Affiliations Committee/Resolutions/Treasurer and spending authorization – September 2012
Whereas the Committee may request funding for operating expenses and grants in accordance with its Charter,
Whereas proper disbursement of said funding necessitates the existence of internal procedures and controls on spending,
Whereas the Committee may amend its Rules of Procedure at any time by the means of a resolution,
Whereas the Committee may create specialized membership roles and assign them such responsibilities as desired, therefore be it
Resolved that Maria Sefidari is appointed Treasurer of the Affiliations Committee to serve for a term ending on March 31, 2013 or until a new Treasurer is appointed,
Further resolved that the Internal process on spending as proposed is hereby adopted,
Further resolved that the Committee Rules of Procedure are amended as follows:
- Sections 5 and 6 of Article II (General procedure) shall be created to read:
- "5. Disbursement of the Committee's budget shall be overseen and monitored by a treasurer. The treasurer shall serve as the contact person between the Committee and the Wikimedia Foundation on all authorizations involving spending from the Committee's budget.
- 6. The treasurer will be appointed for a renewable term of one year by a resolution of the Committee."
- Section 6 of Article III (Resolutions and Motions) shall be renumbered Section 7;
- Section 5 of Article III (Resolutions and Motions) shall be renumbered Section 6;
- Section 5 of Article III (Resolutions and Motions) shall be created to read:
- "5. Resolutions affecting disbursement of the Committee budget ("budgetary resolutions") shall be governed by the conditions prescribed in the Committee's Internal process on spending";
[edit] Resolution passed with 6 votes in favor, 0 votes against, 1 abstentions, 3 votes not cast, on 14 September 2012.
Internal process on spending
[edit]Amounts below $350
[edit]Step 1
[edit]- Propose a budget request. The request should include:
- person/s involved/conducting the activity/expense
- the estimated amount of money needed for the activity (detailed expenses list), in US dollars (and/or the currency of reimbursement, if different)
- timeline
- justification of why it is needed (allignment with Wikimedia mission/vision & AffCom purposes)
- clearly defined target goals for the expense/s
Step 2
[edit]- Request is posted on the AffCom wiki, and AffCom members are notified via mailing list.
- The request is approved if the Chair and Treasurer approve it and no one opposes it within 3 days. If a member voices opposition, the request is put up to a vote for 7 days, and considered approved if a simple majority of members, including the Chair and Treasurer approve it.
- The approved request will then be forwarded to the WMF by the Treasurer. (The WMF will not accept requests from others than the Treasurer; the Treasurer needs to confirm the validity of all requests before the WMF can pay out.)
Step 3
[edit]- If the request is granted, upon its completion it will be mandatory to:
- submit within fourteen (14) days a detailed written report of the activity, onwiki and notifying it via the AffCom mailing list, including dates, background for making the request, completed target goals, fulfillment of any other AffCom goals, potential follow ups of this activity, and total amount of money needed for the request. This report must be written having in mind that it may be not only for AffCom purposes, but for WMF and Wikimedia movement members also (ie, could be posted on meta too).
- submit any other documentation needed by the WMF for legal/tax/reimbursement purposes
- after this, the Treasurer will remind AffCom members, via their mailing list, of the current budget amount available
Amounts above $350
[edit]Step 1
[edit]- Propose budgetary resolution. The resolution should include:
- person/s involved/conducting the activity/expense
- the estimated amount of money needed for the activity (detailed expenses list), in US dollars (and/or the currency of reimbursement, if different)
- timeline
- justification of why it is needed (allignment with Wikimedia mission/vision & AffCom purposes)
- clearly defined target goals for the expense/s
Step 2
[edit]- Resolution is posted on the AffCom wiki, and AffCom members are notified via mailing list.
- The voting time of the resolution is 7 days from the time the notification is posted to the mailing list.
- The resolution is approved if a simple majority of the members, including the Chair and Treasurer approve it.
- The approved request will then be forwarded to the WMF by the Treasurer. (The WMF will not accept requests from others than the Treasurer; the Treasurer needs to confirm the validity of all requests before the WMF can pay out.)
Step 3
[edit]- If the request is granted, upon its completion it will be mandatory to:
- submit within fourteen (14) days a detailed written report of the activity, onwiki and notifying it via the AffCom mailing list, including dates, background for making the request, completed target goals, fulfillment of any other AffCom goals, potential follow ups of this activity, and total amount of money needed for the request. This report must be written having in mind that it may be not only for AffCom purposes, but for WMF and Wikimedia movement members also (ie, could be posted on meta too).
- submit any other documentation needed by the WMF for legal/tax/reimbursement purposes
- after this, the Treasurer will remind AffCom members, via their mailing list, of the current budget amount available based on actual expenditures