5th Year Santali Wikipedia Anniversary
Events[edit]The event comprises of three days online virtual workshop and three months edit-a-thon. Organizer[edit]Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group Co-ordinator[edit]Virtual Event[edit]The community conducted three days virtual workshops from 02/08/2023 to 04/08/2023. The 1st day and 2nd day was general workshop for everyone, and 3rd day was a dedicated workshop for female participants. On each day we had invited two wikimedians from other communities as distinct guest and speakers. On the 1st day the speakers motivated through their input to the participants and shared their experience of Wikipedia. On the second day the speakers shared their collaboration experience of Santali Wikipedia and their vision of Santali Wikipedia. On the 3rd day we had Female Wikimedian as guest and speaker. Both the speaker shared their experience as female contributor and scope and opportunities for the female in Wikipedia. Besides the organizing members the participant of the workshop were female only. On each day one of the user from our community conducted the workshop as a resource person for the participant except the last day session was completely conducted by one our female user Shakuntala Marndi. On these three days' workshop we focused on the basic of the Wikipedia and attended the different queries of the participant. Day 1[edit]02/08/202 Guest Speaker
Resource Person
Day 2[edit]03/08/2023 Guest Speaker
Resoursce Person Please find the link of complete video of the event. Day 3[edit]04/08/2023 Guest Speaker
Resoursce Person Please find the complete video link of the event Three months edit-a-thon was conducted to achive the content of the santali wikipedia with an objective of reaching 10000 article. We also conducted some social media campaigns to make people aware about the wikipedia. The edit-a-thon is a part of anniversary celebration. the objective of the event is:
Rules and Regulation[edit]
Rewards and Social media Campaign[edit]
List of Participants in Edit-a-thon[edit]
Jury of the Event[edit]
Outcome[edit]Viirtual Workshop[edit]From the virtual workshop 46 interested have been connected with the community and 4 users have started contributing in Wikipedia On Line Edit-a-thon[edit]Though we had set the goal of 10000 articles through this edit-a-thon, the community could reach 9292 articles at the end of the edit-a-thon and during the edit-a-thon 764 articles were added to the Wikipedia through this edit-a-thon. The outcome of the edit-a-thon could be seen in this Fountain Tool Resolution[edit]The community happy with the successful conduct of the event and outcome of the event. The community will shortly start a workshop for newly connected participant. We are planing for the regular similar event to keep engaging the existing user as well as the new user.