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Africa Environment/Microfunding/Yatunze Yakutunze - Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group

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Submit of request
This request for micro-funding to Africa Environment has just been submitted by Magotech on 20-02-2023 and is awaiting support.


Please add description of the request, with all the necessary details.

Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group in March 2023 would love to host a thrilling and educational event that is set to make a positive impact on the world. We are proud to present a focus on improving climatic articles on Wikipedia and Wikidata titled "Yatunze Yakutunze" a Swahili word meaning "you preserve it, it preserves you".

With the effects of climate change being felt across the globe, it's more important than ever to have accurate and informative information available to everyone. By collaborating with a diverse group of individuals, we can work together to ensure that these vital resources are up-to-date and accessible to all.

Our event will bring together volunteer students and enthusiasts from a range of fields, including environmental science, data analysis, and linguistics.

We believe that every person has the power to effect change, and this event is a unique opportunity to join a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on our world.


Please specify the context of your request.

The context for this hypothetical event hosted by Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group in March 2023 is to improve the quality and accessibility of information related to climate change on Wikipedia and Wikidata. The event is aimed at bringing together climate enthusiasts, Wikimedians, and experts from various fields to work collaboratively towards creating accurate, up-to-date, and reliable content on this critical topic. The event is set to take place at the University of Dodoma, providing a unique opportunity for students, researchers, and academics to contribute to the creation of free knowledge on climate change.


Please specify who is submitting the request, and what their experience is to run activities

  • list all people involved, with their linked username
S/N Name User Name Role
01. Magoiga Magotech Program coordinator & Facilitator
02. Sylvester Codtz Facilitator
03. Awadhi Awadhi Awampo Communication officer
04. Happy HappyDeLuckiest Logistics
  • clarify whether the request is from an affiliate usergroup, a non-affiliated group, or an individual

    The request is from Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group.

  • also clarify whether the funds would be transferred to an individual or to an organization bank account

    The funds will be transferred to an individual account. We are still working on the legal registration for us to be able to obtain an organizational account.


Expected benefits related to funding.

Here are five potential fallouts of the hypothetical event hosted by Tanzanian University Students Wikimedians User Group in March 2023, focused on improving climatic articles in Wikipedia and Wikidata:

  1. Improved quality and accessibility of climate-related information: Through collaborative efforts and expert guidance, attendees could contribute to creating high-quality and reliable content related to climate change. This can help to improve public understanding of this critical issue and promote informed decision-making.
  2. Increased awareness of climate change in Tanzania: By focusing on climate-related topics, the event can help to raise awareness about climate change in Tanzania, and the importance of open access to reliable and accurate information. This can encourage greater public engagement and advocacy on the issue, potentially leading to further positive action towards mitigating the effects of climate change.
  3. Promotion of Wikimedia projects in education and research: By hosting the event, attendees can learn about the potential uses of Wikimedia projects in education and research. This can help to promote the adoption of Wikimedia projects as valuable tools for learning and knowledge-sharing.
  4. Inspire and motivate attendees: Through engaging workshops and expert-led sessions, attendees can develop new skills and knowledge that can be applied to future contributions to Wikimedia projects. This can inspire and motivate attendees to continue to contribute to free knowledge, potentially leading to further improvements in quality and coverage of articles related to climate change.
  5. Strengthened Tanzanian Wikimedia community: The event can bring together a diverse group of individuals, fostering new relationships and collaborations within the Tanzanian Wikimedia community. This can help to build a more robust and engaged community and encourage further participation in Wikimedia projects.
S/N Description Target
01. Wikipedia 200
02. Wikidata 100
03. Number of Events 2
04. Number of Participants 30
05. Number of Editors 25


Object Unit price (USD) Quantity Total (USD)
Venue rental 150USD 2 events 300USD
Food and refreshments 10USD 60 (30 people X 2 events) 600USD
Transport for all participants 10USD 60 (30 people X 2 events) 600USD
Internet Support 50USD 1 50
Total 1,550USD

Any changes made to the budget after the application is submitted will void the application. You will then need to submit an updated application


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