Amical Wikimedia/May 2016
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May 2016 |
Welcome to Amical Wikimedia monthly report of May 2016
[edit]Barcelona International Comic Convention Wikiproject
[edit]In occasion of the 34th edition of the Barcelona International Comic Convention (from the 5th to the 8th of may), Amical Wikimedia organized once again the Comic Wikiproject. As result, within one week 51 new articles related to the world of the comic were created and more than 60 pictures of the Convention were uploaded in Commons. The association Ficomic, organisator of the event, granted to Amical a press credential, which allowed us to attend all the acts at the convention and make a lot of pictures. Most of them are from cartoonists, authors and comic experts with an already existing article in Wikipedia but without a picture till the moment. For example: Antoni Guiral (ca), Josep Maria Blanco (ca), Jaume Rovira (ca), Javi de Castro (ca), Paolo Serpieri, Santiago Fernández (ca), etc. The participation in the project was similar to the previous years and with new users, which makes this wikiproject successuf and, for the moment, there is no reason to cancel it.
Just some pictures:
The mayor of Barcelona at the inauguration ceremony.
The president of the convention, Carles Santamaria.
The Italian cartoonists Serpieri and Lele Vianello, awarded with a prize.
S. Garcia and J. Olivares, awarded with the National Comic Prize of 2015.
The comic hero Super López next to a SEAT Panda.
The detective John Blacksad in front of his Cadillac.
Citröen B14, usual at the comics of Torpedo 1936.
Mortadel·lo and Filemó surrounded by cars.
Seat 127 with cartoons belonging to the Ulisses Family.
Ford Mustang from Sin City, drived by Marv.
The american star Frank Miller ready to sign comics to his fans.
The cartoonist Josep Maria Blanco making a speech after having been awarded with the Grand Prix of the Convention.
The author Nadar, signing his comics
El Torres and J. Alonso Iglesias, winners of the best comic
All the winners of the event together in a picture
Comic expert Antoni Guiral making a speech
Ongoing programs
[edit]- WikiArS
- Escola d'Art i Disseny Tarragona (EADT) & Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona (MNAT) — WikiArS
- WiR - Valencian Museum of Ethnology.
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra
[edit]Education & Knowledge
[edit]- Outreach
- May 17 - Wikipedia workshop for Digital Culture students of Pompeu Fabra University - Kippelboy
- May 19 - Wikipedia workshop for Digital Culture students of Pompeu Fabra University - Kippelboy
- May 28 - Workshop at Girona Tecnològica in Vilablareix ( Arnaugir and Laura.Girona
- Projects
- Meetings
- May 11 - Follow-up meeting about WikiArS in Tarragona with students in intership at Amical Wikimedia from School of Art and Design in Tarragona and staff of National Archeological Museum of Tarragona. Lluis_tgn
- May 11- Meeting with Torre Jussana for preparing a summer course on Wikipedia for non profits- Kippelboy
- May 12- Meetings with Autonomous University of Barcelona Musicology teachers to follow up projects- Kippelboy
- May 31 - Barcola meeting to analyze the commons of Barcelona and to evaluate a collaboration agreement with the City Council. Dvdgmz and Xavier Dengra
GLAMwiki & Core projects
[edit]- Outreach
- In preparation
- Projects
- Meetings
- May 18 - meeting to address Gender strategy and collaborate with Wikimujeres barcelona, Tiputini
- May 27 - Follow up meeting with Catalan terminology center TERMCAT- Kippelboy
[edit]- Outreach
- May 2 - Catalan Castells editathon in collaboration with Diari Ara. Davidpar, Tiputini
- May 4- Information and documentation editathon- Kippelboy, Sguastevi
- May 20 - Barcelona Zoo editathon, Kippelboy, Alzinous, Tiputini et al
- May 21 - Òmnium Cultural editathon, Kippelboy, Barcelona, XDengra, Amadalvarez et al
- Meetings
- May 3 -Meeting with Omnium Cultural to organize and edit-a-thon. Kippelboy
- May 11- Meeting with CCCB for preparing Ramon Llull Editathon and Making Africa Wikiproject. Kippelboy
- May 14- Meeting with Memorial Democràtic, for planing the possibility of a Wikipedian in Residence. Kippelboy
[edit]- May 19 - Meeting with some Amical Members to decide how to collaborate with Institut d'Estudis Catalans- Kippelboy, Barcelona & Toniher
- May 24 - Europa Nostra Heritage Awards in Madrid- Kippelboy (in collab with Wikimedia Spain)
Media coverage
[edit]- 26 May: El Zoo organitza una Viquimarató per promoure el coneixement a la xarxa, Barcelona de Serveis Municipals (B:SM)
- 25 May: I una viquimarató de dones esportistes?, Fot-li Pou
- 24 May: El Espacio Wikimujeres en la UPF reducirá la brecha de género en Wikipedia, La Vanguardia/EFE
- 23 May: Entrevista a comarques amb Toni Vilar (CVRadio, 94.5 VLC) per a parlar de la Xarxa d'Entitats pel Patrimoni de l'Horta i les col·laboracions amb Amical Wikimedia. (audio no disponible).
- 13 May: Ramon Llull ja té entrada de Viquipèdia en romanès, serbi i hongarès gràcies a la Viquimarató ‘Qui té por de Ramon Llull?’, Institut Ramon Llull
- 10 May: El Museu Valencià d'Etnologia suma el primer "Viquipedista Resident". Hoy por hoy Locos por Valencia - Cadena SER (min. 49,50 de l'audio). continua en este segon audio. (ací, seguit a Ivoox).
- 9 May: El Museu Valencià d’Etnologia incorpora un ‘viquipedista resident’,
- 3 May: Els castellers arrenquen temporada actualitzant la Viquipèdia, Ara
- 1 May: "La història de la discoteca Big Ben ja té entrada pròpia a la Viquipèdia", El Punt Avui
- 5 may: El museu Valencia komik discoteca Big Ben 2003
Global Metrics
[edit]- Note: These metrics only report events or projects which took place or ended during this month. Longer term projects like Educational or Wikipedian in Residence are reported on our semester report or the month where the project finishes.
Program | Event/project/task | #Active Editors | #New editors | # People involved | Media Used | #Articles improved | #Bytes | Other Comments |
1 - COMMUNITY | Barcelona International Comic Convention Wikiproject | 11 | 0 | 20 | 70 | 51 | Volunteer led | |
1 - COMMUNITY | #Viquidones project | 5 | 50 | 350 | ND | 200 | Estimated data | |
1 - COMMUNITY | Joan Oliver Pere Quart Writing Challenge | 3 | 0 | 10 | 5 | 10 | ||
2 - EDU | Wikipedia workshop for Digital Culture students of Pompeu Fabra University | 1 | 40 | 50 | 30 | 50 | ||
2 - EDU | Information Science editaton 2016 | 64 | 30 | 100 | 15 | 65 | #bibliowikis | |
3 - CORE | WiR - Valencian Museum of Ethnology. | 1 | 2 | ND | ND | ND | Still ongoing project. | |
3 - CORE | Wikipedia workshop for IT students | 2 | 0 | 50 | ||||
3 - CORE | Castells Editathon | 4 | 15 | 60 | 10 | 30 | ||
3 - CORE | Barcelona Zoo Editathon | 5 | 2 | 20 | 10 | 22 | ||
3 - CORE | Òmnium Cultural Editathon | 6 | 40 | 50 | 10 | 45 | ||
Total (estimated) | 102 | 179 | 710 | 150 | 473 |