Abstrakte Wikipedia/Opdateringer
Phabricator project: #abstract wikipedia
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Abstrakte Wikipedia |
(Diskussion) |
Generelt |
Udviklingsplan |
Notater, udkast, diskussioner |
Eksempler og mockups |
Dataværktøjer |
Historisk |
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Opdateringer om fremskridtene i det abstrakte Wikipedia-projekt:
- 2024:
All further updates from February 2024 on are now hosted on Wikifunctions itself.
- 2024-01-25: Getting debug information from code; Function of the Week: Wrap string
- 2024-01-17: Refreshing the Function page; Function of the Week: ROT13
- 2024-01-11: The Joy of Collaboration; Introducing the Function of the Week: reverse string
- 2024-01-03: Introducerer vores første nye type: Lister
- 2023:
- 2023-12-13: Tilbageblik på 2023
- 2023-12-06: Announcing Wikifunctions on the Wikimedia Foundation blog. Looking for feedback on the Function page proposal.
- 2023-11-30: Welcome, Grace and Miguel! Appointing Functioneers now by community
- 2023-11-16: Hvilke typer kommer herefter?
- 2023-11-07: Wikifunctions, the library of functions that anyone can use and edit
- 2023-11-03: Python in WebAssembly; Improvements on Object Selector; Next Volunteer's Corner
- 2023-10-25: Kører på WebAssembly
- 2023-10-04: Argumenter gjort nemmere
- 2023-09-27: Serializers and deserializers for types
- 2023-09-20: Renderers and parsers for types
- 2023-09-08: Let’s start building morphological paradigms!
- 2023-08-31: Wikimania digest, CoSMo language, GFpedia demo, CCKS keynote
- 2023-08-14: Wikifunktioner ved Wikimania
- 2023-08-07: Wikifunctions is starting up (also on Diff blog)
- 2023-07-26: Wikifunctions is up (read-only), Welcome Megan, and we are hiring!
- 2023-07-20: Planlægning af implementeringsdatoer
- 2023-07-17: Google.org supports Abstract Wikipedia with $3 Million
- 2023-07-12: Rockefeller Foundation supports Abstract Wikipedia with $1 Million
- 2023-07-07: Velkommen, Amy!
- 2023-06-28: Mange tak, Cai og Allan!
- 2023-06-22: Team offsite in Delft
- 2023-06-07: Flersproget redigering
- 2023-06-02: Hackathon i Athen
- 2023-05-25: Our new viewing and editing experience is now available
- 2023-05-17: Mange tak, Julia!
- 2023-05-12: Velkommen, Carrie!
- 2023-04-28: Wikimedia Endowment awards $1 Million Dollar grant to Abstract Wikipedia, Team's manifesto published, Volunteer’s corner 8 May
- 2023-04-19: Selecting the right implementation, Reflections by Maria Keet, Abstract Wikipedia in Swedish
- 2023-03-23: Abstract Wikipedia and Grammatical Framework
- 2023-03-15: Quo vadis, Abstract Wikipedia?
- 2023-03-02: Afkoloniserer af Funktioner
- 2023-02-23: Thank you, Adesoji! Welcome Allan! A new position for an engineer, and videos and another meeting opportunity
- 2023-02-17: Wikifunctions: a Compendium of Calculations; DUCT and Abstract Representation presentations
- 2023-02-08: More thoughts on the fellows’ evaluation; Name for improvement process
- 2023-02-01: Closing Goal 4 - the Function page
- 2023-01-25: Some good byes ❤️
- 2023-01-19: State of Wikifunctions January 2023
- 2023-01-11: Sandy's goodbye letter: on design
- 2022:
- 2022-12-19: Fellows' evaluation and Ariel's goodbye letter
- 2022-12-09: Stor tak til de frivillige
- 2022-12-02: Monthly public NLG meetings
- 2022-11-23: Meet Ori Livneh, Google.org Fellow / Returning Wikipedian (direkte link)
- 2022-11-17: Code of Conduct for Wikifunctions
- 2022-11-09: Checking lexical forms
- 2022-11-04: En ring, eller tusinde blomster?
- 2022-10-27: Thank you, fellows!
- 2022-10-20: A demo video of Wikifunctions Beta
- 2022-10-14: Velkommen, Stef!
- 2022-10-05: Catching up
- 2022-09-30: Cory in residency in İstanbul - closing parenthesis
- 2022-09-27: Staff contributions to Wikifunctions
- 2022-09-23: The State of Abstract Wikipedia Natural Language Generation (direkte link)
- 2022-08-19: Template language draft and Wikimania 2022
- 2022-08-09: Wikifunctions Beta
- 2022-08-05: Launch plan and representing functions
- 2022-07-29: Benjamin arrays
- 2022-07-20: Velkommen, Rebecca og Elena! Velkommen til anden runde af Google.org-stipendiater!
- 2022-07-15: The potential of Abstract Wikipedia
- 2022-07-12: Welcome, Amin! Cory in residency
- 2022-06-30: Thank you, Aishwarya! And we are hiring
- 2022-06-21: Artikler der er skrevet manuelt
- 2022-06-10: Anbefalinger til Wikifunctions
- 2022-06-07: Modelartikler
- 2022-05-27: Et forslag til NLG-arkitekturen
- 2022-05-20: Abstract Wikipedia Team's first off-site
- 2022-05-05: How can we make functions popular?
- 2022-04-28: Requirements for code in Wikifunctions
- 2022-04-20: Welcome, Josh! And we are hiring a Product Manager
- 2022-04-12: Welcome, Google.org Fellows!
- 2022-04-08: Fase η afsluttet
- 2022-04-01: Typed lists are looong
- 2022-03-25: Designe Wikifunctions, mursten for mursten (direkte link)
- 2022-03-14: Hvad er der i et navn?
- 2022-03-04: Update on the ongoing development phase; Designs for view function upcoming; Update on tests and smoke testing
- 2022-02-11: View function designs and launch plan requirements
- 2022-02-04: What's up with the lambda?
- 2022-01-28: Hvordan repræsenterer vi funktioner?
- 2022-01-21: Velkommen, Luca!
- 2022-01-13: Opdatering om η
- 2021:
- 2021-12-21: Licensing decision, and closing the year
- 2021-12-16: Proposed summary of the licensing discussion. Welcome, Mariya! Office hour on Monday at 19:00 UTC
- 2021-12-09: Diversity and Equity and Wikifunctions
- 2021-12-02: Restructuring the licensing discussion; Design update; Logo assets
- 2021-11-22: Hvilken licens skal vi bruge?
- 2021-11-18: Velkommen, Julia!
- 2021-11-04: Welcome, David! - and a request for help testing designs
- 2021-10-27: Vi har et logo til Wikifunctions
- 2021-10-22: Inclusion and diversity despite mathematics
- 2021-10-08: Velkommen, Cai og Adesoji!
- 2021-09-30: Mange tak, Lindsay!
- 2021-09-24: User research reports and lessons learned
- 2021-09-17: Lexemes and paradigms
- 2021-09-10: Morphological paradigms
- 2021-09-03: Generating text with Ninai and Udiron
- 2021-08-27: Fase ζ afsluttet
- 2021-08-20: Wikimania and GF Summer School debrief
- 2021-08-13: Testere og Wikimania
- 2021-07-29: Abstract descriptions for Wikidata
- 2021-07-22: Boolean logic in Wikilambda
- 2021-07-16: Velkommen, Max Binder! - og vi søger folk!
- 2021-06-30: Fase ε afsluttet
- 2021-06-24: Invitation to the Grammatical Framework Summer School
- 2021-06-17: Why allow several implementations of a function?
- 2021-06-04: Office hour, videos, meeting opportunities, and a podcast
- 2021-05-28: Hvad Wikifunctions ikke er
- 2021-05-11: Fase δ (delta) afsluttet.
- 2021-05-06: The missing link from Abstract Wikipedia to Lexicographic data in Wikidata
- 2021-04-29: Lexicographical coverage, a first function call evaluated, and more
- 2021-04-21: Velkommen, Aishwarya og Carolyn!
- 2021-04-15: Valg af fokussprog
- 2021-04-08: En missionserklæring for Wikifunktioner
- 2021-04-02: Fase γ afsluttet.
- 2021-03-25: analyse af Outreachy praktikanter fra Scribunto-moduler på tværs af wikier.
- 2021-03-17: Afstemning til logo-konceptet lukker, og 30 Lexic-o-days åbner
- 2021-03-10: Vue.js og det abstrakte Wikipedia
- 2021-03-03: Fokussproge til forbedringer af den leksikografiske udvidelse af Wikidata og den abstrakte Wikipedia
- 2021-02-25: Afstemningen til logo-konceptet starter mandag.
- 2021-02-18: en testpakke til evalueringsmotorer (og andre opdateringer).
- 2021-02-10: to prototype-værktøjer til visualisering af leksikografisk dækning i Wikidata.
- 2021-02-04: fase β (beta) afsluttet.
- 2021-01-28: samfundets bidrag til udviklingen.
- 2021-01-21: En præ-generisk funktionsmodel
- 2021-01-15: Leder efter logo-forslag
- 2021-01-07: Velkommen, Cory!
- 2020:
- 2020-12-18: Nyhedsbrevet tager en pause
- 2020-12-09: open source: programmet Outreachy og det abstrakte Wikipedia.
- 2020-12-02: Velkommen, Genoveva!
- 2020-11-25: Reserverede ZID’er.
- 2020-11-17: Resultater af navngivningskonkurrence
- 2020-11-10: Objekter
- 2020-11-05: start af anden runde af navngivningskonkurrencen.
- 2020-10-29: tillykke med fødselsdagen, Wikidata!
- 2020-10-22: mærkater, dokumentation, korte beskrivelser af objekter.
- 2020-10-14: navngivningskonkurrence; Outreachy-program; indledende udvikling af ZObjekter; udvikling til det Semantiske Web.
- 2020-10-07: funktioner er en form for viden; funktioner besvarer spørgsmål.
- 2020-09-30: Hvilken vej vi vil tage.
- 2020-09-15 – 2020-12-22: navngivningskonkurrence til wiki af funktioner; efterfulgt af en logokonkurrence.
- 2020-07-02: offentlig meddelelse af projektet udvikling begynder den Udvidelse:WikiLambda; mailingliste og andre kanaler, der oprettes, og dybdegående diskussioner øges.
- 2020-05-22: projekt godkendt af en Wikimedia Foundation-resolution.
- 2013 – 2020: tidlig projektdiskussion, forskning og forslag.