Affiliations Committee/Candidates/2023/Benoît Prieur
Benoît Prieur
[edit]- User: Benoît Prieur (User account list / User page link)
- Primary Wikimedia projects: Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata
- Language capabilities (language and level of proficiency): fr, en-3, pt-2, es-2
- Regional experiences: Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbeans Middle East and North Africa Northern America (US and Canada) Northern and Western Europe South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa
- What experience do you have participating on committees, within or outside the Wikimedia movement?
- I was a member of the Affcom from March 2021 to early November 2023, specifically in the Conflict Sub-Committee. It was a pivotal experience for me personally: consistently acting in the exclusive interest of the Wikimedia Foundation, setting aside my personal opinions. There was also the opportunity to retrospectively evaluate each of my actions, reflecting on how things could have been done differently. Affcom allows for this continuous individual improvement. I mention this not only to introduce myself but also to encourage others to consider candidacy. One notable aspect at Affcom is the effective integration of new members, especially thanks to the staff (Dumi, Manav) whom I thank in this regard. Thanks to them, my learning curve was exponential, and I attribute this exclusively to the other volunteer and professional members.
- What skills, experience, or perspective would you bring or contribute to the committee, if appointed?
- As explained earlier, I gained a lot of experience at Affcom in understanding various issues. One skill that took me a long time to acquire is the ability to quickly distinguish issue exclusively related to Organization Theory from issue due to Wikimedia specificities. I do not claim to have fully mastered it.
- Is there any other pertinent information that you would like us to take into account when reviewing your application?
- I have been the subject of coordinated or individual attacks for several years from a national chapter. Most of these attacks are well-documented from a legal perspective. The latest, recent, and distinctive attack occurred on a project of the Foundation. Naturally, as this involves a national chapter, I resigned from the AffCom to be able to defend myself with an AffCom request. After careful consideration, it appeared to me that requesting to the AffCom is not the best way to fully manage this case in my favor. I want to clarify that I had made the decision to run for the AffCom before resigning from the AffCom.
- Which sub-committee are you interested in working with (Conflict Intervention, Recognitions)?:
- Conflict Intervention sub-committee
- What do you think are the benefits and responsibilities of functioning as formal affiliates, and when is a group of Wikimedians ready to form an affiliate?
- I was in the conflict subcommittee, and I probably have less perspective regarding affiliation, even though I believe I understand the processes and criterias very well. Nevertheless, I try to apply the same approach as for conflicts: gather as much information as possible about potential contexts, whether they involve Wikimedia specificities or not, before expressing any opinion. Regarding the question of Formation Readiness, I don't have many concrete experiences within the Affcom, perhaps an area for improvement for myself in the future. I should note that in real life (IRL), one of my activities is being a teacher.
- Please describe your experience working with conflict resolution, and how you have helped build consensus and support diversity.
- From my experience in conflict resolution, the issue of Diversity Support Experience is crucial. To omit it is, at best, to exacerbate the said conflict. The ethical foundation to which I strive to adhere involves acquiring as much knowledge as possible about the territory (or the cross-cutting theme) related to the individuals involved in the conflict: contemporary history, geography, culture in all its aspects (daily life, art, cuisine, personalities, etc.). This is the minimum level of empathy that can be extended to those involved in the conflict and helps build trust during interviews. More pragmatically, I don't write a single line, organize an interview, or even contemplate the conflict until I am able to describe the country in its various facets, including the composition of the national culinary specialty. If roles were reversed, I would greatly appreciate this effort from the other party. This approach maximizes the chances of achieving a healthy and sustainable resolution to the conflict.
Endorsements (Benoît Prieur)
[edit]Oppose I know Benoît only a bit and he seems to me to be quite mature. But for now sorry, I am not going to endorse anyone who applies for any role in WMF until they explicitly declare their commitment to the Wikimedia Foundation Guiding Principles (even if implicit commitment may be clear) or present a clear critique of them based on reasonable arguments and at least a basic proposal to improve the situation about the principles. If you answer my questions, I may change my endorsement. Thanks for understanding ;-) --KuboF Hromoslav (talk) 22:16, 13 November 2023 (UTC)
- Dear KuboF Hromoslav,
- Your questions are interesting, but I do not wish to answer them, at least not yet, especially for formal reasons. However, I am available to continue our private discussion on personal perspective (no Wikimedia stuff).
- --Benoît Prieur (talk) 08:11, 14 November 2023 (UTC)
- I highly appreciate your explicit information! Please, remember, that they will be available also after the appoitment. --KuboF Hromoslav (talk) 18:48, 14 November 2023 (UTC)
Strong support Benoit is a committed member of AffCom who strives at all times to be fair, as can be seen from his responses above. I worked with him at AffCom and remember well his clearheaded and conciliatory approach to conflict. Bunty Avieson (talk) 23:13, 15 November 2023 (UTC)
Support CapitainAfrika (talk) 10:30, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
Oppose Sorry, but I don't trust this user at all, due to recent events on the French Wikipedia. I am willing to assume his good will, but I can't support this application. DarkVador79-UA (talk) 21:37, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
Oppose Strongly, in regards of the recents events. Durifon (talk) 14:15, 4 January 2024 (UTC)