Administrators of Wikimedia projects/Italian projects
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This page lists the various administrators in Italian language (it) Wikimedia projects (and multilingual projects). Please help to improve and update this list.
Op deze pagina vindt u een lijst van alle moderatoren van de Italiaanse (it) Wikimedia-projecten (en meertalige projecten). Uw help bij het verbeteren en up-to-date houden met deze lijst wordt op prijs gesteld.
Esta página lista os administradores dos projetos da Wikimedia em italiano (e nos projetos multilinguais). Ajude a incrementar e atualizar esta lista.
Questa pagina contiene l'elenco degli amministratori dei progetti Wikimedia in lingua italiana (e dei progetti multilingue). Aiuta a migliorare e a mantenere aggiornato tale elenco.
[edit]IT domain
[edit]Wikipedia (sysop | bureaucrat | checkuser | suppressor | interface administrator | arbcom)
[edit]- %Pier% (sysop)
- .mau. (arbcom, sysop)
- .snoopy. (sysop)
- 3knolls (sysop)
- 9Aaron3 (arbcom, sysop)
- Adalhard (sysop)
- Alkalin (arbcom, sysop)
- Amarvudol (sysop)
- Antonio1952 (sysop)
- Aplasia (sysop)
- Archenzo (sysop)
- Argeste (arbcom, sysop)
- Ariel (sysop)
- ArtAttack (sysop)
- Ask21 (check user, sysop)
- Atlante (sysop)
- AttoRenato (sysop)
- Basilicofresco (sysop)
- Borgil (sysop)
- Bradipo Lento (sysop)
- Bramfab (sysop)
- Buggia (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Bultro (interface administrator, sysop)
- Carlomorino (sysop)
- Castagna (sysop)
- Caulfield (sysop)
- Ceppicone (sysop)
- Civvì (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Cosma Seini (sysop)
- Daimona Eaytoy (interface administrator, sysop)
- Dave93b (sysop)
- Dedda71 (sysop)
- Delfort (sysop)
- Dome (sysop)
- Dr Zimbu (sysop)
- Elcairo (sysop)
- Elwood (check user, sysop)
- Epìdosis (sysop)
- Equoreo (sysop)
- Er Cicero (sysop)
- Esculapio (sysop)
- Etienne (sysop)
- Etrusko25 (sysop)
- Eustace Bagge (sysop)
- FeltriaUrbsPicta (sysop)
- Fresh Blood (sysop)
- Friniate (arbcom, sysop)
- Gac (sysop)
- GryffindorD (sysop)
- Horcrux (interface administrator, sysop)
- Ignisdelavega (sysop)
- Ilario (sysop)
- Il buon ladrone (sysop)
- IndyJr (sysop)
- Jaqen (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Kal-El (sysop)
- Kirk39 (sysop)
- KS (sysop)
- Laurentius (interface administrator, sysop)
- Lepido (sysop)
- Lollo98 (arbcom, sysop, suppressor)
- Lucarosty (sysop)
- LukeWiller (sysop)
- M&A (sysop)
- M7 (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop)
- Madaki (sysop)
- Mannivu (sysop)
- Marcok (sysop)
- Mastrocom (sysop)
- Maxpoto (sysop)
- Maybe75 (sysop)
- Melos (check user, global sysop, interface administrator, suppressor, sysop)
- Melquíades (sysop)
- Merynancy (sysop)
- Mess (sysop)
- Mtarch11 (check user, global sysop, sysop)
- Narayan89 (sysop)
- Nubifer (sysop)
- Ombra (sysop)
- PandeF (arbcom, sysop)
- Parma1983 (sysop)
- Phantomas (sysop)
- Phyrexian (sysop)
- Pierpao (sysop)
- Pil56 (sysop)
- Popsi (sysop)
- Pulciazzo (sysop)
- Remulazz (sysop)
- Retaggio (sysop)
- Riccardo di Capena (arbcom)
- Ripepette (sysop)
- Roberto Mura (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Rojelio (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Ruthven (check user, suppressor, sysop)
- Sakretsu (check user, interface administrator, sysop, steward)
- Sannita (arbcom, sysop)
- Sayatek (sysop)
- Sesquipedale (sysop)
- Shivanarayana (check user, sysop)
- Soprano71 (sysop)
- Spinoziano (sysop)
- Superchilum (sysop)
- Superpes15 (sysop, steward)
- Superspritz (check user, sysop, arbcom)
- Syrio (sysop)
- Threecharlie (sysop)
- Titore (check user, sysop)
- Torque (arbcom, sysop)
- Torsolo (sysop)
- TrinacrianGolem (sysop)
- Valcio (sysop)
- Vale93b (sysop)
- Valepert (interface administrator, sysop)
- ValterVB (sysop)
- Vegetable (sysop)
- WalrusMichele (sysop)
- Yiyi (suppressor, sysop)
- Zoro1996 (sysop)
Wiktionary (sysop | bureaucrat)
[edit]- Barbaking (sysop)
- Buggia (interface administrator, sysop)
- Wim b (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop, steward)
Wikisource (sysop | bureaucrat)
[edit]- Alex brollo (sysop)
- Candalua (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop)
- Carlomorino (sysop)
- Dr Zimbu (sysop)
- OrbiliusMagister (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Paperoastro (sysop)
- Ruthven (sysop)
- Xavier121 (sysop)
Wikiquote (sysop | bureaucrat)
[edit]- AssassinsCreed (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Dread83 (bureaucrat, sysop)
- GryffindorD (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Homer (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Nemo bis (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop)
- Spinoziano (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Sun-crops (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Superchilum (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Udiki (bureaucrat, sysop)
Wikibooks (sysop | bureaucrat)
[edit]Wikinews (sysop | bureaucrat)
[edit]- Ferdi2005 (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop)
- Gce (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop)
- Mannivu (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop)
Wikivoyage (sysop | bureaucrat)
[edit]- 3Pappa3 (interface administrator, sysop)
- Andyrom75 (bureaucrat, interface administrator, sysop)
- DerFussi (bureaucrat, sysop)
- Lkcl it (sysop)
- RolandUnger (bureaucrat, sysop)
Multilingual domain
[edit]Commons (sysop | bureaucrat | checkuser | oversighter)
[edit]Wikidata (sysop | bureaucrat | oversighter)
[edit]Meta (sysop | bureaucrat | checkuser | oversighter)
[edit]- M/ (interface administrator, sysop, bureaucrat)
- Melos (sysop, steward)
- Mtarch11 (global sysop, sysop)
- Sakretsu (steward)
- Superpes15 (sysop, checkuser, steward)
- Vituzzu (centralnotice administrator)
- Wim b (steward)
Wikispecies (sysop | bureaucrat | checkuser)
[edit]- ...