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This page is a translated version of the page Abstract Wikipedia/Updates/2021-11-04 and the translation is 82% complete.
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ようこそ、デビッドさん! - 及び、デザインテストのヘルプのお願い。

今週、デビッド・マーティン(David Martin)さんをチームに迎えることができてとてもうれしく思います。 デビッドさんは、SRI International、Apple、Nuance Communications、Samsung Research America、UCSCで働いてきて、人工知能とセマンティックWebの研究開発の幅広い経験があります。 デビッドさんはウィキファンクションズと抽象ウィキペディアの開発に参加します。

Hi everyone! I’m excited to join the Foundation, enjoy its wonderful culture, contribute to the greater good, and help to realize the ambitious, fascinating vision of the Abstract Wikipedia project!

In my career to date I’ve enjoyed software engineer, R&D scientist, and engineering manager roles, and have been fortunate to work at several large high-tech companies as well as a nonprofit research organization in Silicon Valley, in jobs oriented around AI technologies and challenges. I've also enjoyed teaching Computer Science courses on several occasions, at University of California, Santa Cruz. My work and publications at times have dealt with, and been enabled by, Wikipedia and Wikidata.

I look forward to embracing new challenges and new growth in the supportive environment of WMF. Although I grew up in North Carolina (Southeast US), I’ve spent most of my adult life in California, and most of my career in the Bay Area. I live in the South Bay with my wife and our three cats. Our wonderful son is studying nearby, in San Francisco, and we are grateful for that. I love playing the piano (mostly classical), going to concerts, hiking, bicycling, and traveling.





インターフェースについてどう思うか、そしてそれが理解しやすく、楽しく、魅力的であるかどうかを知りたいです。見ているものをスクリーンシェアし、質問するために、20~30分のお時間が必要です。あなたの予定に合わせて、今週または来週のいつでもZoomやGoogle Meetで、お会いできます。


先週末、ウィキデータの9周年を祝うWikidataCon 2021がありました。現在、多くの資料がオンラインで閲覧可能です。具体的には: