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Nga tấn công Ukraine năm 2022.

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and the translation is 46% complete.

Những tài nguyên có liên quan

Movement wide initiatives

Cập nhật từ Quỹ Wikimedia

Local community initiatives

Wikisource Initiatives

The s:en:Portal:Russia-Ukraine war collects primary source related to the war from 2014-present, including diplomatic communiques and protocols, executive orders and parliamentary resolutions, and U.N. and other multilateral acts, and remarks by heads of state and foreign ministers.

Our colleagues at s:uk:Головна_сторінка and at s:ru:Заглавная_страница and in other language communities, are invited to create their own Portals, upload government documents in the public domain, and help us locate official translations or make our own.

English Wikipedia initiatives

Wikimedians of Slovakia initiatives

For an overview on how to enter Slovakia as a Ukrainian and receive help please see this official government website (in Ukrainian, English, and Slovak)

As a user group based in neighbouring country of Slovakia, we are ready to provide Ukrainian Wikimedians and their fellow countrymen any help and assistance they require from us. Our Wikipedia community is focusing on providing reliable and up-to-date information about the ongoing war in articles on Slovak Wikipedia.

Ukrainian Wikipedia initiatives

Georgian Wikipedia initiatives

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