Affiliations Committee/Resolutions/Membership – November 2014
Following the public call for candidates and whereas all the applications of the candidates have been read and discussed, the following people are hereby appointed for Affiliations Committee membership with voting rights:
- Manuel Schneider
- Ganesh Paudel
- Emily Temple-Wood
- Ting Chen
- Anirudh Singh Bhati
The term of the newly appointed members is scheduled to last for two years, with a scheduled call for their replacement at the end of 2016.
The resolution is effective immediately when passed.
Explanatory note: Committee members serve renewable two year terms. Two members of the Committee decided to resign due to personal commitments and Cynthia Ashley-Nelson's seat had been vacant since her passing away on April 2014. Furthermore, the Committee may appoint members and advisers based on their expertise and interest outside the regular selection periods.
The current composition of the Committe is as follows: Carlos Colina, Josh Lim, Salvador Alcantar, Tanvir Rahman, Greg Varnum, with terms scheduled to expire at the end of 2014; Galileo Vidoni, Kirill Lokshin with terms scheduled to expire at the end of 2015; Manuel Schneider, Ganesh Paudel, Emily Temple-Wood, Ting Chen and Anirudh Singh Bhati, with terms scheduled to expire at the end of 2016, and serve as full voting members.
[edit] Resolution passed with 7 votes in favor, 0 votes against, 1 abstentions, 1 votes not cast, on 4 November 2014.