Locurile în Consiliu alese de afiliați/Rezoluția 2019/Reda Kerbouche
![Picture of the candidate](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/59/Reda_Kerbouche_officiel_Corp.jpg/300px-Reda_Kerbouche_officiel_Corp.jpg)
- Reda Kerbouche
Nume de utilizator Wikimedia:
Întrebări pentru toți candidații - Întrebări pentru acest candidate care nu sunt adresate altor candidați
- Community support. As an active member of the community at the international level, and with my personal experience, I know that we can do better. many affiliates (especially user groups) cannot receive grants to meet their needs and struggle day and night to exist. This problem is very common in all open source movements. The big challenge will be to find a solution to help all volunteers around the world to do their work promoting our movement, especially our communities such as Turkey or Venezuela where access to our resources is difficult.
- More transparency, our community needs more transparency in the decisions that are made especially when approving new affiliation or new projects, to decrease frustration that volunteers may have. Update the correct information, especially in the job offer posted by the Wikimedia Foundation, so that those who are not concerned do not waste their time in applying.
When I see that my community is suffering, I can not stand by, and that's why I'm very sure of myself that I can be very useful for the WMF. This is the reason why I am nominating myself for the Affiliate-selected board seats.
Carieră profesională
My professional experience has always been related to management and leadership. I started by creating my own company working in the field of culture, then I was invited to work with large European retailers. in parallel with my personal projects in the cultural field. I am currently working with cultural associations in Algeria collaborating with UNESCO to promote the material and immaterial heritage.
Experiență Wikimedia
I was born in Asia, I grew up in Africa, and I live in Europe (I feel like a son of the world). I am a founding member and manager of Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group and head of communication at Wikimedia Algeria since 2014. I am an active member in the community with various contributions to Wikimedia projects since 2010.
I have organized and led several Wikimedia projects in the last few years (I am specifically proud of the Arabic Wikipedia MOOC). I support all communities, mostly indigenous languages. I have organized with my group several Wikimedia contests (Wiki Loves X). I presented several projects at several conferences around the world about Wikimedia, in 2018 I did a small presentation about Wikimedia movement at a UNESCO event in Tunis.
I speak French, Arabic, Russian, Tacawit, and English. I work for developing African and indigenous languages. I was in the organising committees of WikiIndaba and WikiArabia. I am also a member of Wiki Indaba Steering Committee and a new member of the Affiliations Committee.
I know how the Wikimedia community work and how to encourage new communities to start working. With my new user group, now we are about to start a new sister project of Wikipedia in a new language.
I am eligible to serve as a trustee of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Wikimedia Community User Group Georgia
- Susținere din partea Wikimedia UG Georgia:
La întâlnirea oficială media (via Skype) a Consiliului Wikimedia UG Georgia pe 18 aprilie 2019, Consilierii au decis unanim:
- Să susțină candidatura unui Membru al Wikimedia Algeria, Reda Kerbouche, în alegerile pentru Consiliul de Administrație al Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) datorită meritelor sale:
- Pentru contribuțiile sale la dezvoltarea mișcării Wikimedia în Algeria, care contribuie la dezvoltarea întregii mișcări.
- Pentru dezvoltarea proiectelor Wikimedia în diferite limbi.
- Pentru atragerea de noi utilizatori în proiecte Wikimedia, prin dezvoltarea de platforme online de tipul MOOC.
- Pentru abilitățile sale personale și pentru o personalitate sociabilă și prietenoasă.
— Din partea Consiliului de Administrație Wikimedia UG Georgia. --Mehman 97 19:40, 18 April 2019 (UTC)
Wikimedia MA User Group
- Susținere din partea Wikimedia MA User Group:
Following a local community discussion with the group active members, and an internal discussion within Wikimedia Morocco board, both happening between 19 and 21 April 2019, we are pleased to announce that Wikimedia Morocco strongly endorses the candidacy of our regional partner Reda Kerbouche, member of Wikimedia Algeria and Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group, in becoming a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF).
Our decision is based on our extensive working experience with Reda, and the qualities and abilities that we have noticed from him during all our several collaborations, either on a local, regional, or international level. We believe that these qualities are rare and necessary for a member in the Board of Trustees, especially when representing the community and affiliates. Among Reda's merits, we can mention:
- Knowledge of the movement - Reda is an Algerian wikimedian living in Russia. He speaks 5 languages and is an active member within different communities (Arabic speaking, French speaking, Russian speaking), making him a real link between these communities, and also giving him a wider understanding of the communities and the movement. By being a member of the Board of trustees, all the communities Reda closely knows will be sure to be represented, which is excellent, given the big number of communities he is working with simultaneously.
- Wikimedian experience and abilities - Reda has proven to be a true leader and an inspirational person that can make people sit together and work actively on several projects. The results that he had achieved are the best proof of his character. Besides that, Reda has an extensive experience in managing, participating and organizing many Wikimedia related events, and has been member of different committees and jurys related to them. The "MOOC" platform and the creation of the Tamazight User Group are examples of achievements made by Reda to empower various communities and help them grow.
- Abilități de comunicare excelente - Prin experiența sa de a trăi în diferite țări și de a vorbi un număr de limbi, Reda a creat o rețea mare la nivel global care îl ajută să comunice clar și direct cu diferite persoane. Cu experiența sa în mișcare și viață multiculturală, Reda știe pe cine, când și cum trebuie să contacteze. În plus, a arătat că poate asculta și transmite problemele la nivelul următor. Aceasta este o calitate deosebit de importantă pentru un potențial membru al Consiliului de Administrație, care va reprezenta afiliații din întreaga lume și care trebuie să se asigure că vocea acestora este auzită și că opiniile lor sunt luate în considerare.
În concluzie, suntem încrezători că Reda Kerbouche este persoana potrivită pentru a reprezenta afiliații în Consiliul de Administrație al Wikimedia Foundation și ne exprimăm din nou susținerea candidaturii sale pentru această poziție. — Pentru Wikimedia MA User Group,
Anass Sedrati (talk) 09:23, 21 April 2019 (UTC)