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Wikimedia Foundation/Finance and Administration

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Finance and Administration

Ensures responsible management of Wikimedia Foundation funds and resources, in keeping with our core values of transparency and accountability.


Jaime Villagomez

Chief Financial Officer

James Baldwin

Senior Director of Finance

Helen Pang

VP, Controller

Finance Operations

The Finance Operations team provides administration, support services and compliance activities for the organization, such as accounting, expense reimbursement, accounts payable, grants administration, procurement, travel and convening, financial statements under U.S. accounting standards, and accounting for investments and operating cash.

The team

Dhaval Patel

Principal Investment Manager - Endowment

Janice Tud

Manager of Grants Administration

Emily Berman

Senior Manager of Travel and Convening

Shelby Langan

Technical Accounting and Financial Reporting Lead

Angelito Reyes

Senior Manager of Accounting

Finance Strategy

The Finance Strategy team leads financial planning, budgeting, and reporting. The team supports our other internal teams to make resource decisions in service of our strategic goals. We also support help facilitate financial and adminstrative workflow and systems projects to create a more efficient and effective organization.

IT Services

IT Services (ITS) Team delivers support by providing a portfolio of services, tools, and resources in order to maintain the Organization’s internal operational infrastructure and meet the needs of business operations and our mission.