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Africa Environment/Microfunding/Awareness on Climate Change through Translate-a-thon in Nigerian Pidgin

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Submit of request
This request for micro-funding to Africa Environment has just been submitted by [[User:Jonywikis|Jonywikis]] on 6-02-2025 and is awaiting support.



Getting the message on climate change and the environment across to a wider audience is possible if people have access to the information in the language they understand better. The Nigerian pidgin is one of such language that will make the awareness get across to a wider audience and we aim to use Nigerian pidgin Wikipedia to achieve this.



We will organise 2 translate-a-thon and edit-a-thon to create and translate articles from a prepared list about climate change and environment from the English Wikipedia to Nigerian pidgin Wikipedia by engaging members of the Nigerian pidgin Wikipedia community and Wikimedians of Lagos User Group. We will use Wikimedia outreach dashboard to track contributions.




  • Building and engaging community of editors to increase content of Climate change and Environment on Nigerian pidgin Wikipedia and make the information accessible thus increasing awareness of Climate change and Environment


  1. Number of events: 2
  2. Number of participants: 30
  3. Number of new editors: 5
  4. Number of of articles created or translated from English Wikipedia to Nigerian pidgin Wikipedia: 120


Object Unit price ($) Quantity Total ($)
Venue for two Events $200 2 $400
Internet subscription for participants on their devices to support translation and editing: $10 30 $300
Food and Refreshments for 2 events $20 30 $600
Gift vouchers for top 3 contributors (1st prize: $50, 2nd prize: $30, 3rd orize: $20) $100 1 $100
Certificate of participation $2 30 $60
Souvenirs for 2 judges of the articles created $20 2 $40
Total $1500

Any changes made to the budget after the application is submitted will void the application. You will then need to submit an updated application.

