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Admin activity review/2020/Data

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
  • The status of this list as of January 8, 2021.
  • Any changes to wiki status mark here.
  • List of VP per project.
  • Notification templates
  • Warning! Before messaging or removing rights please verify that the user does not have temporary permissions or is not the abuse filter (view Special:UserRights on the local wiki and check for a comment that the user is a system user).

A (done)


afwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-06-25
last logged action: 2016-12-04
last edit: 2018-12-24
last logged action: 2012-06-22

amwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-07-28
last logged action: 2017-07-31

arwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-16
last logged action: 2018-07-31

aswiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-04-06
last logged action: 2018-04-06

B (done)


bgwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-10
last logged action: 2018-09-10

brwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-05-31
last logged action: 2011-11-10

C (done)


cawikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-01-25
last logged action: 2014-09-03

cebwiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-02-21
last logged action: 2018-02-21

cowiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2017-04-28
last logged action: 2018-03-25

crwiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-07-20
last logged action: 2018-10-10

D (done)


dewikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-04-25
last logged action: 2016-04-25
last edit: 2018-05-09
last logged action: 2018-05-09

dewikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-10-22
last logged action: 2018-10-22

dewikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-06-01
last logged action: 2008-05-31

dewikivoyage ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-10
last logged action: 2018-09-10

dewiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-01-20
last logged action: 2018-01-11

E (done)


elwikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-10-03
last logged action: 2012-03-08

elwikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-05-06
last logged action: 2018-05-06

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-03-12
last logged action: 2018-02-14

enwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-12-18
last logged action: 2018-12-18
last edit: 2018-04-20
last logged action: 2016-04-30
last edit: 2018-03-27
last logged action: 2018-03-20

eowikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-02-07
last logged action: 2017-12-12

eswikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-08-20
last logged action: 2018-08-20

eswikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-08
last logged action: 2016-10-08

etwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-05-09
last logged action: 2016-01-05

F (done)


fiwikibooks ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-04-30
last logged action: 2018-04-30

fiwikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-07-04
last logged action: 2018-07-04

frwikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2017-05-23
last logged action: 2017-07-12

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-03-30
last logged action: 2017-01-28

G (done)


ganwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2017-03-31
last logged action: 2018-09-12

gawiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-08-21
last logged action: 2018-03-22

glwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-10-16
last logged action: 2018-10-16

H (done)


hewikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-06-14
last logged action: 2018-06-14

hiwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-03-08
last logged action: 2014-04-30

hrwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-15
last logged action: 2014-09-01

hrwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-08-15
last logged action: 2018-08-15

hrwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-04-17
last logged action: 2018-04-06

huwikisource ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-12-16
last logged action: 2018-12-16

I (done)


iawiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2019-01-06
last logged action: 2019-01-06

itwikivoyage ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-11-15
last logged action: 2018-11-11

itwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-11-24
last logged action: 2018-07-11
last edit: 2016-09-26
last logged action: 2013-01-24
  • Notified: Community notification diff, to process on 2021-02-18
  • Andyrom75 is interface-admin
    Andyrom75 wishes to keep his rights and the community does not oppose. Diuturno resigned.

K (done)


kaawiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-03-19
last logged action: 2018-03-19

L (done)


ltwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-11-06
last logged action: 2016-06-03
last edit: 2018-01-15
last logged action: 2016-10-04

M (done)


mlwikisource ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-03-10
last logged action: 2013-02-25

mswiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-17
last logged action: 2018-03-03

mywiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-19
last logged action: 2018-09-19

mediawiki.org (done)


List is too long to use the usual templates, so I'll list them manually

  1. AmiDaniel
  2. Anubhav iitr
  3. Aude
  4. Awjrichards
  5. Barras
  6. Bdk
  7. Bene*
  8. BladeBronson
  9. Bryan
  10. Cbrown1023
  11. Christopher Johnson (WMDE)
  12. Church of emacs
  13. Cmelbye
  14. Courcelles
  15. DeirdreAnne
  16. DieBuche
  17. Dragons flight
  18. Drdee
  19. Ebernhardson
  20. Edokter
  21. Elian
  22. Fire
  23. Fran Rogers
  24. Glaisher
  25. Gregdek
  26. Grind24
  27. Hannibal
  28. Happy-melon
  29. IAlex
  30. Inez
  31. Jeremyb
  32. John Vandenberg
  33. Johnduhart
  34. Kalan
  35. Lhridley
  36. Liangent
  37. Manybubbles
  38. Midom
  39. Misza13
  40. Mr.Z-man
  41. OverlordQ
  42. PleaseStand
  43. Pmlineditor
  44. Ral315 (resigned)
  45. RobertL
  46. Robmoen
  47. Splarka
  48. TheFearow
  49. Thehelpfulone
  50. Tim.landscheidt
  51. Tychay
  52. VasilievVV (kept per reply)
  53. Werdna
  54. X!
  55. Ypnypn
  56. YuviPanda
  57. Zakgreant
  58. 😂

N (done)


This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-12
last logged action: 2016-06-25

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-02-07
last logged action: 2016-02-21

nnwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-07-22
last logged action: 2011-10-11
last edit: 2018-02-14
last logged action: 2013-10-18
last edit: 2018-07-03
last logged action: 2018-07-03
last edit: 2018-01-10
last logged action: 2015-02-13
last edit: 2018-05-28
last logged action: 2016-04-15

nowiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-03-04
last logged action: 2017-10-12

nywiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-20
last logged action: 2018-09-20

O (done)


ocwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-10-07
last logged action: 2017-04-03

orwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-04-02
last logged action: 2017-05-24

P (done)


plwikinews ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-08-16
last logged action: 2017-06-24
last edit: 2018-08-19
last logged action: 2016-12-25

plwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2017-12-30
last logged action: 2018-02-10

pnbwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-10-06
last logged action: 2018-10-06

R (done)


rowiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2017-07-04
last logged action: 2011-07-17

ruwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-08-27
last logged action: 2014-02-28
last edit: 2018-11-12
last logged action: 2018-06-08

ruwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-07-25
last logged action: 2018-07-25

S (done)


scnwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-01-27
last logged action: 2018-01-27

shwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-09-15
last logged action: 2018-09-15

sqwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-01-04
last logged action: 2013-11-19
last edit: 2018-08-21
last logged action: 2018-08-12

suwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-02-18
last logged action: 2017-09-08

svwiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-11-04
last logged action: 2018-11-11

T (done)


tawiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-05-24
last logged action: 2018-05-09
last edit: 2018-07-12
last logged action: 2016-11-11
last edit: 2018-05-31
last logged action: 2016-07-01

tawiktionary ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-10-08
last logged action: 2008-11-17
last edit: 2018-08-31
last logged action: 2018-08-31
last edit: 2018-05-07
last logged action: 2016-04-11

tlwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-01-22
last logged action: 2016-03-03

trwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-11-15
last logged action: 2018-11-15

trwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-06-21
last logged action: 2017-05-26

U (done)


udmwiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2017-05-04
last logged action: -

ukwikibooks ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2017-02-13
last logged action: 2018-06-16
  • Notified: Community notification diff, to process on 2021-02-09
  • There is a single vote to not desysop the user. The user performed a few edits and admin actions, which I consider as keep.

ukwikiquote ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-10-01
last logged action: 2016-03-21

urwiki ( Not done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-11-28
last logged action: -

V (done)


This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-06-30
last logged action: 2011-05-15

vowiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-07-01
last logged action: 2012-07-08

Z (done)


zeawiki ( Done)

This wiki will be affected, because it has no policy/review process.

last edit: 2018-01-30
last logged action: 2015-06-17