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Wikipedia & Education User Group/Questions, processes, and systematization of learning

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Wikipedia & Education User Group
Wikipedia & Education User Group

Questions, processes, and systematization of learning

Learning topic Strategic Learning Questions Assessment objectives/Metrics Assessment methodology
  • Centralized Support and Operational Effectiveness in the Wikimedia and Education Movement.
  1. How does the addition of staff impact the organization's ability to sustain its objectives?
  2. To what extent has the employment of staff contributed to the sustainability of the Wikimedia and Education Movement's over the  short, medium, and long-term?
  3. How has the introduction of dedicated staff impacted the efficiency and effectiveness of operations within the movement?
  4. In what ways have staff facilitated enhanced support and engagement within the community, and how has this influenced the development of the movement?
  5. What strategies have been implemented by staff to ensure continuous development and address the evolving needs of the Wikimedia and Education Movement?
  6. How has the centralized structure influenced by staff employment improved coordination, communication, and collaboration across the movement?
  7. What measures have been taken by staff to foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptation within the movement?
  • Number of staff employed and their roles in supporting the movement's objectives.
  • Analysis of operational efficiency post-staff employment.
  • Evaluation of community engagement levels before and after staff employment.
  • Documentation of strategies developed by staff for sustainable movement’s growth.
  • Assessment of the impact of centralized support structures on movement coordination.
  • Review of initiatives and programs successfully implemented due to staff involvement.
  • Measurement of staff contributions to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the movement.
  • Internal performance reviews and operational audits.
  • Surveys and interviews with community members on perceived changes in support and engagement.
  • Analysis of program and initiative outcomes facilitated by staff.
  • Review of strategic documents and plans developed by staff for movement sustainability.
  • Engagement and feedback mechanisms to gauge community satisfaction with staff support.
  • Comparative analysis of movement growth and development indicators before and after staff employment.
  • Continuous evaluation processes led by WMF and other key stakeholders  within the movement, focusing on diversity, communication, and operational efficiency.
  • Integration of Wikimedia in Educational Methodologies.
  1. How has the confidence among educators in incorporating Wikimedia into their instructional methodologies evolved following targeted interventions?
  2. What impact have these interventions had on the availability and quality of education-related Wikimedia learning resources accessible to educators globally?
  3. Which instructional methodologies integrating Wikimedia have educators found most effective, and how have these preferences shaped capacity-building efforts?
  4. How do educators perceive the value of Wikimedia as a pedagogical  tool before and after participating in capacity-building and mentorship programs?
  5. What are the key factors contributing to the successful integration of Wikimedia projects into diverse educational settings?
  6. How can the global educational community further leverage Wikimedia to meet emerging pedagogical needs?
  • Measure the increase in educators' confidence in using Wikimedia projects through pre- and post-intervention assessments.
  • Evaluate the expansion and diversification of  education-related Wikimedia  learning resources made available to educators as a result of these efforts.
  • Identify successful Wikimedia integration strategies in educational practices through  qualitative feedback from educators.
  • Assess changes in educators' perceptions of Wikimedia's value as an Open Educational Resource.
  • Document the spread of innovative instructional methodologies involving Wikimedia across different educational contexts.
  • Analyze the contribution of Wikimedia to addressing contemporary educational challenges and needs.
  • Surveys and questionnaires administered to educators before and after capacity-building programs to gauge changes in confidence and perceptions.
  • Report on education-related Wikimedia  learning resources developed or enhanced through these initiatives.
  • Focus groups and interviews with educators to gather in-depth insights into the effectiveness and impact of Wikimedia in teaching and learning.
  • Case studies showcasing exemplary uses of Wikimedia in educational settings, highlighting methodologies, outcomes, and educator experiences.
  • Analysis of participant feedback from capacity-building and mentorship programs to identify areas for improvement and success stories.
  • Engagement metrics and usage statistics of Wikimedia resources in educational contexts to quantify adoption and impact using outreach dashboard and pageview tools.
Global Access and Exchange of Best Practices  in Wikimedia Education Programs. How have various initiatives designed to facilitate global access to Wikimedia education programs impacted the exchange of best practices and innovative strategies?

In what ways have these efforts ensured the scalability and consistency of Wikimedia education programs across different regions and contexts?

What mechanisms have been most effective in promoting the global exchange of resources and methodologies within the Wikimedia and education community?

How do educators and program organizers perceive the impact of these global access and exchange initiatives on their work and the broader educational landscape?

What challenges have been encountered in ensuring the scalability and consistency of education-related Wikimedia programs, and how have they been addressed?

How can the Wikimedia and Education community further enhance the global exchange of best practices and innovative strategies to meet evolving educational needs?

Evaluate the extent of global access to Wikimedia education programs and the effectiveness of exchange platforms for sharing best practices.

Assess the impact of these initiatives on the scalability and consistency of  education-related Wikimedia programs worldwide.

Document the variety and innovation of strategies and practices shared and adopted as a result of global exchange efforts.

Gather feedback from Educators and program organizers on the benefits and challenges of participating in global exchange initiatives.

Identify barriers to scalability and consistency in education-related Wikimedia programs and the solutions implemented to overcome them.

Analyze contributions of global access and exchange initiatives to addressing contemporary challenges in education.

Analysis of participation data and user engagement on platforms designed for the exchange of resources and best practices. e.g (Newsletters, Social media platforms, Meta-documentation page, website)

Surveys and interviews with educators and program organizers to capture their experiences and perceptions of global exchange initiatives.

Review of case studies highlighting successful adoption of shared best practices and innovative strategies in different educational contexts.

Monitoring and evaluation reports detailing the reach, effectiveness, and outcomes of initiatives aimed at facilitating global access and exchange.

Feedback collection mechanisms, through community hours,  and post-program surveys, to identify areas for improvement and success factors.

Comparative analysis of education-related Wikimedia program metrics before and after the implementation of global access and exchange initiatives.

Project Outcomes, Impact Measurement, and Transparency in Wikimedia Education Programs. How significant have the improvements been in project outcomes within the Wikimedia and education community, and what factors contributed to these enhancements?

What advancements have been made in the accuracy of impact measurement for education-related Wikimedia programs, and how have these methodologies been refined and adapted?

In what ways has increased transparency in project reporting and outcomes fostered a deeper sense of trust within the educational community?

How has the enhancement of project outcomes, impact measurement, and transparency influenced the level and quality of participation among educators and learners in education-related Wikimedia projects?

What strategies and tools have been developed to ensure continuous improvement in project outcomes and the reliability of impact assessments?

Quantify the improvement in project outcomes and the effectiveness of Wikimedia education initiatives.

Evaluate the advancements in impact measurement techniques for greater accuracy and relevance.

Measure the increase in transparency regarding project methodologies, execution, and outcomes, and its impact on community trust.

Assess the change in community engagement and participation levels in response to improved project management and reporting.

Document the development and implementation of strategies and tools aimed at enhancing project outcomes and impact measurement.

Utilization of the Outreach Dashboard for real-time tracking and reporting of project outcomes.

Utilization of technical tools such as Listeria  among others to create a list of articles developed as part of the outcomes.

Compilation and analysis of activity reports to assess the effectiveness and impact of education-related Wikimedia programs.

Conducting periodic internal evaluations to review project management practices and community feedback.

Implementing surveys and interviews with educators, learners, and program organizers to gather insights on the perceived improvements in project outcomes and transparency.

Reviewing case studies and success stories via Newsletters and other channels to identify best practices and lessons learned in project management and impact measurement.

Engaging in regional and international discussions within the Wikimedia and education movement to learn and share experiences and strategies for enhancing project outcomes.

Financial Stability and Growth in the Wikimedia and Education Movement. How has the financial stability of the Wikimedia and Education movement improved, and what measures have been instrumental in achieving this stability?

In what ways has increased financial stability enabled the movement to grow, evolve, and enhance its impact on the global open educational landscape?

What challenges or bottlenecks have been identified in securing sustainable funding for education-related Wikimedia projects, and how have these been addressed?

In what innovative ways has the Wikimedia and Education movement leveraged its financial resources to expand and enhance its programs?

How has increased financial stability influenced the movement's capacity to innovate and adapt to the changing educational landscape?

What role have partnerships and collaborations played in bolstering the financial resources of the Wikimedia and Education movement?

How has the movement leveraged its financial stability to support and expand its reach to underrepresented communities and areas?

Number of communications and updates shared with the community regarding financial strategies and growth.

Documentation and analysis of developed financial models, funding partnerships, and their outcomes.

Evaluation of the impact of financial stability on the scalability and innovation of programs within the Wikimedia and education movement.

Analyze the expansion of the movement's initiatives into new areas and communities, facilitated by secure funding.

Review the effectiveness of financial management practices and their contribution to the long-term sustainability of the movement.

Surveys and feedback mechanisms to gauge community perception and involvement in financial growth strategies.

Financial reports and audits to track the growth in resources and evaluate financial management practices.

Analysis of funding strategies, including grant applications, partnerships, and donor engagement efforts, to identify successful approaches.

Review of program and project outcomes to assess how financial stability has enabled innovation and expansion.

Monitoring of outreach and engagement activities in underrepresented areas to evaluate the impact of financial resources on inclusivity and diversity.

Periodic evaluations by the WMF and relevant committees to ensure continuous improvement in financial stability and its impact on the movement.

Enhancing Reach and Influence through Strengthened strategic Collaboration and Partnerships. How have strengthened collaborations and partnerships contributed to amplifying the reach and influence of the Wikimedia and Education community?

What strategies have been effective in establishing and nurturing partnerships that extend the community's impact?

How do these collaborations and partnerships support the sharing of resources, knowledge, and best practices within and beyond the community?

What challenges have been encountered in forming and sustaining these partnerships, and how have they been overcome?

In what ways have these partnerships facilitated the integration of diverse perspectives and practices into the Wikimedia and Education initiatives?

How have these strengthened collaborations and partnerships contributed to the community's goals of promoting open education and increasing access to free knowledge?

Number and diversity of collaborations and partnerships formed in  the Wikimedia and Education community.

Analysis of the impact of these partnerships on extending the community's reach and influence.

Documentation of strategies employed to establish and maintain effective partnerships.

Evaluation of the role of partnerships in facilitating resource and knowledge exchange.

Assessment of the contribution of these collaborations to the community's broader goals.

Review of partnership agreements, MOUs, and collaborative project reports to understand the scope and impact of partnerships.

Surveys and interviews with community members and partners to gather insights into the effectiveness and challenges of collaborations.

Analysis of community engagement metrics before and after the establishment of key partnerships to measure their influence on reach and participation.

Case studies highlighting successful collaborations that have led to innovative projects or significant community growth.

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of partnership activities to ensure alignment with community goals and objectives.

Environmental analysis


Risks we expect to face as we move forward include endogenous and exogenous situations. The endogenous risks refer to those related to the Wikimedia and Education Movement. For its part, the exogenous risks refer to those related to societal situations that can affect our capacity to reach the change we have envisioned.

1. Endogenous risks

  • Insufficient knowledge about the transitional process designed for the EduWiki UG and the concrete impact that the changes will have on the Wikimedia and education community.
  • Unawareness about the Theory of Change agenda.
  • Low global participation in the transitional process, meaning a poor engagement of the different territorial communities related to the Wikimedia and Education Community.
  • Difficulties in organizing the new roles and positions during the transition process.

Mitigating these risks requires engagement and compromised work from the whole Wikimedia and Education Community, including (1) the main infrastructures related to this project (Wiki Education Foundation, EduWiki UG, and the WMF); (2) the affiliate staff engaged in Education Programs; and (3) the volunteers engaged in Education Programs. In this sense, to overcome these risks we call on the Wikimedia and Education Community to:

  • Offer a diversity of spaces to get involved with the Theory of Change, for example, organizing public calls, round table discussions, seminars, and workshops addressed to the community. At the same time, we call on the whole Wikimedia and Education community to participate in these collective initiatives and in the decision-making processes to be implemented.
  • Enable different channels of communication, such as meta, telegram, newsletter, and email, among others.
  • Coordinate the dissemination of this report with regional leaders from the Education-related Wikimedia initiatives/programs/activities, in order to engage the different local communities.
  • Advocate for the transparency of the decision-making process related to the creation of new positions, contractors, and staff development.

2. Exogenous risks

  • Societal situations that affect the funding capacity for the Hub and its activities.
  • The accelerated transformations of digital society and its impact on education. These changes may affect the currency and relevance of the Hub's goals.
  • Copyright, intellectual property, and licensing issues that hinder the Hub's ability to develop an Open Educational Resources repository.

The impact of the situations described above can be managed through the following strategies:

  • Administrate grants according to a previous prioritization process for some key areas and objectives.
  • Strict annual budget planning subject to reasonable metrics and evaluation.
  • Constant evaluation of the relevance and engagement of the initiatives led by the Hub.
  • Promote research as a tool for evaluating the main trends in the field of education and technologies.
  • Considerate advocacy as a key part of the Hub development, to ensure the ability to face issues related to copyrights and intellectual property.
  • Ensure the availability of open resources by generating alliances and partnerships with key stakeholders related to Academia and the GLAM sector.