Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Celebration Kolkata
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About Conference and CelebrationBengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Conference is a gathering of the Bengali Wikimedia Community. Anyone interested in Wikimedia is welcome to participate in Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Conference, which is scheduled to be held from 9-10 January in Kolkata. This conference is one of the first regional Wikimedia conference of its kind in the India. The program of this conference will be devoted to topics concerning the Wikimedia movement in the India, as well as related topics of free culture and digital rights. The conference will feature a diverse array of offerings such as keynotes, presentations, panels, and workshop sessions; provide a lounge space and break areas for conference attendees to gather and mingle.
Who Should Attend?Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Conference is open to all participants, regardless of previous level of involvement with Wikipedia or the Wikimedia projects. We welcome the curious, the skeptical, and others wishing to engage in meaningful conversation about the Wikimedia movement in the India, free culture and digital rights, advocacy and outreach, community building, and technology. |
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Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Celebration is being organized in Kolkata & Bangladesh for outreach program in the Wikimedia movement.
- Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Celebration is organized by:
Call for Papers can be seen under the Call for Participation page.