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Most people currently working on Wikipedia, and most of our readers are not people lacking information. Quite the contrary. They have TOO MUCH information. Their problem is rather that they need organised, unbiased, complete information.

This is not the case of many people living in some african countries, such as Mali, Burkina Faso, Bénin, Togo etc... What they need is plainly a resource, as well as a means to transmit information to other people. In some areas for example, traditional medicine is slowly lost because it is only an oral tradition, in competition with modern medicine. What african people need is also a resource adapted to their needs, ie, in their own language and written by themselves.

However, though we have thousands of contributors, the number of african editors is extremely limited. It is worth exploring ways of raising more awareness on african continent, to get editors and readers.

We have been contacted or have contacted people working for Africa development, and wish to expand collaboration with them.

  • http://www.edukafaso.org/ Expériences pédagogiques menées en faisant participer des enfants à une production commune via Wikipédia. En l'occurrence, production commune France et Burkina Faso. / Pedagogical experiments with children taking part in a common production via Wikipedia. Here, the common work is shared between France and Burkina Faso.

Philippe (Edukafaso & NTBF) : It's rather a NTBF project because Edukafaso hasn't material for it. NTBF can't launch the project until it has a high speed connexion in Ouagadougou multimedia center [1].


It could be interesting to get in touch with Sedelan & Maurice Oudet his manager. They 're working on "langues nationales" in Burkina as Mooré, Jula, Fulfuldé : [2]

See also bisharat.net for its work in progress about unicode and africain langages and bilingual education in Burkina : [3]


  • La lutte contre la prolifération du VIH / SIDA et des IST, les crises de Paludisme infantiles et les risques de contagion telles la Tuberculose et divers.
  • Préserver le droit d’éducation des enfants tout en luttant contre leur trafic et travaux forcés ; assurer leur réinsertion obligatoire à la formation professionnelle.
  • Promouvoir aussi et surtout l’insertion de la jeune fille dans le module d’éducation
  • Encourager le planning familial (méthodes de contraception et de protection sanitaires.
  • Promotion des initiatives privées favorisant ainsi l’indépendance économique des populations.

Internal references


