April 2009 Wikimedia Conference/Satisfaction survey
[edit]Survey & processing
[edit]The participants could rate all the points from very satisfactory (+2) to satisfactory (+1), unsatisfactory (-1), very unsatisfactory (-2), or no answer (0). 39 participants from the chapters track and 26 participants from the developers track answered the survey.
The overall rating indicates the distribution of the mean of all answers from a participant. This mean (between -2 and 2) was converted to a percentage.
The detailed statistics are based on the mean for each topic from all the participants. They run from the center (-2) to the edge (+2).
Overall rating

[edit]Programme & sessions

Around the conference

[edit]- If you were to organize the next Wikimedia conference, what would you change ?
- avoid parallel sessions if possible
- involve potential chapters in the meeting as well
- be sure all facilitators are good enough to handle this kind of group
- create infrastructure to broadcast / streamline most of the content in real time
- fewer parallel sessions
- more time for commitee meetings
- The "commitees" in the current format did not exactly work. It was not clear what they were expected to produce and if they in fact produced anything. So I would modify this in some way to try something else.
- distance from hostel to the conference venue
- the first session: we need more time to present each chapter... a couple of minutes is not enough
- better snacks / lunchtime meals
- more open space to meet informally, socialize between sessions
- more freedom / not-so-stricly-moderated talks
- try to allow for a bit more free time
- make sure the times on the schedule are held
- more time for informal talks & meetings
- introduction of sessions by someone who knows what we're going to talk about
- stronger "moderation" in the debates
- that the organizing team actually does once the transportation scheme they propose
- more WMF board + Chapters board time
- less "lectures" (no one man shows)
- better goal-oriented sessions; clearer process for generating action-items
- more time or less workgroups
- more workgroups instead of discussions for doing real work
- setting up sustainable committees which will meet in between the conferences to do further work (implementation) until the next conference
- discussions should be less formal, it is enough to set a specific subject and stick to it and to the time limits. The rest should be done in a free discussion.
- ED must be available for talks in breaks (Sue, Erik)
- ToDo's (who, what, when) to make it sustainable
- some small rooms for informal meetings
- more space for informal meetings
- some photo-presentation of the event on info-panels
- organized event outside conference, e.g. sightseeing
- facilitators who understand the community better
- more time with board
- it would be nice to have audio equipment
- I would give more time to the chapter presentations, to give a better overview of what everybody is doing.
- Ensure there will be no technical problems with the conference rooms (ex. "The wall can't be removed"). Important if there are to be changes to the programme.
- Prepare less tight programme; leave the time to use if the discussions is not finished
- give people more room keys
- more room keys, please
- better coordination of the arrival of the ?????
- moderation should be done by people with the "wiki" background
- bessere Koordination der Anreise(nden)
- Moderation durch wiki-interne wegen "Background"
- Facilitated meetings are great. Involve the facilitators as early as possible and at least prior to scheduling the meetings. Have them collect from each and every participants specific goals and expectations for the conference works, maybe months ahead of the conference. Without input it is impossible to schedule. And... it might be an iterative process. Nonetheless, the facilitators worked very hard but clearly lacked interpersonal skills or experience to address emerging issues with a group of very individualistic, fiercely independent people.
- Additional comments
- Quality of the documentation remains to be seen, but the processes for the meetings seemed good.
- Thank you!!!!
- Thank you very much Guillaume & all the chapters that donated money to make it possible.
- The interaction with the WMF Board was very shallow. I guess this is a consequence of having the meetings simultaneously. On the other hand, they did not constantly look over our shoulders.
- Great conference! Good work!
- Good job overall. There is always room for improvements but no single item in this edition needs real improving.
- overall rating: great job!
- Thanks to all the staff and organizers for a great conference! I know how hard it is. Great work!
- high flexibility! Very good.
- Public transport is very good -> tickets, plans etc.
- There is so much to work on the topics now -> perfect choice of topics, but it really needs to go on.
- The most efficient and beneficial talks were during the social events. There should be plenty of room for them
- The information before arriving at Berlin was good but not enough. There were many details which I had to ask for, where they could perhaps be sent to all chapters, e.g. who can participate, etc.
- wish there had been more variety in lunch - not all sandwiches with mayo/butter.
- Thanks!
- Excellent! Especially having Dev + Chapt + WMF together
- Facilitators are a good idea, but they could have worked better:
- realizing who would like to talk
- scheduling
- looking for the time and equal participation
- overall it was a great event, thanks a lot for organizing it
[edit]- If you were to organize the next Wikimedia conference, what would you change ?
- More keys
- Pls, be careful when writing travel directions, there were some mistakes in them. Thanks
- More formal program for developer meetup
- Diet coke in bar!
- better registration
- clarify registration procedure of limits
- Ensure food info is broadcast clearly
- Possibly a clearer central log/wiki for session reports
- Mustard is needed for bbq!
- First day 3 discussions groups in one huge room. C-base was very difficult for me. I had to leave early with a headache. Second day sitting outside with nice weather made ??? up for it so no worries. To clarify: it was not that loud but with language problems to overcome good acoustics help
- More structure; programme ready ahead of time
- Better communication before the conference (response time)
- enforcing agenda when it is necessary
- get a schedule for talks and stick to it
- More flat drinks! (as in CO2-free) esp. at the dev meet-up.
- Communicate organized hosting sooner. I would've taken it if I'd known about it earlier on; in general, be clearer about what's (gonna be) free wherever possible and sooner if possible
- Additional comments
- I love WMDE :) Many thanks for SUPER event
- Great weather!
- Thanks for organisation!!!
- It's been fun to be here, thanks!
- :)