A wikimedian explorer in Cape Verde
This project wasn't supported by the Wikimedia foundation and stays finally unfinished.
Welcome on a organization and report page of a volunteer Wikimedia project in Cape Verde between the 11 of February and 1 of April. In this page will figure information about the preparation of the project and his report. This project will be lead by Lionel Scheepmans member of Wikimedia Belgium association. The date of departure is the 11 February and day of come back is the first April.
Project organisation before departure
[edit]Learning from previous Wikimedia ambassador experience
[edit]A previous experience of Wikimedia ambassador was done by the leader of this project in south of India. The report of this experience is available on the page : A Wikimedian explorer in south of India.
This first experience bring some useful information to prepare and make a next similar experience on better way. Here are some important point to think about :
- Bring good equipment to organize work shop or demonstration without Internet access.
- Search and contact local editor or user group to organize activities and try to fix some of them permanent.
- Search and contact other Wikimedia project interested by the ambassador project like Wikipedia Zero or WikiAfrica before the departure and fix with them eventual collaboration.
Concrete tasks before the departure
[edit]- By fly tickets.
- Found a place to sleep.
- Make a Visa.
- Found a lap top and make full install to make it the more use full as possible to connect Wikimedia project online and offline.
- Found good material to make photo and video.
- A grant to bring a plug Kiwix for demonstration in various organization an institution than I will meet. Here the page]].
Done Accepted but after my departure ...
- A grant to cover a part of my budget especially fly tickets, visa and few night in hostel asked for the visa deliverance.
Done Not accepted and decrease my motivation. Explanation here
- A grant to bring a plug Kiwix for demonstration in various organization an institution than I will meet. Here the page]].
- Search and contact a maximum of Wikipedian editors on the place and look for eventual user groups.
Only answer from w:pt:Usuário:Waldir who lives now in Portugal ...
- Scan articles about Cape Verde and see what's the encyclopedia need.
- Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Cape Verdean Creole => not easy because many linguistic variations, different in each island . The alphabet is unified but not the language. Also it's oral language and people usualy right Crioul like they want and like they can.
- Search and take contact with organizations interested by Wikimedia presentation, demonstation of Kiwix and so on.
- Universitade artistica
- http://www.ulusofona.edu.cv/contact.html
- http://www.uni-mindelo.edu.cv/site/biblioteca.html
- http://www.unipiaget.cv/index.php?pshow=mnu&p=1&s=50#nogo23
- Institut Superio de ciencas economica e empressarial
- Outra ?
- Universitade artistica
- Contact secondary school. (In process) = > no time and motivation.
- Other contact:
- Contact responsable and people involved on the Wikipedia Zero project.
- Responsible Wikimedia Zero for Africa and south America Adele Vrana.
Done => No time to envolve in the project
- Contact responsable and people involved on the WikiAfica.
Done => Answer come late and people
- Responsible Wikimedia Zero for Africa and south America Adele Vrana.
Vision for the project before the departure
[edit]Like active socio-anthropologist wikipedian with an expertise about French community Wikipedia organization in particular and other organizations in general, I go to Cape Verde to meet wikimedia user and local associations to organize, presentation, workshop, Wikipedia offline demonstration and found partnership to grow up the visibility and the use of Wikipedia in Cape Verde. My vision is also to promote local user group able to organize permanent edit or activity.
Partnership with other Wikimedia Projects
[edit]For this project I've already established two contacts for collaboration with other Wikimedia Project :
- User:Kelson leader of Kiwix. We are in contact for promoting Wikimedia offline in Cabo Verde where Internet connexion has bad reputation. An other micro grant is already edited to bring in Cabo Verde a Kiwix Plug and make Wikipedia offline demonstrations.
- User:AVrana_(WMF) which is responsive for wmf:Wikimedia Zero in Africa area. We are in contact and we must discus about how making lobbying to help her founding a parter for Wikipedia free access by mobile phone.
- Other contact are in instance to be established.
Goal and expected impact
[edit]As a result of my wikimedia ambassador experience, I'm inspecting various things :
- Give an over view of the situation of Wikipedia in Cape Verde in term of visibility and use.
- Try to meet local peoples interested to edit on Wikipedia and learn about wikimedia
- Promote local user group for editing relevant topic about Cabo Verde in Wikipeida and soon as possible assume basic workshop about wikipedia for local organizations.
- Promote the offline access of Wikipedia.
- Collaborate with Wikipedia Zero project to find a partner to permit Wikipedia free access with mobile phone providers.
- Edit by my self some topic in French or English.
- Make a report which could be useful for other similar experiences.
[edit]- Cheapest Fly tickets :
- Brussels Boavista : 337,98 €
- Boavista Sao Vincente : 122,46 €
- Visa:
- 45 € for [[c:File:Quitance Visa.jpg|embassy in Brussels
- 80 € for hotel reservation asked by the embassy.
- Food and accommodation :
- The Backpackers' Hostel in Mindelo Between 10 and 20 € per day. Depend quality of room.
- For the food, let see on the place.
̯̽*Transportjk ̰̩̽**Rent a bicycle or by one in second hand.
Collected Informations on the place
[edit]Economical context
[edit]To fix an idea about economical context of live in Cape Verde, here is some basic informationsː
The change is fixed between Escudos Capeverdian and euro on 1 € = 110 Esc
Here is the cost in Esc for different thinks:
• A ± 15 m2 sleeping room with comune bad room and toilet: 3500 Esc per mount charges no include. • A ± 25 m2 sleeping room with prived bad room and toilet: 8000 Esc per mount charges include. • A cheapest meal on public place (rice and beens) 120 Esc. • A regular meal on midle classe restaurant: 300 Esc • A sardine box: 100 escudos. • 25 cl of beer: 100 escudos • 1,5 l of cheapest mineral water: 155 escudos • Taxis inside the city 150 escudos. • Electronic staff basically the same price like Europe. • Internet connection: •• Cheapest mobile tariff (2 GB during 1 mount): 250 Esc
•• 30 min in Cyber coffee: 50 Esc
La bibliothèque sans ordinateur
La médiathèque avec odri mais non fonctionnel et pas de connexion internet
L'alliance Française deux ordis mais pas de connexion internet.
Un réseaux wifi gratuit sur deux places de la ville (Konekt) mais fonctionnant parfois seulement.
Des connections dans les barre pour les clients mais souvent en panne.
Wifi gratuit dans les écoles secondaires à vérifier ??????? Voir ce qu'il se passe dans les unifs ??????????????
Cybercafé Vitesse 10,6 Mb download et 0,69 Mb Upload. Parfois sans réseau.
Vitesse réseau Café del Mare : Downloas : 2.21 MBps Upload : 810 kbps
2 G Vitesse download 120 kbps, upload 30 kbps.
Connection Université
14 230 Escodos por mes. Velocidade : Down : 7.81 Mbps Up : 0.48 Mb
Info conexao Instito superior de cienca economica e empresarial. Cv telecom pacote Net pro sem limite. 16000 escudos per month 17.69 download 0.79 upload Com contrato de long time. Ver no net publicidade.
Existe tambem pacote Unitel T mais à ver sobre o net.
Prix taxis collectif pour calhau 1500 escudos
Parler du virus "chop" en Inde.
w:Isabel_dos_Santos monopol des télécomunication et néo colonialisme.
Tarif internet mobile pour 1 mois cvmovel 390 = 500 Mb 590 = 1 Gb 890 = 3 Gb 1640 = 6 Gb
Mandinga Tucin Bêdje Ribérabote Rapsodia de Paulo Blok-T bêdje Carnaval 2014
Conclusion and recommendations
[edit]That's seam that Cape Verde is not a place where altruism can be the origin of participation on Wikimedia project. The economical situation and the actual social culture of growing economy based on tourism affair make participation on wikimedia project very uncertain.
Like in south India people are interested about wikimedia project mainly in term of self profit. Like receive free formation on the use of wikisite or event practice a foreigner language for increase ability in business affair.
But there is still a way to increase local project participation and specialy oriented to student. This way is to organise national or regional editing concourses with various prices like the intervention by Wikimedia foundation for winner student in academical fesses. This kind of challenges are already organized by mobile phone providers on secondary school with promotional poster. So, the concept already exist and can be rapidly assimilated by students.
By the way, if the foundation pay directly the access to hi-school or university for the winners this is an assurance that the Wikimedia financial contribution will be used on a good way.
So concretely this kind of Wikimedia promotion project in global south bring two tasks. One is to organize advertisement on school about the challenge. The second is to organize the role of the challenge and the way to control edit and found who are winners. Nothing humanly and technically impossible with the already existing tolls of MediaWiki uses by an already active community of regular editors and administrators.