Amical Wikimedia/May 2014
[edit]- Joan Miró Global Challenge 10 Wikipedians 10 articles in 10 languages in 10 hours = 100 articles
On Saturday May 10th a group of 10 Wikmimedians went to our beloved Fundació Joan Miró with a challenge: creating 100 articles (10 in 10 languages) about Miró. Obviously...We did it! Here you have some pics of the challenge
- Outreach
- May 6th - Wikipedia Workshop for employees of Fundació La Caixa and Caixaforum Kippelboy
- May 9th - Wikipedia Workshop for employees TERMCAT Kippelboy
- May 9th - Wikipedia Castelló d'Empúries Edit-a-thon. Led & organized by local Public Library.
- May 10th - Joan Miró Global Challenge
- May 13th - Wikipedia Workshop for public librarians at Igualada Kippelboy
- May 16th & 17th - Wikipedia Workshop for public librarians and cultural sector professionals at Andorra Kippelboy
- May 17th - Joaquim Folch i Torres edit-a-thon for International Museums Day Davidpar, KRLS, Barcelona, Amadalvarez...
- May 20th - Wikipedia Workshop for public librarians at Manresa Kippelboy
- May 21st - Wikipedia editing workshop at Tarragona's public library. Lluis_tgn
- May 23th - Wikipedia Workshop for public librarians done directly by another public librarian. (Baix Llobregat)
- May 24th - Olesa local edit-a-thon organized directly by Olesa de Montserrat public library.
- May 28th - Wiki Takes Can Papiol: 2 Flickr users invited by Amical to document with pics a Museum we are partnering with KRLS Kippelboy
- May 31rd - Museu Morera de Lleida: Backstage pass to thanks active wikimedians on their wikiproject with Qrpedia.
- Projects
- New project Catalan Filmothèque
- New project Navarcles -> started by a local library
- Ongoing project: Wikiproject Public Libraries
- Ongoing project: Wikiproject Miró
- Ongoing project: Víctor Balaguer Museum project
- Ongoing project: Music Museum in Barcelona
- Ongoing project: Museu Morera in Lleida
- Ongoing project: CCCB, Contemporary cultural center in Barcelona
- Some other smaller GLAMWIki projects
- Meetings
- May 9th - Ateneu Barcelonès heritage conference in November Follow up meeting.Kippelboy
- May 12th - Museu Víctor Balaguer Wikiproject Follow up meeting.Kippelboy
- May 15th - Ateneu Barcelonès wikiproject draft meeting.Kippelboy & Amadalvarez
- May 19th - Meeting with Director of the Music Museum to explore wiki collaborations in 2014 Marionaaragay
- May 20th - Meeting with Centre Robert Gerhard Coordinator (on Catalan Musical Heritage) to explore wiki collaborations Marionaaragay
- May 23rd- Meeting with Joan Safont for a possible Gaudí edit-a-thon in fall 2014.Kippelboy
- May 26th - Public libraries Wikiproject Follow up meeting.Kippelboy
- May 26th - Raval Archaeology edit-a-thon first preparatory meeting.Kippelboy
- Wiki for higher education research results presentation (Open University of Catalonia)
The use of Internet open content for university education: an empirical study on the perceptions, attitudes and practices of university faculty on Wikipedia. This research project aims to analyze the use of Internet open contents for university teaching and explore and propose new ways of using these resources in learning processes, based on recent international experiences. Specifically, the project examines the educational uses of one of the most important open repositories of knowledge nowadays, Wikipedia, and explores the attitudes and perceptions of university teachers on this virtual collaborative encyclopedia, and, in general, on open resources. (project page)
- Outreach
- May 27th - Wikipedia workshop for teachers and cultural professionals at Olot, organized by Patronat de Turisme de la Costa Brava. 20 attendees (20 women) Arnaugir
- May 28th - Wiki for higher education research results presentation Kippelboy & Jminguillon
- May 29th - Wikipedia workshop for teachers and cultural professionals at La Bisbal d'Empordà.Kippelboy
- wikiArS:
- May 5th to 16th. Exhibition wikiArS: contribució de les escoles d'art i disseny a Viquipèdia (wikiArS: contributions from art & design schools to Wikipedia) in the gallery "Espai Blanc" of Llotja School of Art (Barcelona). May 5th; Llotja students, Gemma Merino and Marc Hernández, explained their work creating portraits of XX century personalities, after the introduction by Alícia Gallego (Llotja teacher) and Dvdgmz (wikimedian). ~10 attendees.
- May 17th. The MNAT activity Following the August steps in Tarragona includes an image about August sculpture created by Cristina Toro as part of wikiArS initiative.
- May 26th to June 14th. Exhibition wikiArS: contribució de les escoles d'art i disseny a Viquipèdia (wikiArS: contributions from art & design schools to Wikipedia) in the "Mestre Martí Tauler" Library of Rubí. May 26th at the Library auditorium; talk about wikiArS and the edRa contribution by Dvdgmz, wikimedian, Jaume Ferrer (edRa, Rubí School of Art) teacher, and Javier Cabanillas who told about his Final Degree Project about ancient Egypt sarcophagus for Wikipedia. ~30 attendees.
- May 5th - Wikipedia workshop at Institut de Sils (60 15-year-old students). Arnaugir
- Projects
- Ongoing project: Wikiproject Design Museum in Barcelona (1st year: 400 students)
- Ongoing project: outreach:WikiArS/ca WikiArS (3th year: around 60 students)
- Ongoing project: GRACMON wikiproject (2nd year: around 75 students)
- Ongoing project: ESMUC wikiproject (1st year: around 40/50 students)
- Ongoing project: Viquiclàssics Wikiproject (1st year: around 50 students)
- Ongoing project: Wikipedian in Residence at UOC
- Meetings
- May 5th - WiR at UOC. Meeting with Online Publications Department. Jey
- May 6th - WiR at UOC. Meeting with Digital Communications Department. Jey
- May 7th - WiR at UOC. Follow up meeting. Jey
- May 9th - CCCB Wikiproject Follow up meeting.Kippelboy
- May 12th - Wikipedia education presentation for Maths UPC teachers preparing course 2014-2015 Kippelboy
- May 13th - Meeting at National Arqueological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT) with Museum curators and four students from School of Art that are in intership with Amical. See the assignments here. Lluis_tgn
- May 15th & 20th working sessions with ESMUC students to evaluate their articles and the ESMUC wikiproject Marionaaragay
- May 22th. Meeting with Llotja deputy director about wikiArS. Dvdgmz
- May 30th - Meeting with library and doctors of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital for a possible joint project.Kippelboy
- May 30th - Meeting with the education dept. of Contemporary art Museum for planning a teachers-focused acitvity on November 2014.Kippelboy
- Amical co-organises BIGDATA WEEK Barcelona 2014
Big Data Week is the leading global platform of interconnected community events focusing on the social, political, technological impacts of data. We connect data professionals helping to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, new ideas about data. For the 2nd year, Amical helped in the co-organization of the Barcelona track of this worldwide event. A whole week of events, conferences, hackhathons...
- Outreach
- May 8th - Amical representation at the Public Diplomacy conference organized by DiplocatKippelboy (event URL)
- May 8th: BigData Week Central conference (programme) Kippelboy
- May 14th: Follow-up communication meeting. Kippelboy Davidpar
- May 12-17yh - Barcelona Comic-con 1 week editing challenge: project URL -> 87 new articles, 112 expanded, 7 new pics, 478K of text added. Winners awarded with comic packs.
- Meetings
- May 26th - Meeting with Barcelona town council for preparing an exhibit with Free licensed content (advocacy & Wikipedia)kippelboy
- May 26th - Meeting with Ramon Llull Institute to explain them how should they include CC-BY-SA licenses in their projects (advocacy & Wikipedia)kippelboy
[edit]- Other
- May 29th. Meeting via Google Hangouts with the Language Engineering Team seeking to collaborate with the new Translation tool. To be followed up. Arnaugir
[edit]- May 30: Exposició wikiArS a la Biblioteca Mestre Martí Tauler Diari de Rubí
- May 29: Professors i Viquipèdia, Diari de Girona
- May 28:
- Els professors usen tant Viquipèdia com els estudiants, El Periódico de Catalunya
- Menys del 10% dels professors universitaris utilitza Viquipèdia per a la docència, Europa Press
- L'ús de la Viquipèdia és tan habitual entre els professors com entre els estudiants,
- Los profesores universitarios utilizan Wikipedia tanto como los estudiantes, Antena 3
- May 23:
- La Biblioteca Municipal mostra la contribució d'edRa a la Viquipèdia Notícies Ajuntament de Rubí
- Exposició “wikiArS” a la Biblioteca Municipal de Rubí edRa blog
- May 11: Entrevista Arnau Duran TV Bisbat de Girona
- May 9: Presentació al TERMCAT de la Viquipèdia i altres iniciatives relacionades Termcat
- May 7: Amical Wikimedia, Premi Nacional de Cultura, La Vanguardia (EFE)
- May 4:
- Entrevista Àlex Hinojo - Viquipèdia, Tot és Comèdia, Cadena SER
- Teletip sobre el viquipedista resident UOC, Cadena SER
- Ajudem la Viquipèdia a donar a conèixer Miró, Espai Internet, TV3
- May 3:
- May 2:
- May 1st: Un viquipedista aterra a la UOC per difondre'n els coneixements, Diari de l'Educació, Catalunya Plural
- April 30th: "Wikiars: joves creadores i coneixement lliure" Setmanari La Directa núm. 359