Комитет по присоединению/Запрос комментариев/Логотипы групп участников Викимедиа
The following request for comments is closed. Комитет по связям с общественностью в ближайшие недели опубликует рекомендации по логотипам групп пользователей. --Varnent (обсуждение)(РКИ) 18:10, 26 мая 2014 (UTC)
The best practices are now online: Wikimedia movement affiliates logos best practices
Краткое описание
Комитет по присоединению запросил у сообщества комментарии по поводу наилучших моделей использования логотипов групп участников Викимедиа.
Комитет рассчитывает собрать отклики сообщества до пятницы 24 мая 2014 года. После выяснения мнения сообщества, Комитет по присоединению опубликует на Мета-вики руководство по созданию логотипов групп участников Викимедиа.
Комитет по присоединению получил ряд обращений с запросом рекомендаций по созданию логотипов групп участников Викимедиа.
Уже существует стандартный формат, используемый отделениями, и этот формат применяется также к тематическим организациям. Отделения и тематические организации в прошлом также сотрудничали с юридическим отделом Фонда Викимедиа в разработке пользовательских логотипов.
- Примеры, взятые из предложенных «наилучших практик» в области логотипов региональных и тематических организаций
Логотип сообщества Викимедиа
логотип Викимедиа -
логотипа тематической организации -
логотипа региональной организации
Группы пользователей Викимедиа также могут создавать собственные логотипы или эмблемы, основанные на логотипе сообщества, а новая политика в отношении товарных знаков позволяет использовать логотипы, основанные на логотипе Фонда Викимедиа. Однако остается вопрос о наилучшей практике использования стандартных логотипов групп пользователей.
Комитет по членству стремится поддерживать равенство между членами движения, но признает, что при обсуждении наилучших практик использования логотипа также должны приниматься во внимание брендинговые и юридические аспекты. Группы пользователей Викимедиа сообщили членам Комитета по присоединению о своем желании использовать вариант логотипа Фонда Викимедиа таким образом, чтобы он был похож на логотип отделений Викимедиа и тематических организаций. Однако отделения и тематические организации отметили, что использование такого формата логотипа может привести к нежелательному увеличению объема дополнительной работы и возложить определенные ожидания на группы пользователей, которые, как правило, должны быть более свободны от бюрократии и ожидать широкого представительства движения.
Чтобы найти компромисс, Комитет по членству хотел бы получить соответствующие отзывы от заинтересованных сторон, связанных с Викимедиа, по этой теме и предлагаемым передовым практикам:
Одобренные группы пользователей Викимедиа могут выбрать один из трех вариантов или их комбинацию:
- Подобно отделениям и тематическим организациям, группы пользователей могут создавать собственные логотипы в соответствии с политикой Фонда Викимедиа в отношении товарных знаков и другими соответствующими политиками и законами в области товарных знаков.
- Подобно главам и тематическим организациям, группы пользователей могут использовать различные варианты логотипа сообщества Викимедиа (см. примеры 1, 2 и 3).
- Группы пользователей также могут использовать различные варианты логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с единым слоганом группы пользователей Викимедиа (см. примеры 4, 5, 6 и 7). Это зависит от отделений и тематических организаций, у которых нет единого слогана. Мы также рассматриваем варианты, включающие цветовые вариации, которые помогут лучше различать группы пользователей (см. примеры 8, 9 и 10).
- Примеры, взятые из предложенных «наилучших практик» в области логотипов групп участников
Пример 1
Вариация на тему логотипа сообщества Викимедиа -
Пример 2
Вариация на тему логотипа сообщества Викимедиа -
Пример 3
Вариация на тему логотипа сообщества Викимедиа
Пример 4
Вариация логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с доп. подписью -
Пример 5
Вариация логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с доп. подписью -
Пример 6
Вариация логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с доп. подписью -
Пример 7
Вариация логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с доп. подписью
Пример 8
Цветной вариант логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с доп. подписью -
Пример 9
Цветной вариант логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с доп. подписью -
Пример 10
Цветной вариант логотипа Фонда Викимедиа с доп. подписью
- Примеры самостоятельно разработанных логотипов групп участников
Пример 11
Возможный логотип для Группы участников сообщества Викитеки (Wikisource Community User Group) -
Пример 12
Логотип группы «LGBT Wikimedians User Group» (название группы не утверждено — была одобрена только графическая часть логотипа)
- While most of this seems reasonable, "Wikimedia User Group Pakistan Wikimedia User Group" sounds a bit weird. Wouldn't it be better to just require "user group" to be included in the logo somewhere? --Tgr (talk) 01:41, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- Just to clarify, the group's name would remain "Wikimedia Community User Group Pakistan" - so the tagline idea was to have it be outside of the name and universal to all WUG logos. Are you suggesting that the requirement be modified to just make sure it includes user group in it somewhere? --Varnent (talk)(COI) 14:22, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- The tagline in "Wikimedia Community User Group Pakistan - A Wikimedia User Group" is superfluous and it is bit of a mouthful. I am not particularly keen about examples 5 to 7, it is already very clear that they are user groups. Samar Talk 18:38, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I'm going to have to agree with this one, as we are just restating the obvious here with the last part, so it probably isn't necessary in the long run. Kevin Rutherford (talk) 22:19, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- We are testing out the tagline idea above, but an obvious difficulty is that most user groups already have "user group" in their regular name. The UG Agreement has " “an independent group of volunteer Wikimedians” " as the standard tagline, which would not clash with "user group" in the name, but is quite long. --Bence (talk) 20:44, 14 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- "Volunteer Wikimedians" sounds rather redundant, so I wonder if we could just shorten that down to "An independent group of Wikimedians" since that makes sense and is a bit shorter. Kevin Rutherford (talk) 03:22, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- Why not "PAKISTAN wikimedians" and below "User Group"? Or "PAKISTAN" and below "Wikimedians User Group"? I think that "wikimedians" instead of "Wikimedia" could be good to distinguish from chapters and thorgs that are more "institutional". --Dvdgmz (talk) 08:21, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- "Volunteer Wikimedians" sounds rather redundant, so I wonder if we could just shorten that down to "An independent group of Wikimedians" since that makes sense and is a bit shorter. Kevin Rutherford (talk) 03:22, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- We are testing out the tagline idea above, but an obvious difficulty is that most user groups already have "user group" in their regular name. The UG Agreement has " “an independent group of volunteer Wikimedians” " as the standard tagline, which would not clash with "user group" in the name, but is quite long. --Bence (talk) 20:44, 14 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I'm going to have to agree with this one, as we are just restating the obvious here with the last part, so it probably isn't necessary in the long run. Kevin Rutherford (talk) 22:19, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- The tagline in "Wikimedia Community User Group Pakistan - A Wikimedia User Group" is superfluous and it is bit of a mouthful. I am not particularly keen about examples 5 to 7, it is already very clear that they are user groups. Samar Talk 18:38, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- Just to clarify, the group's name would remain "Wikimedia Community User Group Pakistan" - so the tagline idea was to have it be outside of the name and universal to all WUG logos. Are you suggesting that the requirement be modified to just make sure it includes user group in it somewhere? --Varnent (talk)(COI) 14:22, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- How about creating custom logos based on Community logo for project-related and thematic user groups and having a version of community logo for geographical located User Groups? For these could be something suggesting a group of people like
File:Wikimedia user groups logo - proposal 1.svg or
File:Wikimedia user groups logo - proposal 2.svg --Dvdgmz (talk) 08:21, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I like the idea, but having "New England" and "Wikimedians" on two separate lines looks rather odd from our perspective, especially since they are two different colors. Additionally, we don't actually call ourselves "New England Wikimedians User Group", since it is a bit of a mouthful to say and we are trying to go with the shorter name in terms of branding. Kevin Rutherford (talk) 18:26, 16 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- Is it possible to have a simple "Wikimedia User Group - Pakistan" (Pakistan in a separate line). I was never keen about the long name which is cumbersome and inconvenient for advertisement/marketing purposes. If a tagline is to be added, I'd prefer "an independent group of volunteer Wikimedians" over "a Wikimedia User Group". Samar Talk 20:01, 17 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I like the idea, but having "New England" and "Wikimedians" on two separate lines looks rather odd from our perspective, especially since they are two different colors. Additionally, we don't actually call ourselves "New England Wikimedians User Group", since it is a bit of a mouthful to say and we are trying to go with the shorter name in terms of branding. Kevin Rutherford (talk) 18:26, 16 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Wikisource CUG logo
For the Wikisource group this logo was proposed. Would it be acceptable according to the guidelines? Maybe you could put the footing text and add it to the examples? Thanks--Micru (talk) 06:05, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- It would be an example of a custom logo, and we have a couple dozen examples already. Would it be helpful for folks if we illustrated what the custom logos could look like? To answer your questions, yes, it would be permitted as a custom logo. --Varnent (talk)(COI) 14:32, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I have added it and the LGBT one as examples of custom logos. You are welcome to use it for your group, and if so, I will upload a SVG version of it to Commons. Until your group decides, I have left it just on Meta-Wiki as a variation draft file. --Varnent (talk)(COI) 17:43, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I think that custom logos based on Wikimedia Community logo is a good option when the User Group is "thematic" or "wiki-project" related, like LGBT or Wikisource. When the User Group is for a geographic/political area could be the Community Logo; the same basic WM logo as chapters & thorgs or it with some distinction. But I don't like the Example 8 solution, looks like a poor version of the 'basic' logo. --Dvdgmz (talk) 07:32, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I like this proposed logo, and mostly agree with Dvdgmz's comment. I disagree with the WM logo, because then we end up having the same logo for all affiliates, whereas user groups have in reality at least a slightly different scope and structure compared to chapters & thorgs. --Pakeha (talk) 11:35, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- I think that custom logos based on Wikimedia Community logo is a good option when the User Group is "thematic" or "wiki-project" related, like LGBT or Wikisource. When the User Group is for a geographic/political area could be the Community Logo; the same basic WM logo as chapters & thorgs or it with some distinction. But I don't like the Example 8 solution, looks like a poor version of the 'basic' logo. --Dvdgmz (talk) 07:32, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Wikimedia Community User Group Pakistan logo
I would like to share with you some of my thoughts as one of the agent of Wikimedia Community User Group Pakistan on the issue. First of all, thanks for bringing up this important issue. I believe all of the proposed options are in the best interests of the Wikimedia movement but I've some concerns on the examples (8-10) which is too retro in my opinion and unorthodox. As for community logo (examples 1-3), in my humble opinion this logo still widely represents the Meta-Wiki project and the global Wikimedia community whereas majority of the UG's are actually country-oriented. On the other hand, I don't think that geographically distributed UG's should have a different visual identity other than that of chapters. After all, both share the same mission and those who are concerned that usage of Wikimedia Foundation logo by UG's may lead to confusion recognising between a chapter and UG's, I think the tag line under logo very well serve the purpose. As for custom logos, I'm fairly neutral on it as long Affcom help preparing the custom logo. So overall, my preference is for the Wikimedia Foundation logo for geo-oriented UG's but I'm willing to undertake whatever the Affcom and Wikimedia's Legal and Community Affairs decides on. --Saqib (talk) 16:10, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
- Yes, any decision is up to them. Unlike you, I just think that the logos should indicate what chapters and UGs stand for. A tagline wouldn't be necessary then. --Pakeha (talk) 11:44, 15 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Personally, I like Example 4 for our group, since it makes the most sense and will fit us perfectly in the short time between us being a user group and a chapter. Kevin Rutherford (talk) 17:51, 12 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]