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Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2009/Candidates/cs

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Volby skončily 10. srpna 2009. Další hlasy se již nepřijímají.
Výsledky byly oznámeny 12. srpna 2009.
Volby do Správní rady 2009

Adam Koenigsberg (CastAStone)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Adam Koenigsberg
    • Věk: 25
    • Lokalita: Columbus, Ohio, USA
    • Jazyky: English, Written Spanish
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: 25 September 2005
    • Aktivní na wiki: en.wikipedia, although I do work elsewhere when I notice something I can do to help
Stanovisko BA: The College of Wooster
MBA Candidate: The Ohio State University, business marketing

Listening and collaborating to reach common ground on difficult and time consuming issues, because there’s something more important at stake than our egos. This is what I learned in my five years of not-for-profit board experience, and my internship in the United States Senate. My experience managing political campaigns gifted me the ability to raise funds without selling out principles, something needed by Wikimedia right now. These experiences, combined with my MBA, have given me the ability to inform the difficult decisions the board faces, utilizing my training in marketing and finance.

Wikimedia to me means bringing the world knowledge through Accuracy, Openness, and Civility. I look forward to listening to everyone over the next two years, and working to uphold these ideals.

Please select me as a trustee for 2009-2011. I will not only meet, but exceed your expectations.

Beauford Anton Stenberg (B9 hummingbird hovering)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Beauford Anton Stenberg
    • Věk: 36
    • Lokalita: Melbourne, Australia
    • Jazyky: English, principally
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: 2006
    • Aktivní na wiki: en.wikipedia,
      en.wikiversity, en.wiktionary,
      I envision Wikimedia Foundation & family of projects as contributing to what I perceive as the 'Great Equalization' of knowledge(s) and resources, to be open and accessible thoughout all peoples at all times in a very real, very near, future.
Stanovisko I am focussed on the mapping, capture and continuity of the human knowledge(s) in their entirety thus embodied in the Foundation and its projects and would be delighted to bring my professional administrative acumen and humble living experience into play within the Board. I identify politically within the Foundation as an inclusionist. Please contact me for clarification directly through one of these channels:

Brady Brim-DeForest (Bradybd)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Brady Brim-DeForest
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Brady Brim-DeForest
    • Věk: 25
    • Lokalita: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Jazyky: English, some French
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: 29 January 2005
    • Aktivní na wiki: en.wikipedia, intermittently active on commons, en.wikitionary
Stanovisko As a Trustee, I will be an advocate of open, transparent dialogue with the community and will strive to serve as both its voice and its messenger.

Specifically, I will:

  • Plan for the long-term viability of the Wikimedia projects through establishment of an endowment that doesn't compromise the independence of the organization.
  • Encourage Wikimedia's adoption of open standards for interoperability, ensuring its continued role as the hub of the open knowledge ecosystem.
  • Fight to protect the neutrality of the internet to ensure that the efforts of the Wikimedia community pay long-term dividends and are preserved for future generations.

I have an extensive background in non-profit management and board experience that spans both the non-profit and for-profit worlds.

Outside Wikimedia: I work at Tubefilter. I am an active participant in the DataPortability Project, where I have served as a member of the Steering Group and Treasurer of the Board since early 2008. I am a member and Secretary of the Open Web Foundation, a member of the OpenID Foundation, and a co-founder of the OpenFriends Project. I also lead efforts at Open Soil to create an open source model for seed licensing.

Dan Rosenthal (Swatjester)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Dan Rosenthal
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Dan Rosenthal
    • Věk: 26
    • Lokalita: Washington, D.C.
    • Jazyky: angličtina
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: January 2006
    • Aktivní na wiki: en.wikipedia, intermittently active on meta, commons, and Simple English.
Stanovisko I believe that I have the expertise and experience necessary to serve on the WMF Board of Trustees. Jsem členem výboru pro komunikace Nadace Wikimedia Foundation, kontaktní osoba pro tisk v rámci Nadace an an OTRS Legal Queue representative. I’m also active in the WMF community offline, having attended several Wikimeetings, and headed up the Wikipedia Loves Art event in Washington, DC. I’m a clinical student attorney with the Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Clinic and will be receiving my J.D. in May from American University, a top tier law school. I have national non-profit board experience, and have overseen a three-quarters of a million dollar budget.

I’ve met the office staff numerous times and they’re fantastic, talented, dedicated people; I firmly believe that it is not the board’s place to interfere with their day to day efforts, but to guide and oversee the Foundation as a whole. Věřím, že mohu s tímto pomoci prostřednictvím rozvoje strategických partnerství s podobně smýšlejícími orgnaizacemi. To that end I’ve helped develop a relationship s muzeem Smihtsonian American Art Museum, které vyústilo nakonec v dohodu, která umožnila uvolnit velkou část jejich digitalizované kolekce pro nahrání na Commons.

Domas Mituzas (Midom)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Domas Mituzas, 2008
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Domas Mituzas
    • Věk: 26
    • Lokalita: Vilnius, Lithuania
    • Jazyky: Lithuanian, English, Russian
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: October 2003
    • Aktivní na wiki: wikitech, board
Stanovisko I've worked on core site technology and operations since 2004, and joined the WMF Board of Trustees in January 2008 - thus participated evolution of both technology and organization over the long years.

I see Wikimedia Foundation as a service organization, assisting communities with the projects, and maintaining the infrastructure for creativity and collaboration - providing legal groundwork, communication environment and of course, the free content technology.

Organization itself is and should be, due to financing model, always ensuring high efficiency, and always be ready to balance between needs, wishes and capabilities.

I'd like to represent a much larger community, not only editors bearing voting rights. There is wide audience of non-contributing users, who have their needs, and for those needs we are or should be working. There are advocates of our work and our mission, and we should assist them.

This organization is just part of greater movement, which has chapters, sister organizations and all the volunteers - and it is important to steer it, to maintain the most sustainable balance, ensuring availability of free content for ages ahead - empowering each other.

Gerard Meijssen (GerardM)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Gerard Meijssen
    • Věk: 50
    • Lokalita: Almere, Nederland
    • Jazyky: Dutch, English, some German and a little French
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: 2004
    • Aktivní na wiki: GerardM
Stanovisko I have been involved in many projects, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Commons, translatewiki.net and I learned that a lack of technology, a lack or support and a lack of organisation hamper our projects. I am a firm believer in "putting your money where your mouth is" and I have invested in technology like OmegaWiki, the LocalisationUpdate extension and the proof of concept for a multilingual search for Commons. I will seek resources to realise with priority the missing functionality needed to properly support our existing languages and projects.

As a result of my advocacy for the support for the languages other then English, I became part of the language committee, a member of the World Language Documentation Centre. As a result of my interest in quality illustrations for our projects I promote digital restorations and I am instrumental in good relations with several Dutch GLAM.

As a board member, I will seek to balance the needs of the other languages and cultures. I strongly believe that there is this Wikimedia movement and, in my experience we need to partner with organisations that share our values. Together we will realise our aim; to share the sum of all knowledge with everyone.

Gregory Kohs (Thekohser)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Gregory Kohs
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Gregory Kohs
    • Věk: 40
    • Lokalita: Pennsylvania
    • Jazyky: Angličtina, částečně němčina a francouzština
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: březen 2005
    • Aktivní na wiki: en.wikipedia, intermittently active on Meta, Commons, Wikiquote, and Wikiversity.
Stanovisko I have an agenda to lift the accountability, professionalism, and excellence of the Wikimedia projects' leadership and content. I am a marketing research practitioner at a Fortune 100 media and communications company employing approximately 100,000 people. I have also played instrumental roles in launching several Internet brands, including MyWikiBiz.com and Akahele.org (the output of a non-profit corporation). Jsem aktivní v radě dvou různých neziskových organizací. Jsem šťastně ženatý (sorry kluci) a mám jednu dceru.

Pevně věřím, že Správní rada nadace Wikimedia Foundation potřebuje dobře shake-up, as it is engineering the growth of the Wikimedia properties, staff, and budgets with alarming speed, while doing almost nothing to curb the culture of unaccountability, lack of professionalism, and sub-average content quality. "Cesta Wiki" byla dlážděna dobrými úmysly, avšak později harm to individuals and embarrassing disrepute seem to be more frequently ruling the day; so, it is time to step up and start making the hard decisions needed to save the Wikimedia projects from destroying themselves.


José Gustavo Góngora (Góngora)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Góngora, April 2009.
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: José Gustavo Góngora
    • Věk: 22
    • Lokalita: La Seu d'Urgell, Catalonia, Spain
    • Jazyky: Spanish, English, Catalan, Italian and Portuguese
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: July 2006
    • Aktivní na wiki: ca.wikipedia, es.wikipedia (several edits in other Wikimedia projects: mostly en.wiki and pt.wiki)
Stanovisko Jako student anglické lingvistiky, který respektuje pluralitu, považuji se za vhodnou osobu pro převzetí tohoto úkolu a pro mezinárodní komunikaci s dalšími lidmi. Studuji na UNED, univerzitě pro vzdálené vzdělávání. Proto jsem schopný organizovat svůj čas a pokud budu zvolen budu se účastnit povinností Rady.

Navíc jsem byl aktivní ve španělském Arbitrážním výboru (známém pod zkratkou CRC), po dobu jednoho roku. Také jsem správce a byrokrat od roku 2007. Kromě toho mám v současné době funkci checkusera na Katalánské wikipedii, kde rovněž připravuji a talk that will take place in Wikimania 2009, in Argentina, next August. I have been able to earn the community confidence in those projects. In other words, I feel highly committed with Wikimedia projects and principles.

Jako zkušený překladatel, který navštívil a zorganizoval několik wikistřetnutí, přeložil více než 100 článků, se cítím vhodný pro překlad politik Wikimedie, bude-li to třeba. Podpořil jsem projekty Wikimedie po světě, konkrétně v zemích, jakými jsou Uruguay, Španělsko, nebo Andorra a dále v několika rozhovorech s médii. Rád bych pokračoval ve své práci převzetím této odpovědnosti od tohoto okamžiku a dále.

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen (Cimon Avaro)

Summary details
  • Personal:
    • Name: Jussi-Ville Heiskanen
    • Age: 43
    • Location: Helsinki, Finland
    • Languages: Finnish (native), English (native equivalent/professional), Swedish (conversational); rudimentary communication in German, French & Scots; also very basic Afrikaans and rusty vocabulary in lojban & Esperanto.
Statement You should vote for me if you agree that:
  • The wide range of our languages should be reflected on the board better than by just one token trustee who isn't a native speaker of a major world language.
  • The reorganized advisory committee should be encouraged to become an active and authoritative voice in foundation matters side by side with the foundation staff and board of trustees.
  • Any authority the Board can find a way to legally and feasibly delegate to other organs of the community, it should. But when necessary, the board must boldly clarify what our central mission is.
  • The chapters cannot be the only organ for crosslanguage interaction (though they are a vital component). Those community members who are not interested in organized forms of contributing, must be involved directly in bridging the gaps between communities and the content in our various languages and projects in the more ad hoc way they prefer. And we must never forget those areas and languages which will never have chapters, for whatever reason.
  • What we do is for the ages, and genuinely without comparison!

Kat Walsh (mindspillage)

Summary details
Kat Walsh
  • Personal:
    • Name: Kat Walsh
    • Age: 26
    • Location: Herndon, VA (suburb of Washington, DC), USA
    • Languages: English, basic Spanish
  • Editorial:
Statement I have been a WMF board member since October '06. I will finish my JD this year at George Mason, focusing on copyright, patent, trademark, policy, and economics, and have been an editor of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy. I am also a registered patent agent and a classical musician.

I see my role thus far as a "conscience", helping keep the board focused on Wikimedia's core values and principles: freedom, openness, neutrality, transparency, collaboration. I have a commitment to and understanding of free content and free software, the communities around them, and their ideals, goals, and practical aspects.

I think it's also important to stand back and encourage independent community action, growth, and experimentation. I see the board as working on a big-picture level, creating a framework for decentralized community effort, and thinking both on the short term and the very, very long term.

Some key projects I have been involved with include the license transition, licensing policy, patents/file formats, staff search/hiring/evaluation, subnational chapters, board restructuring, and the development of a professional office compliant with good nonprofit practices.

Kevin Riley O'Keeffe (KevinOKeeffe)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Kevin Riley O'Keeffe, 2009
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Kevin Riley O'Keeffe
    • Věk: 38
    • Lokalita: San Jose, Northern California, USA
    • Jazyky: English
Stanovisko Od doby, co jsem začal být aktivní na Wikipedii, jsem za zatnamenal, že to tu kvalitní vlastní článek o každé epizodě seriálu South Park, naproti tomu řada článků o politických tématech z oblasti krajní pravice je spravováno se zjevnou přezíravostí a některé texty byli aritrárně smazány. Z mé zkušenosti jsem nabyl dojmu, po článcích z oblasti pravicové politiky nebo které jsou ve středu zájmu pravicově smýšlejících lidíé jsou signifikantně požadovány větší nároky na encyklopedickou významnost než po článcích z jiné oblasti vědění.

Moje kandidatora je odvozena z mého zájmu o téma svobody slova, nebo možná přesněji ze snahy o objektivitu správy projektů WikiMedia Foundation, se člástečným zájmem o problém jevu, kterým je liberálně-levicová zaujatost ("politickou korektnost") with při správě projektů Wikipedia. Netvrdím, že je to největší problém. On the contrary, I have a very high regard for Wikipedia, as well as for the Wikimedia Foundation's efforts as a whole. However, my experiences at Wikipedia, as well as what I have learned in conversations with various others who have had similar experiences, have led me to conclude that this has become an issue that requires redress, and thus is one that can perhaps be best dealt with by having a sympathetic ear on the Board of Directors of the WikiMedia Foundation.

Lourie Pieterse (LouriePieterse)

Summary details
Lourie on a windy trip.
  • Personal:
    • Name: Lourie Pieterse
    • Age: 18
    • Location: Upington, South Africa
    • Languages: Afrikaans (native), English.
  • Editorial:
    • Wikimedian since: October 2008
    • Active wikis: en.wikipedia, less active on Commons.
Statement Potom co dokončím střední školu příští rok, mám v úmyslu pokračovat na Stellenbosch University v Jižní Africe, kde chci studovat jadernou fyziku .Jsem odhodlaný týmový hráč, ale v případě potřeby se ujímám vedení. Jsem odhodlaný, organizovaný a pracovitý. Přispěl jsem významnými články do anglické Wikipedie, které mají jak “Rollback” tak “Account creator” práva. Také jsem se podílel na Spotlight.

Opravdu věřím, že bych byl skvělým členem rady. Přestože jsem mladý, jsem schopný a uvědomělý. Snahou o nemožné jsem vždycky dosáhnul možného. Být v radě by mi dalo příležitost učinit významný rozdíl. Můj hlavní cíl se týká zapojení Jižní, ale vlastně i celé Afriky do Wikimedia Foundation.TO by mohlo přinést finanční podporu, větší zapojení a pomoc nadace expandovat do velkých nevyužitých regionů.

Být součástí správní rady je jedním z mých největších snů. Když se stanu členem rady, mohl bych pomoci nadaci rozšířit v nevyužitý zeměpisných regionech. Nehledám prestiž ani sílu, ale byl bych velmi motivován, kdybych pomohl nadaci k dosažení jejích cílů. Takže Vás prosím neodsuzujte mě, já vím co to znamená.

Ralph Potdevin (Aruspice)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Ralph Potdevin
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Ralph Potdevin
    • Věk: 37
    • Lokalita: Rouen, France
    • Jazyky: French, English, Spanish, German
  • Editoriál:
Stanovisko As an engineer, currently unemployed, and a former student in computer sciences, cognitive science and electr(on)ical engineering, I think I have the skills required to imply in WM and the Wikipedias in particular. I appreciate and support the seriousness, independency, democracy and open-mindedness of Wikipedias. I regularly improve the French Wikipedia, essentially, by correcting typos, changing bad syntax into good and the like, and participating in the redaction of articles. I intervene in discussions and votes on page suppressions and so on. I'm doing my best to continuously continuing to learn wiki syntax and thus making more efficient contributions. I would be very glad to go on that way in the coming months, as a community member and why not as a board member.

Steve Smith (Sarcasticidealist)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Steve Smith
    • Věk: 27
    • Lokalita: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (attending school in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada)
    • Jazyky: English, formerly-fluent but ever-deteriorating French
  • Editoriál:
    • Wikimedian od: 23 February 2007
    • Aktivní na wiki: en.wikipedia, Commons, a handful of edits on a few others
Stanovisko My name is Steve Smith, and I am a law student from Canada. I am a former business manager for a non-profit with annual revenues in excess of half a million dollars and a former director of three different non-profit corporations and one for-profit. While this 1200 character limit is awfully restrictive, my platform is as follows:
  1. promote the use of the “specific expertise” board seats to become less insular,
  2. make what adjustments to the privacy policy as are necessary to promote accountability on-wiki,
  3. issue such Foundation-level dictates on biographies of living persons issues as can be issued without jeopardizing the Foundation’s protection under s. 230 of the Communications Decency Act,
  4. advocate for the Foundation-imposed creation of committees in our largest projects, such committees to be
    • empowered to make project-specific policy,
    • elected to finite terms by the community and recallable by same,
    • overrulable by community consensus,
    • authorized to alter their own makeup, and
    • no threat to the Foundation’s Section 230 immunity as a nonpublisher;
  5. guard against over-optimistic growth projections, and
  6. oppose paid advertising on any Wikimedia project.

Thomas Braun (Redlinux)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Dr. Thomas Braun
    • Věk: 47
    • Lokalita: Schönthal, Bavaria, Germany
    • Jazyky: German, English, and some written Latin and Spanish
Stanovisko About me: 47, (family, 3 children) and working as a specialist in internal medicine, sports medicine and as a senior emergency doctor in a rural region of Bavaria. A large part of the remaining time I'm working for Wikipedia, because I know that a vision only lives from people working for it.

The fact that Wikipedia is not only an innovation but a vision, that's no secret. ... and even a vision that has been high-flying so far. In addition, wiki succeeded not only in defining, but also in implementing transnational ideals and values. Some wiki-projects do run very good, others more hesitant. So, a vision is not a self-runner, but needs consistent support and goals. What they actually need, no one knows better than the community itself; so I (in case of being choosen) will be a board member "to touch" - who will try to realize your ideas (and not just my own). I have some experience in the leadership of volunteer organizations (although not on the global stage ☺). It would be a great honor for me to be allowed to represent your interest in the Board.

Samuel Klein (Sj)

Summary details
In Taipei, at Wikimania 2007. Credit: Joi Ito
  • Personal:
    • Name: Samuel Klein
    • Age: 31
    • Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    • Languages: English, some German, Spanish, French
  • Editorial:
Statement Wikimedia should be a model for open, scalable organizations.

As a Board member, I would be a strong community voice, communicating regularly about the Board's work, holding open meetings and soliciting public input. I support developing expertise within the community.

I would also:

  • fight for better support for translation and multilingual communication across Wikimedia, particularly for planning discussions
  • represent the technical and practical needs of smaller projects
  • encourage careful use of funds and goodwill, planning for long-term availability of the projects (with an endowment and core services)
  • encourage delegating outreach & community development to chapters

About me: I am an editor, translator, and advocate for Wikipedia. I am a steward, and started the Meta translators network in 2004. I published the Wikimedia Quarto newsletter (in 5 languages), and was secretary of the Special Projects Committee. I founded the Boston meetup group and helped run the first two Wikimanias, hosting Wikimania2006 in Boston.

Outside Wikimedia: For 3 years I have been director of content at One Laptop per Child, working on local partnerships for free content and offline distribution.

Ting Chen (Wing)

Podrobnosti shrnutí
Ting on Wikimania 2008
  • Osobní:
    • Jméno: Ting Chen
    • Věk: 41
    • Lokalita: Mainz, Germany
    • Jazyky: Chinese, German, English, French
Stanovisko Byl jsem zvolen jako člen rady minulý rok. V posledním roce jsem aktivně pracoval na různých rozhodnutích a článcích, které obsahovaly rozhodnutí o BLP, změnění licenční politiky pouze pro jméno dvou nejvýznamnějších. Jsem jeden z nominovaných do výboru a také jeden ze zástupců The Chapters Comittee. Minulý podzim jsem byl s Jimmy Wales v Pekingu v Číně, kde jsem představoval naší práci, poslání a cíl čínským úředníkům a abych je přesvědčil aby zachovali Wikipedii a odblokovali projekty po Olympijských hrách. Vidím to jako svou povinnost, aby komunity informovaly o tom co se na výboru a v nadaci děje, myšlení, plánování a předávání názorů z komunity zpět do rady a nadace. Přes moje zaměstnání, moji práce na výbor a ostatních věcí v mém životě, se snažím zachovat moje sliby zůstat členem komunity, účastnit se jednání o kontroverzních a odlišných článcích jako člen komunity a zachovat mou práci na Wikipedii: od mého minulého zvolení jsem vytvořil mnoho článků na zh-wp a upravil jsem upravil pahýly do normálních článků. Se svou administrativní práci v podobě čištění copyvio textů nebo obrázků, jsem se obrátil na SUL žádosti. Přeji si tuto práci zachovat také v dalších dvou letech jako člen komunity a člen výboru.