Armenian Challenge September 1, 2018 - September 20, 2018
The prize will consist on a trip of 5 nights for two people (those who get the first and second position by number of points, therefore two in Spain and two in Armenia), including transportation, accommodation and possible visits, in the fall of 2018.
For the winners in Spain, the trip will be to Armenia, while for the winners in Armenia, the trip will be to Spain. During those days of visit, the two winners of each country will be accompanied by members of the local Wikipedia community of the host country.
في حالة إسبانيا ، ستخضع الجائزة لحجب نسبة 19٪ وسيتم الإعلان عنها إلى مصلحة الضرائب. يجب على المتسابق أخذها في الاعتبار في بيان الدخل المقابل ، إذا تم تقديمه.