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Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2009/Candidates/zh-hans

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Adam Koenigsberg (CastAStone)

  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Adam Koenigsberg
    • 年龄: 25
    • 居住地: 美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市
    • 语言: 英语、能够书写西班牙语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2005年9月25日
    • 活跃的维基: en.wikipedia
个人陈述 文学士:Wooster学院

Listening and collaborating to reach common ground on difficult and time consuming issues, because there’s something more important at stake than our egos. This is what I learned in my five years of not-for-profit board experience, and my internship in the United States Senate. My experience managing political campaigns gifted me the ability to raise funds without selling out principles, something needed by Wikimedia right now. These experiences, combined with my MBA, have given me the ability to inform the difficult decisions the board faces, utilizing my training in marketing and finance.

Wikimedia to me means bringing the world knowledge through Accuracy, Openness, and Civility. I look forward to listening to everyone over the next two years, and working to uphold these ideals.

Please select me as a trustee for 2009-2011. I will not only meet, but exceed your expectations.

Beauford Anton Stenberg (B9 hummingbird hovering)

  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Beauford Anton Stenberg
    • 年龄: 36
    • 居住地: 澳洲墨尔本
    • 语言: 主要是英文
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2006
    • 活跃的维基: 英文维基百科,
      英文wikiversity, 英文维基词典,
      I envision Wikimedia Foundation & family of projects as contributing to what I perceive as the 'Great Equalization' of knowledge(s) and resources, to be open and accessible thoughout all peoples at all times in a very real, very near, future.
个人陈述 I am focussed on the mapping, capture and continuity of the human knowledge(s) in their entirety thus embodied in the Foundation and its projects and would be delighted to bring my professional administrative acumen and humble living experience into play within the Board. I identify politically within the Foundation as an inclusionist. Please contact me for clarification directly through one of these channels:

Brady Brim-DeForest (Bradybd)

Brady Brim-DeForest
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Brady Brim-DeForest
    • 年龄: 25
    • 居住地: 洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州,美国
    • 语言: 英语,一些法语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2005年1月29日
    • 活跃的维基: 英文维基,间歇地活跃于维基共享资源、英文维基词典
个人陈述 作为一名理事,我将会支持与社区开放、透明的对话,也将会努力成为社区的声音和使者。


  • 通过建立一个不影响组织独立性的捐赠项目,策划维基媒体计划的长期可行性。
  • 鼓励维基媒体为共同使用而采用公开的标准,从而保证维基媒体一直是这个公开的知识生态系统的核心。
  • 争取保护网络的中立,从而保证维基媒体社区的努力能够得到长期的回报,且能够为后代保留。



Dan Rosenthal (Swatjester)

Dan Rosenthal
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: 丹·罗森塔(Dan Rosenthal)
    • 年龄: 26
    • 居住地: 美国华盛顿特区
    • 语言: 英语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2006年1月
    • 活跃的维基: en.wikipedia, 间歇性地活跃于元维基,共享资源和简单英语百科
个人陈述 我相信自己拥有作为投身于基金会理事会中服务的特质和经验。我现在是基金会通信委员会成员,基金会的传媒联络人和OTRS法律队伍代表。

我同时亦活跃于基金会社群,亦曾出席过数次维基会议,且曾于华盛顿领头举办“维基爱艺术”活动。 我现在是Glushko-Samuelson知识产权实习学院的学生律师,并将会于五月接受法律博士学位。

我已经和办公部门的员工碰过多次面,且感觉他们都是些了不起,有才干和献身于工作的员工;我肯定地相信这并非理事会的干涉他们每日累积的努力,而是以带领和监察整个协会作为一个整体。我相信自己可以透过跟一些理念相近的组织发展策<script type="text/javascript" src="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Voice_of_All/Addtabs/monobook.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Voice_of_All/Google/monobook.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>略伙伴关系,以协助基金会达到这个目标。为此我亦曾经协助跟史密森尼美国艺术馆发展伙伴关系。在此次合作中,他们同意提供大量数码化的馆藏并上载于共享资源。

Domas Mituzas (Midom)

Domas Mituzas, 2008
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Domas Mituzas
    • 年龄: 26
    • 居住地: 立陶宛维尔纽斯
    • 语言: 立陶宛文,英语,俄语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2003年10月
    • 活跃的维基: wikitech, board
个人陈述 I've worked on core site technology and operations since 2004, and joined the WMF Board of Trustees in January 2008 - thus participated evolution of both technology and organization over the long years.

I see Wikimedia Foundation as a service organization, assisting communities with the projects, and maintaining the infrastructure for creativity and collaboration - providing legal groundwork, communication environment and of course, the free content technology.

Organization itself is and should be, due to financing model, always ensuring high efficiency, and always be ready to balance between needs, wishes and capabilities.

I'd like to represent a much larger community, not only editors bearing voting rights. There is wide audience of non-contributing users, who have their needs, and for those needs we are or should be working. There are advocates of our work and our mission, and we should assist them.

This organization is just part of greater movement, which has chapters, sister organizations and all the volunteers - and it is important to steer it, to maintain the most sustainable balance, ensuring availability of free content for ages ahead - empowering each other.

Gerard Meijssen (GerardM)

  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Gerard Meijssen
    • 年龄: 50
    • 居住地: Almere, Nederland
    • 语言: Dutch, English, some German and a little French
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2004
    • 活跃的维基: GerardM
个人陈述 I have been involved in many projects, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Commons, translatewiki.net and I learned that a lack of technology, a lack or support and a lack of organisation hamper our projects. I am a firm believer in "putting your money where your mouth is" and I have invested in technology like OmegaWiki, the LocalisationUpdate extension and the proof of concept for a multilingual search for Commons. I will seek resources to realise with priority the missing functionality needed to properly support our existing languages and projects.

As a result of my advocacy for the support for the languages other then English, I became part of the language committee, a member of the World Language Documentation Centre. As a result of my interest in quality illustrations for our projects I promote digital restorations and I am instrumental in good relations with several Dutch GLAM.

As a board member, I will seek to balance the needs of the other languages and cultures. I strongly believe that there is this Wikimedia movement and, in my experience we need to partner with organisations that share our values. Together we will realise our aim; to share the sum of all knowledge with everyone.

Gregory Kohs (Thekohser)

Gregory Kohs
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Gregory Kohs
    • 年龄: 40
    • 居住地: 美国宾夕法尼亚
    • 语言: 英语,少量法语和德语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2005年3月
    • 活跃的维基: en.wikipedia, intermittently active on Meta, Commons, Wikiquote, and Wikiversity.
个人陈述 I have an agenda to lift the accountability, professionalism, and excellence of the Wikimedia projects' leadership and content. I am a marketing research practitioner at a Fortune 100 media and communications company employing approximately 100,000 people. I have also played instrumental roles in launching several Internet brands, including MyWikiBiz.com and Akahele.org (the output of a non-profit corporation). I serve on the Boards of two different non-profit organizations. I'm happily married (sorry, gals) and I have one highly exuberant daughter.

I firmly believe that the WMF Board of Trustees is in need of a good shake-up, as it is engineering the growth of the Wikimedia properties, staff, and budgets with alarming speed, while doing almost nothing to curb the culture of unaccountability, lack of professionalism, and sub-average content quality. The "Wiki Way" was paved with good intentions, but lately harm to individuals and embarrassing disrepute seem to be more frequently ruling the day; so, it is time to step up and start making the hard decisions needed to save the Wikimedia projects from destroying themselves.

José Gustavo Góngora (Góngora)

Góngora, April 2009.
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: José Gustavo Góngora
    • 年龄: 22
    • 居住地: La Seu d'Urgell, Catalonia, Spain
    • 语言: 西班牙语、英语、加泰罗尼亚语、意大利语、葡萄牙语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2006年7月
    • 活跃的维基: ca.wikipedia, es.wikipedia (several edits in other Wikimedia projects: mostly en.wiki and pt.wiki)
个人陈述 As an English linguistics student who respects plurality, I consider myself suitable for taking this task and communicating with other people internationally. I study at UNED, a distance learning university. For this reason, I can organize my time and, if elected, participate in board duties.

Furthermore, I have been involved with the Spanish Arbitration Committee (aka CRC) during one year. I am also an administrator and bureaucrat since 2007. Apart from that, I am currently a checkuser on the Catalan wikipedia project, from where I am also preparing a talk that will take place in Wikimania 2009, in Argentina, next August. I have been able to earn the community confidence in those projects. In other words, I feel highly committed with Wikimedia projects and principles.

As an experienced translator, who has attended and organized several wiki-meetings, with more than 100 articles translated, I feel myself able to translate Wikimedia policy if necessary. I have promoted Wikimedia projects worldwide in countries such as Uruguay, Spain or Andorra, in several interviews with the Media. I would like to keep on doing my job by assuming this responsibility from now onwards.

Kevin Riley O'Keeffe (KevinOKeeffe)

Kevin Riley O'Keeffe, 2009
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Kevin Riley O'Keeffe
    • 年龄: 38
    • 居住地: 美国加州圣何塞
    • 语言: 英语
个人陈述 Since I have become active at Wikipedia, I have noted that while every single episode of South Park has its own article, numerous topics which are of interest and genuine intellectual concern to those of us on the far right, have been treated with apparent disdain, and have been subjected to seemingly arbitrary deletion. It often seems to me as if articles that are of interest to persons on the political right, are held to a significantly higher standard, for the purposes of achieving notability.

My candidacy is derived from my concerns pertaining to the issue of freedom of speech, or perhaps more precisely, the objectivity of the administration of the WikiMedia Foundation's various projects, with particular emphasis on what I have come to perceive as a liberal-leftist bias ("political correctness") with regard to the administration of Wikipedia. I do not claim this is a huge problem. On the contrary, I have a very high regard for Wikipedia, as well as for the Wikimedia Foundation's efforts as a whole. However, my experiences at Wikipedia, as well as what I have learned in conversations with various others who have had similar experiences, have led me to conclude that this has become an issue that requires redress, and thus is one that can perhaps be best dealt with by having a sympathetic ear on the Board of Directors of the WikiMedia Foundation.

Lourie Pieterse (LouriePieterse)

Lourie on a windy trip.
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: {{{name}}}
    • 年龄: {{{age}}}
    • 居住地: {{{location}}}
    • 语言: {{{languages}}}
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2008年10月
    • 活跃的维基: {{{active wikis}}}
个人陈述 After I finish high-school next year, I intend to pursue an Honours Degree in nuclear physics at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. I am a committed team player, but confident in taking the lead when required. I am determined, organised, and hard working. I have made significant contributions to the English Wikipedia, having both “Rollback” and “Account creator” rights. I also collaborate on Spotlight.

I truly believe that I would make a great trustee. Although I am young, I am capable and mature. By striving for the impossible I always achieve the possible. Being on the board would give me the opportunity to make a significant difference. My main goal is to get South Africa, but also Africa, to become more involved with the Wikimedia Foundation. This would bring financial support, increased involvement, and help the Foundation to expand into largely untapped geographical regions.

Being part of the Board of Trustees is one of my greatest dreams. By becoming a trustee, I could help the Foundation expand in untapped geographical regions. I am not seeking prestige or power; I would be highly motivated knowing that I could help achieve the Foundation's goals. So please, do not pre-judge me. I have what it takes.

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen (Cimon Avaro)

  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: {{{name}}}
    • 年龄: {{{age}}}
    • 居住地: {{{location}}}
    • 语言: {{{languages}}}
个人陈述 You should vote for me if you agree that:
  • The wide range of our languages should be reflected on the board better than by just one token trustee who isn't a native speaker of a major world language.
  • The reorganized advisory committee should be encouraged to become an active and authoritative voice in foundation matters side by side with the foundation staff and board of trustees.
  • Any authority the Board can find a way to legally and feasibly delegate to other organs of the community, it should. But when necessary, the board must boldly clarify what our central mission is.
  • The chapters cannot be the only organ for crosslanguage interaction (though they are a vital component). Those community members who are not interested in organized forms of contributing, must be involved directly in bridging the gaps between communities and the content in our various languages and projects in the more ad hoc way they prefer. And we must never forget those areas and languages which will never have chapters, for whatever reason.
  • What we do is for the ages, and genuinely without comparison!

Kat Walsh (mindspillage)

Kat Walsh
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Kat Walsh
    • 年龄: 26
    • 居住地: Herndon, VA (suburb of Washington, DC), USA
    • 语言: English, basic Spanish
  • 编辑信息:
个人陈述 I have been a WMF board member since October '06. I will finish my JD this year at George Mason, focusing on copyright, patent, trademark, policy, and economics, and have been an editor of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy. I am also a registered patent agent and a classical musician.

I see my role thus far as a "conscience", helping keep the board focused on Wikimedia's core values and principles: freedom, openness, neutrality, transparency, collaboration. I have a commitment to and understanding of free content and free software, the communities around them, and their ideals, goals, and practical aspects.

I think it's also important to stand back and encourage independent community action, growth, and experimentation. I see the board as working on a big-picture level, creating a framework for decentralized community effort, and thinking both on the short term and the very, very long term.

Some key projects I have been involved with include the license transition, licensing policy, patents/file formats, staff search/hiring/evaluation, subnational chapters, board restructuring, and the development of a professional office compliant with good nonprofit practices.

Ralph Potdevin (Aruspice)

Ralph Potdevin
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Ralph Potdevin
    • 年龄: 37
    • 居住地: 法国鲁昂
    • 语言: 法语、英语、西班牙语、德语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2004年1月
    • 活跃的维基: fr.wikipedia
个人陈述 作为一名曾经学习计算机、认知科学、电器工程专业的学生和目前失业的工程师,我认为我有足够的资格参选维基理事。我喜欢维基百科的严谨、独立、民主和开放精神。我经常编辑法语维基百科,特别是修正错误的词语及语法,并参与到文章的编辑中,包括对删除页面进行讨论和投票。我尽自己所能,不断学习维基百科中的句法,并因此更加有效的作出贡献。在未来的几个月中,作为社区的一分子甚至是一名版主,我将十分高兴能够继续这样做。

Steve Smith (Sarcasticidealist)

  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Steve Smith
    • 年龄: 27
    • 居住地: 加拿大艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿(在新不伦瑞克省弗雷德里克頓上学)
    • 语言: 英语及越来越差的法语
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 2007年2月23日
    • 活跃的维基: en.wikipedia, Commons, a handful of edits on a few others
个人陈述 My name is Steve Smith, and I am a law student from Canada. I am a former business manager for a non-profit with annual revenues in excess of half a million dollars and a former director of three different non-profit corporations and one for-profit. While this 1200 character limit is awfully restrictive, my platform is as follows:
  1. promote the use of the “specific expertise” board seats to become less insular,
  2. make what adjustments to the privacy policy as are necessary to promote accountability on-wiki,
  3. issue such Foundation-level dictates on biographies of living persons issues as can be issued without jeopardizing the Foundation’s protection under s. 230 of the Communications Decency Act,
  4. advocate for the Foundation-imposed creation of committees in our largest projects, such committees to be
    • empowered to make project-specific policy,
    • elected to finite terms by the community and recallable by same,
    • overrulable by community consensus,
    • authorized to alter their own makeup, and
    • no threat to the Foundation’s Section 230 immunity as a nonpublisher;
  5. guard against over-optimistic growth projections, and
  6. oppose paid advertising on any Wikimedia project.

Samuel Klein (Sj)

In Taipei, at Wikimania 2007. Credit: Joi Ito
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Samuel Klein
    • 年龄: 31
    • 居住地: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    • 语言: English, some German, Spanish, French
  • 编辑信息:
    • 何时成为维基人: 23 January 2004
    • 活跃的维基: meta(a), en.wikipedia(a), en.wikibooks; also nah.wikipedia, sw.wikipedia, and a steward
个人陈述 Wikimedia should be a model for open, scalable organizations.

As a Board member, I would be a strong community voice, communicating regularly about the Board's work, holding open meetings and soliciting public input. I support developing expertise within the community.

I would also:

  • fight for better support for translation and multilingual communication across Wikimedia, particularly for planning discussions
  • represent the technical and practical needs of smaller projects
  • encourage careful use of funds and goodwill, planning for long-term availability of the projects (with an endowment and core services)
  • encourage delegating outreach & community development to chapters

About me: I am an editor, translator, and advocate for Wikipedia. I am a steward, and started the Meta translators network in 2004. I published the Wikimedia Quarto newsletter (in 5 languages), and was secretary of the Special Projects Committee. I founded the Boston meetup group and helped run the first two Wikimanias, hosting Wikimania2006 in Boston.

Outside Wikimedia: For 3 years I have been director of content at One Laptop per Child, working on local partnerships for free content and offline distribution.

Thomas Braun (Redlinux)

  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: Dr. Thomas Braun
    • 年龄: 47 岁
    • 居住地: Schönthal, Bavaria, Germany
    • 语言: 德语, 英语, 还有一些书面拉丁语和西班牙语
个人陈述 About me: 47, (family, 3 children) and working as a specialist in internal medicine, sports medicine and as a senior emergency doctor in a rural region of Bavaria. A large part of the remaining time I'm working for Wikipedia, because I know that a vision only lives from people working for it.

The fact that Wikipedia is not only an innovation but a vision, that's no secret. ... and even a vision that has been high-flying so far. In addition, wiki succeeded not only in defining, but also in implementing transnational ideals and values. Some wiki-projects do run very good, others more hesitant. So, a vision is not a self-runner, but needs consistent support and goals. What they actually need, no one knows better than the community itself; so I (in case of being choosen) will be a board member "to touch" - who will try to realize your ideas (and not just my own). I have some experience in the leadership of volunteer organizations (although not on the global stage ☺). It would be a great honor for me to be allowed to represent your interest in the Board.

陈霆 (Wing)

陈霆,摄于Wikimadia 2008
  • 个人信息:
    • 姓名: 陈霆
    • 年龄: 41
    • 居住地: 德国美因茨
    • 语言: 中文、德语、英语、法语
个人陈述 我去年被选入理事会。在过去一年中我积极参与理事会的各项工作和决议产生,其中包括生人传记和更改版权协议的决议。我参与了理事会选择委员会的工作,是理事会驻分会委员会的代表之一。去年秋我随同吉米·威尔士赴中国北京向中国官方解释我们的工作、任务和目标,说服他们在奥运会后不再封禁维基媒体项目。我认为我的责任在于向社群解释理事会和基金会的工作、想法和计划以及把社群的意见反馈给理事会和基金会。在我的工作、我在基金会的工作以及生活中的其它事物外我履行了自己的诺言,继续作为一名社群成员参加各种讨论和争论和坚持我在维基百科的工作:从我当任至今我创建了许多新条目和扩展了许多小条目。在这段时间里我继续我的管理员工作检查侵犯版权的条目和图像,帮助解决全域化用户名统一。我想在今后两年里以社群成员和理事会成员的身份继续我的工作。