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This page is a translated version of the page Africa Environment/Events and the translation is 68% complete.


“No matter how dark the cloud, there is always a thin, silver lining, and that is what we must look for. The silver lining will come, if not to us then to next generation or the generation after that. And maybe with that generation the lining will no longer be thin.” ― ワンガリ・マータイUnbowed: A Memoir 『へこたれない = Unbowed : ワンガリ・マータイ自伝』


Africa Environment Launch and Community Support – Online

The table below shows the online meetings, office hours and events proposed to launch the Africa Environment WikiFocus and support the community of local Wikimedia organisers. We look forward to seeing you at these events!

If you want to communicate about the drive, you may find visuals, branding color and logos 🙂

To discuss, please join the Telegram chat group

言語 日時 イベントの種類 注記 連絡先/URL
英語(フランス語翻訳あり) 5/16 15:00 UTC Africa Environment Closing Celebration

プレゼンテーション YouTubeで見る

Wiki In Africa主催 'Africa Environment WikiFocus 2023: Closing ceremony'


英語 3月29日 トレーニング ウェビナー



Wiki in Africa主催 Yamen Bousrihによるウィキデータ・セッション


フランス語 (with 英語 translation) 3月28日15時 UTC 中間報告イベント Wikimedia Côte d'Ivoire主催 Africa Environment Wikifocus Drive Update


英語 3月16日17時 UTC トレーニング ウェビナー


Wiki In Africa主催 Outreach Dashboard program training session by Euphemia Uwandu.


英語(フラフラ語訳付き) 2023年3月11日 Local launch event. Gurene Wikimedia Community主催 Online event to launch and reflect on the initiative, by Wangari Mathai / Microfunding/Localization and Advocacy for Climate Awareness for the Gurene Wikimedia Community Link to come
英語 3月10日17時 UTC トレーニング ウェビナー



Wiki In Africa主催 « How to edit Wikipedia articles related to Climate and Climate change » by Su-Laine Brodsky.


英語 3月3日19時 UTC ウィキアフリカ・アワー  : Wangari Mathai / Environment Day Launch event


Wiki In Africa主催 WikiAfrica Hour: Special Launch Episode – Climate Change in the Wikimedia Ecosystem



Watch all episodes on YouTube: WikiAfrica Hour

フランス語 23rd of Feb 3pm UTC 営業時間 Wikimedia Côte d'Ivoire主催。 Presentation of the Africa Environment Day / Wangari Maathai Day, questions and answer for local organizers.


場所Google Meet

英語 2月14日 4pm UTC 営業時間 Wiki In Africa主催 地元の主催者向け質疑応答。


場所Google Meet

すべての言語 3月1日から4月30日まで Photography contest: Wiki Loves Africa Wiki In Africa主催 Join here: Wiki Loves Africa 2023 : Climate & Weather
英語、フランス語およびその他多数の言語 2023年3月1日 - 31日 ISA campaign Tell Us About Her: Women on the Frontline Climate Wiki In Africa主催 Aimed at improving the visibility of women in climate change as well as their works on Wikimedia projects. 参加する

Africa Environment Community Events – offline

In the table below you will find the community events being held by Wikimedians to support the Africa Environment WikiFocus. Please add your event if it is not listed!

This table is for all Africa Environment events, not just those supported through the microgrant process.

言語 都市 場所 日時 イベントの種類 注記 連絡先/URL
ギニア フランス語 Conakry , Kindia User Group Wikimedia Guinée Conakry 3月21日と26日 トレーニング、エディタソンおよびトランスレータソン tableau de bord Sayd224
コンゴ民主共和国 フランス語 Goma, DRC Wikimedia DRCユーザーグループ 3月16日、17日、18日 トレーニング、エディタソンおよびトランスレータソン Dashboard URL
ジンバブエ 英語 Bulawayo ジンバブエ鉱山学校 3月11日と3月25日 トレーニング、エディタソンおよびトランスレータソン Dashboard
トーゴ フランス語, エウェ語 Lome La salle technique de Pina.com, Djifa-kpota derrière Pharmacie 2000, Lomé 3月24日と3月25日 トレーニング、エディタソンおよびトランスレータソン outreachdashboard URL
ガーナ 英語, アカン語, Ghanaian Pidgin Kumasi College of Engineering, Petroleum Building, KNUST 2023年3月18日、19日 トレーニング、エディタソンおよびトランスレータソン outreachdashboard URL
Nigeria English, Igbo Awka, Anambra Nnamdi Azikiwe University To be announced Discourse, training, editathon/translate-a-thon Dashboard Kingsley Nkem
Ghana English, Gurene Bolgatanga, Upper East Region Gbewa College of Education 18 & 19 March, 2023 Training, Editathon/Translate-a-thon Dashboard Dnshitobu
Nigeria English FCT Federal Secretariat Abuja To be announced Discourse, training, editathon/translate-a-thon


Oby Ezeilo
Rwanda English, Kinyarwanda Kigali, Rwanda Wikimedia Rwanda 18, 25 & 28 March, 2023 educating sessions/training, edit Athon/translate-a-thon. Dashboard Alice.Mukesh
Tanzania Swahili Northern Tanzania Wikimedia Community Kilimanjaro To be announced Training, Editathon/Translate-a-thon Dashboard Justine Msechu
Burundi French, Kirundi Bujumbura, Burundi Wikimedia Community user group Burundi 26, 27 & 28 March, 2023 educating sessions/training, edit Athon/translate-a-thon. Dashboard Ferdinand IF99
Cameroon French Douala, Cameroon MB Code, Kotto Chefferie Friday, 07th April 2023 Training session: Wikipedia and Wikidata Dashboard Serieminou
Cameroon French Dschang, Cameroon FASA Campus, University of Dschang Wednesday 12th April 2023 Training session/ Edi-a-thon Dashboard Serieminou
Rwanda English, Kinyarwanda Kigali, Rwanda Wikimedia Rwanda
  • 20th March 2023,
  • 27th March 2023,
  • 08th April 2023,
  • 22nd April 2023.
  • Training on introduction to Wikipedia, Edit-a-thon and translate-a-thon.
  • History of Wangari Maathai, Edit-a-thon and translate-a-thon.
  • Edit-a-thon, translate-a-thon and Data-a-thon.
  • Interactive session under theme: Role of youth in Climate action as in SDG 13, community and planting trees.
Dashboard Germain MUTIJIMA

Improving Wikipedia’s coverage of climate change

This training was on March 10th 2023. This exciting training was facilitated by Su-Laine Brodsky, a volunteer Wikipedia contributor since 2006. Topics covered during the webinar were the following: How to find climate misinformation on Wikipedia, Choosing sources on climate change, Understanding the Wikipedia review process, Crafting edits that will sticks.

Webinar Language were: English (with French, Portuguese and Arabic interpretations)


This special session was on March 16th. This training about the “Dashboard Program.” Was hosted by Euphemia Uwandu. She joined the movement in 2019. The topics covered were: What is the dashboard, How to create it for local and for global campaign ……so much MORE!



This session was on March 29th. This special session about the “Wikidata.”was hosted by Yamen Bousrih. He joined the movement in 2006. And he is a Financial Expert, co-founder of Wiki World Heritage UG, Wikimedia Tunisia and Wikiarabia conference, Open knowledge and Cultural Heritage advocate.

The topics covered Wikidata

  • What is the Wikidata ?
  • Why Wikidata is very important ?
  • How to contribute to Wikidata ?
  • How to query Wikidata?
  • How to generate Data visualization from Wikidata?
  • …so much MORE!




The closing session was on May 16th 2023. This session was facilitated by Wiki in Africa team and Wikimedia community Cote d' Ivoire team.

The closing session language : English ( with French translation)