Affiliations Committee/Resolutions/Appointment of Bence Damokos as adviser – November 2014
- Whereas the Affiliations Committee recognises the need of governance and organisational advice as well as the input from non-voting advisers in approval procedures,
- Whereas the Affiliations Committee may appoint advisers by majority vote at any time,
- Whereas Advisers to the Affiliations Committee, as noted on Meta-Wiki, provide the Committee with on-the-ground experience, language skills, and governance advice, and are able to take part in discussions on an internal wiki and a non-public mailing list.
- Whereas Bence Damokos has served the Affiliations Committee as a voting member between March 2010 and November 2014, including a term as Chair of the Affiliations Committee between January 2012 and March 2014,
- Whereas Bence Damokos has demonstrated excellent skills in all duties related to the work of the Affiliations Committee, maintains unique institutional knowledge valuable to the work of the Affiliations Committee moving forward, posses excellent communication and mediation skills, is considered a trusted member of the Wikimedia movement, and has agreed to continue to help the Committee.
- It is resolved that Bence Damokos is appointed as an adviser to the Affiliations Committee for a term ending on December 31, 2016.
[edit] Resolution passed with 10 votes in favor, 0 votes against, 0 abstentions, 2 votes not cast, on 21 November 2014.