downloaded a PDF book created from just the Enron article using Firefox 3.6.20 on Ubuntu Linux 10. I opened it in Reader 9.4.2 on Ubuntu and was able to browse several pages before the application crashed. Moving this same PDF to my WinXP machine, I opened it in Acrobat Pro 9.4.5. I was able to browse the entire PDF without Acrobat crashing, but I was unable to print it. Trying to print it gave me two errors. First: "The document could not be printed," and then immediately after: "There were no pages selected to print." As the maintainer for pdftk, I will be glad to help you debug this problem. Here is my contact information: Thank You- Sid Steward - 02:10, 30 August 2011 (UTC)
Bug: Cannot Save to User Namespace
[edit]When creating a book, I would like to save to my user namespace. The option bullet is there, above the Book: option, but the text field to enter a name for the location is grayed out. I cannot change focus to the field or enter any text. When I select the public Books: bullet, the location text input field is available, and upon entering text, the save button becomes active. Am I missing something to be able to save the book to my User space? It seems like the public option would be more restricted... I couldn't find anything in the Help section, any advice is appreciated, and thanks! Envelopenomia (talk) 19:04, 8 October 2011 (UTC)
- More info: Using IE version 7, Mozilla Firefox 3.6.23, and Opera 11.50. Found that I could add a name before adding any pages, but could not once I had any pages in the list. Looks like a bug, possibly, (or maybe a feature/aspect I missed in the help section); I'll try creating a book that I first save and see if that works. Envelopenomia (talk) 19:10, 8 October 2011 (UTC)
- More notable info: Could not, after deleting all pages, enter a location. Can only do it if I start the creator, then enter the name. Clearing the book also does not work. I have to enter it right from the beginning, or the text input field is grayed out. Once I do that, I still don't get the Save button active. I have to add at least one article, and then use the Back option in my browser (going forward or jumping to the Book Creator will wipe out my name, and the text field will again be greyed out), which will leave the name intact, though now grayed out even when the option is highlighted. Once I've done that, the Save button is active. I can then save, although I can't tell if it actually is saving to anything - the link to the location is still empty. :/ Envelopenomia (talk) 19:19, 8 October 2011 (UTC)
- The location I attempt to access is in the format User:Myusername/Books/BookLocationName, per the help guidelines. Nothing there, and nothing indexed for the Myusername/Books/ prefix, either. Envelopenomia (talk) 19:28, 8 October 2011 (UTC)
Ah, looks like I can't save to any space. When I tried saving a test to the Books: space, I got the following error readout:
Unexpected non-MediaWiki exception encountered, of type "UsageException"
badtoken: Invalid token
#0 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/api/ApiBase.php(1205): ApiBase->dieUsage('Invalid token', 'badtoken')
#1 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/api/ApiMain.php(590): ApiBase->dieUsageMsg('sessionfailure')
#2 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/api/ApiMain.php(678): ApiMain->setupModule()
#3 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/api/ApiMain.php(340): ApiMain->executeAction()
#4 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php(867): ApiMain->execute()
#5 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php(225): SpecialCollection->saveCollection(Object(Title), false)
#6 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/SpecialPageFactory.php(460): SpecialCollection->execute(NULL)
#7 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/Wiki.php(224): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Object(Title), Object(RequestContext))
#8 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/Wiki.php(624): MediaWiki->performRequest()
#9 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/includes/Wiki.php(531): MediaWiki->main()
#10 /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.18/index.php(57): MediaWiki->run()
#11 /usr/local/apache/common-local/live-1.5/index.php(3): require('/usr/local/apac...')
#12 {main}
This is from the same browser I am adding this message from - it's not an authentication timeout.
Envelopenomia (talk) 19:38, 8 October 2011 (UTC)
Added to issue list; my apologies if I missed a like issue, didn't see anything similar except for the disappearing button. Button is still there with this one, but the text boxes don't work, and managing around the issue and actually saving does not result in anything actually happening. Thanks for working on this awesome idea - I can't wait to use it, and really appreciate the efforts being put into it! 14:02, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
- I cannot save to any namespace. I am using IE9, and have had a wikibooks account for 1 month. The "Save" button is disabled. -- 17:08, 18 October 2011 (UTC)
Bug: User with major contributions not credited
[edit]Try making a book or PDF out of en:Taz people. It seems that the tool skips any user names containing the letters "bot" in the list of contributions so that bot accounts aren't listed. However, this also has the side effect that en:User:Abbott, a normal user with major contributions to that article, isn't credited at all. I suspect that this violates the attribution requirements in the licence. --Stefan2 13:07, 29 January 2012 (UTC)
Bug: WARNING: Article could not be rendered - ouputting plain text.
[edit]w:en:John Williams (direct link) causes Download as PDF to issue this warning in the generated PDF:
WARNING: Article could not be rendered - ouputting plain text.
Potential causes of the problem are: (a) a bug in the pdf-writer software (b) problematic Mediawiki markup (c) table
is too wide
Something in the table at List of Awards is the cause: the first 130 rows are sufficient to cause the error (see w:en:User:84user/Books/Test3, fullurl); 129 rows are handled without error, see w:en:User:84user/Books/Test (full url).
The cause is not the number of rows, but some combination of length and size, because this simplified table with 131 rows is processed without error.
This was reported w:en:Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)#PDF creator problem.
User expectation: a failure from a large table should not affect the whole article, just the table itself; more information as to the cause of the error should be output in the generated PDF; the error should be issued at the download page and not after the user has possible printed the book. -84user 15:39, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
Math formulas are not properly rendered in ODT
[edit]The formula is too narrow and therefore unreadable. Example, download as ODT, then look at page 198, section "Higher K-theory" >> "The +-construction". I have 3.3.0. --LoStrangolatore 14:49, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
TypeError: doit() keywords must be strings in function rpc_render
[edit]Hi all,
I have a problem with script (the one that launch rcp_render and rcp_makezip functions).
When i'm on mediawiki and click export as PDF, server give me immediatly an error message :
TypeError: doit() keywords must be strings in function rpc_render, file /usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/mwlib-0.13.6-py2.6-linux- x86_64.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/, line 165
I have the same error for rcp_makezip at line 143.
I'm not an expert in python scripting so it's a bit difficult for me to debug it...
I've done the same installation at home on my lab server, and it works fine with same mediawiki and extensions versions.
The only differences is the SQL database (MySQL at home and PostgreSQL here at the office), the OS versions (openSUSE at home and SUSE Pro at the office) and the fact that my office server cannot be accessed from outside and cannot go to the internet, not sure it's the problem but it maybe useful to mention it.
Please help :( -- 15:47, 27 April 2012 (UTC)
Question: How to use section, figure, and page numbers?
[edit]I've tried to use section numbers in the wikibook GLSL Programming in Unity by inserting all numbers in the section titles in the collection page and using a template for referencing sections (the template takes the section title as a parameter and generates the hard-coded section number; thus, if section numbers change I have to change the template). Is there a better way to use section numbers? In particular a way to let the book tool include section numbers? (Without section numbers, users have to search for sections in the table of contents or the index, which is not very user-friendly in my opinion.) Also: is there a way to refer to figures such that the book tool includes the figure number? Or a way to refer to pages with the book tool inserting the page number? --Martin Kraus (talk) 20:26, 9 June 2012 (UTC)
Bug: Empty title field, defaults to "anonymous" in some viewers
[edit]Re: Thread at en:Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)#Download as PDF. Summary: In some viewers, such as Evince and Okular, the empty title field displays as "anonymous" in the window titlebar. See screenshot of the problem in both.
Suggested fix: Use the page title as the pdf 'title' tag.
Thanks. Quiddity (talk) 20:14, 28 September 2012 (UTC)
Bug: Notes and References all end up as Notes
[edit]Take a wiki article and add several references to it. Tag some of those references with |group=notes and do not tag the remainder with anything.
Add headings "Notes" and "References" at the bottom of the page and add "Reflist|group=notes" and "Reflist" inside double curly { } under the respective headings.
On the article page observe that all of the references tagged with |group=notes appear under the "Notes" heading and the remainder of the references correctly appear under the "References" heading.
Generate a PDF file of the article and observe that all of the references appear under the "Notes" heading (all references, those tagged with |group=notes and those not tagged with anything) and although there is a "References" heading there are no references listed below it at all. - 10:59, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
- Now confirmed on multiple pages. I have also noticed that the bracketed numbers (e.g. [4], [10], etc) for items that should be in the "Notes" section are slightly emboldened compared with those that should be in the References section. -- 15:03, 27 December 2012 (UTC)
- This bug is still present, and is worse than described in that many notes and references do not appear at all in the PDF. Try w:Book:Overview of the Solar System and w:Book:Leonardo da Vinci. -84user (talk) 13:00, 9 September 2013 (UTC) A short example of a similar (but less serious) bug is w:Book:Transandinomys: the PDF created lists all the references under Notes, and incorrectly merges the one note ("1 Descriptions of tail coloration in the latter species vary" into "note" 18). -84user (talk) 14:12, 9 September 2013 (UTC)
- The bug is still present. See w:Book:Observational cosmology - 30h course - the two references for w:Inhomogeneous cosmology - page 146 in the pdf I just generated - do not appear, although the References section header appears. Boud (talk) 03:57, 31 October 2013 (UTC)
Comment: Links to support tickets are all dead
[edit]On the right of the page are links to various support tickets.
None of those links work. -- 22:19, 26 February 2013 (UTC)
Comment: No replies or action since May 2010
[edit]Almost nothing posted on this page since May 2010 has been replied to or acted on.
Is some other place now used in place of this thread? -- 22:28, 26 February 2013 (UTC)
Bug: ipv6 addresses are not grouped with ipv4 anonymous authors.
[edit]Normally all anonymous authors of an article are grouped together under the heading "Paginabronnen en auteurs" (don't know the English name as I use wikipedia in Dutch, but something like sources and authors). The problem is that ipv6 addresses are not seen as anonymous and won't be grouped with the other (ipv4) anonymous authors. See for example this one (if the pdf is expired: nl:Michiel de Ruyter. --Meerdervoort (talk) 08:32, 4 July 2013 (UTC)
trouble adding articles from a category
[edit]I posted at w:en:Help_talk:Books#Adding_whole_categories about how the feature for adding all articles from a category doesn't work on enwiki. Rybec (talk) 23:25, 1 February 2014 (UTC)
- The problem seems to be that I had Javascript disabled. Rybec (talk) 23:54, 1 February 2014 (UTC)
Bug: Float and Image in PDF-Export
I have problems using the PDF-export with floated div
s containing non-floated images. I made an example on this page: User:Stephan Kulla/Bug: Float and Image in PDF-Export. If you export the site to a PDF file, the icon is not floated any more (Please have a look on this site). Is there any way to float the image also in the exported PDF file? Greetings Stephan Kulla (talk) 12:35, 8 April 2014 (UTC)
Hello, while the pdf-export has the mentioned flaws, the wikibook-export is substandard. --Mr N (talk) 20:37, 12 April 2014 (UTC)
Error: Book Rendering Failed
[edit]Link: Book: FIFA World Cup. When rendering the following book, an error occurs when reaching 90% rendering and a message is written: "Book Rendering Failed", although no internet problems or web browser errors exist. Caution: book is needed urgently. Download PDF and Open in Book Creator option was used.
Bug: Book Rendering Fails on several pages - Error 1
[edit]Link: Link: I had no problem rendering several large books to PDF. But one book had to be broken into 7 sections to get it to render, with two wiki pages that would never render. All rendering errors were just reported as:
"Generation of the document file has failed. Status: Rendering process died with non zero code: 1"
The two pages that caused absolute failures are: Those two pages also will not render to PDF straight from their wiki page. I got the rest of this "book" to finally render by breaking it up into the 7 sections (...Part_2b.1 thru ... Part_2b.7). I'd be glad to help fix this is I had a clue what the real error was. I strongly suggest that more extensive error messages are given from the book rendering tool.
Bug: Book Rendering will not produce Table of Contents
[edit]Link: This single book will not produce a Table of Contents. I am producing these books for exam reference, so a TOC is very important. It does export bookmarks, but does not include TOC.
Bug: Book Rendering of a large number of articles fails
[edit]Link: Rendering progress stops at Progress: 36.67% Status: Creating attribution page (wiki page: enwiki: [Parsoid])
When refreshing the page manually, the same message is shown again. After some time, an error message is shown:
Rendering failed Generation of the document file has failed. Status: Bundling process died with non zero code: 1
I also had this issue with this book. [3] — DarkLinkXXXX 01:05, 8 July 2015 (UTC)
The same error occurs with the following book:
Adding categories
[edit]When I visit a category and click the 'add category to book' link, nothing happens. It doesn't get added either. (The presence of 'this category' wording suggests this could actually be possible.) --Gryllida 23:15, 26 August 2014 (UTC)
Certain changes aren't saving in Book Creator
[edit]I'm unable to add a title or subtitle in Book Creator, and unable to switch from A4 to Letter, or from two columns to one column. This is occurring in Firefox and IE. Javascript is enabled, ad blockers are disabled in both browsers. I haven't changed anything on my device since these features last worked. I tried to add a title using Wikitext; no luck. Any suggestions, help, etc. are appreciated. Thanks. --Folder1 (talk) 04:03, 20 October 2014 (UTC)
Crashed after hours of work on 294 page book and hanging at 36.7%
[edit]Not a very useful tool, actually.
Once burned twice shy and all that.
Also, if you do ever get it ready for prime time, it would be much more useful (i.e., useful at all) to be able to give it a list of wikipedia urls from e.g., browser bookmarks, and generate a book from them.
Also, I tried to upload it to the printing service and it wouldn't do that either.
Basically a great idea but not going to be part of my workflow.
Thank god for print pages to pdf!
Trying to download the "Presidents" book in letter PDF. Hangs at 36.67%.
[edit]I want to download the pre-compiled "Presidents of the United States" book and decide if I'm going to print it or buy it. Is there an alternative download link or something somewhere?
Also having this problem: Rendering of PDF Fails: Problem with book downloads Trying to download the "Wikipedia book titled Electronic Components and Symbols." Error message is the following: Rendering failed Generation of the document file has failed. Status: Rendering process died with non zero code: 1. Same problem in Chrome, Firefox, and IE on a PC running Windows 7. Also not able to download the book "Electronics" which gives the same failure message. Thanks for your help. MikeDGlass
[edit]Rendering of PDF Fails for
[edit]Rendering of PDF for fails with this message
Rendering failed Generation of the document file has failed. Status: Rendering process died with non zero code: 1 Return to Project MKUltra
BUG: Rendering failed Status: ! Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `Gray'.
[edit]and fails. Seems there is some TeX package missing.
book title missing (PDF)
[edit]I’ve just successfully created and downloaded a book (PDF). The book’s title is not there. The rest of the book seems fine.
Bug: Tags not working
[edit]The following tags are not working
Also having issues with chap timeline extension
CKB Kurdish shaping or font issue in PDF generation
[edit]Hi everyone, has a serious issue of PDF generation where Kurdish Sorani fails to be rendered properly. In my little expertise this would be solved if the Amiri font would be used as it is used for Arabic. Please see the picture Can anyone help? Thanks --هیوا (talk) 22:14, 9 April 2015 (UTC)
PDF download problems
PDF downloads of articles in the french Wikipedia have the following problems :
- Infoboxs are not rendered correctly.
- Tables are omitted from the text
- Galleries are omitted.
- 'Multiple images' do not correspond to the original article
- The pdf is in a two-column format.
Example : Saint-Sulpice-et-Cameyrac
The percentage of articles with no tables, no galleries, no multiple images or no infoboxs must be fairly small !
HOWEVER, when I click on 'Printable version' I get a file to be printed in my navigator (Firefox), which I can send to a 'virtual printer', in my case PDFcreator (a free open-source programme) and the resulting pdf file contains all the information in the original article, which is what I wanted in the pdf downloader.
Why does the pdf downloader not do what I did manually ?
Also, why does the printable version not include the source citation you get in the pdf download ? Sincerly William Ellison (talk) 04:10, 4 May 2015 (UTC)
Please allow us to save our ebook as epub again.
[edit]Export of pages to epub was available in the past. Recently, I was surprised to note that I could only save my ebook in pdf format, which does not suit ebook readers.
Please allow us to save our ebook as epub again.
Bug: Internal links as render as external
[edit]When rendering a collection, I expect links that point to articles which are also included in that collection to point to that article within the rendered collection. At the moment, they instead point to the original web address of the linked article, which makes navigation within the rendered collection difficult. Rendered collections ought to be self-contained.
- Sendoshin (talk) 23:05, 5 January 2017 (UTC)
My Book Vanishes Every Time I Open Book Creator
[edit]I have routinely saved it after every change. Previously when I click the Create a Book link it would take me to my book. Now when I click the link it shows me an empty book and it is always difficult to find my book.