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African & Proud (AP)/Annual Reports/2023

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

The year 2023 marked a significant period of growth and impact for Afroyanga Cultural Enlightenment Initiative (African & Proud) as we transitioned from rapid grants to the General Support Fund. With a renewed focus on expanding our initiatives and deepening our engagement with African youth, we launched several key projects aimed at preserving African culture, promoting digital literacy, and empowering young contributors to global knowledge platforms. This report outlines our accomplishments and activities from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.

January 2023


Strategic Planning and Alignment


The year began with a dedicated strategic planning session to align the organization's goals and activities for 2023. This involved setting clear objectives, defining key performance indicators, and developing a roadmap for all projects.

Key Activities

  1. Strategic Planning Meetings: Held discussions with the leadership team and stakeholders to outline the annual objectives and initiatives.
  2. Resource Allocation: Planned the distribution of resources, including financial and human capital, to optimize project outcomes.
  3. Partnership Development: Identified and reached out to potential partners to strengthen collaborations for the year.

February 2023 - May 2023 Programs


Learning Management System (LMS) Development


In 2023, African & Proud developed a Learning Management System (LMS) to enhance digital learning and capacity-building efforts. The LMS serves as a dedicated platform to provide training materials, resources, and modules that support new and experienced contributors on the Wikimedia project Wikipedia.

Timeline and Activities


Development Phase: February - April 2023 Content Creation for LMS: May 2023

Other Links

  1. LMS Analysis Report
  2. LMS platform

June 2023 to August 2023 Programs


LMS Launch


The LMS was officially launched in June 2023 as a free, accessible platform for all users globally. By offering comprehensive, self-paced training modules on Wikimedia editing, digital skills, and community engagement, the LMS empowers both new and experienced contributors to enhance their knowledge and actively participate in global knowledge-sharing platforms. The platform is open to anyone interested in learning, fostering a more inclusive and digitally literate community.

Timeline and Activities


Launch to the Public: June 2023



User Engagement: Since its launch, the LMS has attracted users from across Africa, enhancing access to digital literacy resources. Content Provided: Includes modules on Wikimedia editing, digital skills, community engagement, and content creation strategies. Accessibility: Open to all, promoting inclusive learning across different regions and demographics.

  1. LMS Analysis Report
  2. LMS platform


Beautiful people

The AfroCuisine project aimed to document and showcase the diverse array of African culinary traditions on Wikimedia platforms. The initiative focused on creating entries for various dishes, ingredients, and cooking techniques, ensuring this rich cultural knowledge is preserved and made accessible globally.

Timeline and activities:


Start for Entries: June 17, 2023 (Physical Edit-a-thon lunch event) Deadline for Entries: July 30, 2023 Results Announcement: August 2023


AfroCuisine team
  1. Participation: The project engaged a diverse range of participants from different regions, resulting in significant community engagement.
  2. Content Created: Over 250 new entries were created or improved on Wikimedia projects, including articles, recipes, and cultural notes about African cuisine. See outreach dashboard for a more detailed report on contributions made by participants
  3. Outreach and Engagement: The physical edit-a-thon facilitated face-to-face interaction, fostering collaboration and raising awareness about the importance of preserving culinary heritage.
  1. Diff Post
  2. Gallery

September 2023 to November 2023 Programs

Afroyanga Bootcamp 1.0

Afroyanga Bootcamp 1.0


The Afroyanga Bootcamp 1.0, held in September 2023 in Lagos, Nigeria, was an intensive, fully residential program aimed at empowering young Africans to contribute to Wikimedia projects. The bootcamp provided participants with essential digital skills, professional development opportunities, and practical experience in content creation.

Key Activities

Afroyanga Bootcamp 1.0

Training Workshops: Focused on digital literacy, Wikipedia editing, and content curation. Professional Development: Included sessions on Emotional Intelligence, LinkedIn optimization, and networking. Peer Mentorship: Facilitated mentorship between experienced and new participants. Impact:

Participants: 30 young Africans, including 25 delegates and 5 members of the Core Organizing Team (COT). Engagement: High levels of engagement, with participants actively contributing to Wikimedia projects post-bootcamp.

View of editathon
  1. Diff post
  2. Afroyanga Bootcamp 1.0 Report

Post-Bootcamp Activities

  1. Follow-Up Mentorship Sessions: Conduct monthly virtual meetings between bootcamp mentors and mentees to provide ongoing guidance, support, and skill enhancement.
  2. Content Contribution Challenge: Organize a three-month challenge encouraging participants to apply their newly acquired skills by contributing articles, images, and data to Wikimedia projects. See outreach dashboard.
  3. Community Engagement and Networking: Facilitate online networking events to help participants connect with experienced contributors and explore collaboration opportunities.
  4. Evaluation and Feedback: Collect feedback from participants through surveys and virtual discussions to assess the impact of the bootcamp and identify areas for improvement.
  5. Recognition and Celebration: Host an online recognition event to celebrate top contributors, share success stories, and maintain engagement with the community.
  1. Outreach dashboard
  2. Gallery

December 2023


Reporting, Evaluation, and Financial Accountability


In December 2023, African & Proud dedicated efforts to compiling comprehensive reports, including financial summaries, to assess the impact and outcomes of all activities and projects undertaken throughout the year.

Key Activities

  1. Data Collection and Analysis: Collated data from all 2023 projects to evaluate performance metrics and participant feedback.
  2. Report Writing: Developed detailed project reports, highlighting achievements, challenges, and future recommendations.
  3. Financial Reporting: Prepared a transparent financial report outlining the allocation of funds, expenditures, and cost management for each project.
  4. Submission and Presentation: Submitted reports to stakeholders and funders to ensure accountability and facilitate future funding opportunities.
  1. Afroyanga Bootcamp 1.0
  2. LMS Analysis