
- 你喜欢研究还是写作?您是否知道您可以直接为维基百科的文章做出贡献?每种语言维基百科都有关于在侧面链接中做出贡献的信息,有时在诸如交互之类的下拉标题下。漢语维基百科的教程是zh:Help:簡介。
- 你喜欢拍照吗?画画?设计图表、地图或汇总音频文件?你也有一个地方!您创建的具有百科全书价值并且您愿意捐赠的媒体文件可以上传到维基共享资源,可以在维基百科和其他维基媒体基金会项目以及其他地方使用!参见如何创建帐户(由Maggie Dennis简介)。
- 您是程序员或Web开发人员还是有兴趣成为一名?您是否知道维基百科使用的软件主要由志愿者开发?如果你对那里的投球感兴趣,请看如何成为MediaWiki黑客。
维基百科没有中央权威。维基媒体运动部分基于这样一个前提,即通过编辑为彼此提供的制衡来实现好的文章。当编辑不同意如何实现这些目标时,他们必须通过共识解决争议,并在必要时利用更广泛的社群。您可以在WP:DR上阅读有关争议解决流程的更多信息。可以在Wikipedia:Dispute resolution requests中找到人们可以寻求争议解决方式的列表。您将在阅读这些页面时注意到,争议解决过程也存在以解决行为争议,如果编辑者认为其他人正在阻碍维基百科的正确发展,那么社群也是一种吸引力的途径。
- 哈芬登郵報2月6日撰文指出,維基百科的捐贈者最有可能來自印度:[1]。這是真的嗎?大多數的捐贈者都住在哪裡?大部分的錢來自哪裡?
(感謝年度募款主管Megan Hernandez協助此回應。這些金額取自展開的「2010-2011年各國募款活動」圖表。由於尚未統計所有銀行轉帳和支票,因此數字為初步數字,可能會有所變動。某些地區的地方分會進行募款活動時,目前無法提供全年捐款人數的精確數字,但在德國和英國,已知的捐款人數超過 39,000人)。
由於維基媒體基金會的總部設在美國,因此必須遵守美國的法律,而建議中的禁止線上盜版法案在支持我們專案的志工間引起了許多討論。多位人士要求基金會澄清其對該法案的立場,總法律顧問 Geoff Brigham發表了一份聲明在維基媒體基金會部落格上,詳述了他對該法案的一些想法及其潛在影響。
如果您想閱讀更多關於維基百科廣告的討論歷史--包括正反兩面--義工社群已在 Wikipedia:Advertisements中撰寫了一篇相關的頁面。
- What is the Wikimedia Foundation's policy on "affirmative action", in both hiring and editing practices? How does it promote diversity?
The Wikimedia Foundation is committed to equality. Its non discrimination policy prohibits discrimination against prospective users or employees on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristics. In accordance, in keeping with its policy on pluralism, internationalism, and diversity, it solicits employees and contractors from around the world and takes proactive steps to create from the resulting diverse community of employees and contractors a cohesive, functioning team.
In terms of volunteer contributions, that non discrimination policy is built into the way our website works. Reading and editing our projects is open to people without any regard to their race, color, gender, religion, or other personal factors; because we do not require demographic information from volunteer contributors, we do not know this information about the people who choose to edit. That doesn't mean that the Wikimedia Foundation is uninterested in this information. We do conduct surveys of editors which explore in part the diversity of the editing community. The first such study was conducted in April 2011; the results can be read here. Demographic information begins on page 18. A second survey was conducted later in 2011, with results here. Demographic data begins on page 5. Reporting on the 2012 editor survey is currently ongoing; we will have a better idea of the demographic trends of our volunteer contributors after this is complete. (You can read more about this, and also see the results when posted, here.)
One of the ways we are working to encourage diversity is in raising our profile around the world, making sure that as many people as possible are aware of and have access to our projects. For instance, with Wikipedia Zero we seek to reduce barriers to accessing and contributing to free knowledge in developing countries by helping to coordinate mobile access to Wikipedia free of data charges. For many readers in developing countries, their primary (and often only) access to the internet is via mobile. You can read more information about this program at Mobile partnerships.
Does the Wikimedia Foundation actively support a free and open Internet? How?
Yes, the Wikimedia Foundation actively supports a free and open internet. We begin demonstrating our commitment to this ideal by living it—our software and user-generated content are open source, licensed under liberal copyleft licenses to permit their modification and reuse, even commercially, so long as the material and any resulting derivatives remain free. (See our Terms of Use and Mission for more information). Beyond this, we occasionally offer support to movements that support our mission or speak against measures which threaten it, for instance with our 2011 community-supported blackout to protest SOPA (you can see more at the English Wikipedia discussion) or taking part in the EU Copyright Consultation to encourage international consistency and reasonable term limits. You can get more information on some of the advocacy actions taken by Wikimedia and the Wikimedia Foundation at Advocacy and on the Wikimedia Foundation's guidelines for advocacy.
Yes, the Wikimedia Foundation actively supports a free and open internet. We begin demonstrating our commitment to this ideal by living it—our software and user-generated content are open source, licensed under liberal copyleft licenses to permit their modification and reuse, even commercially, so long as the material and any resulting derivatives remain free. (See our Terms of Use and Mission for more information). Beyond this, we occasionally offer support to movements that support our mission or speak against measures which threaten it, for instance with our 2011 community-supported blackout to protest SOPA (you can see more at the English Wikipedia discussion) or taking part in the EU Copyright Consultation to encourage international consistency and reasonable term limits. You can get more information on some of the advocacy actions taken by Wikimedia and the Wikimedia Foundation at Advocacy and on the Wikimedia Foundation's guidelines for advocacy.