The Algerian Wikimedians User Group Annual activity report 2023
This page reports the Wikimedia related activities and projects organized and/or supported by Wikimedia Algeria User Group during the fiscal year from November 01, 2022 to November 01, 2023.
To read annual report of 2021-2022, please click here.
This exercise entailed regular meetings, averaging three per month, with the aim of organizing WikiDZ staff and promoting good governance practices that prioritize the freedom to work. The goal is to facilitate the launch of individual or collaborative projects with the MENA and global community, as well as the Foundation.
The Abidjan Wiki Conference will be overseen by the board of directors, with both in-person and virtual attendance options available to group members. Additionally, group members will have the opportunity to participate virtually in Wikimania.
Furthermore, WikiDZ has launched Wikiclimatechange for the Maghreb region.
Throughout the year, we will continue to explore new collaborative projects at Troyuver to promote free knowledge.
SWAN or the Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network is a developing forum of the Wikimedia communities and affiliates to share ideas on relevant matters in the greater Wikimedia
2022 12 14 Meeting on the Wikimedia Movement Charter
The second episode of the WikiPodcast has been recorded! about Wikimedia projects and how they are making a positive impact on the world.
The episode was recorded on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 19:00 pm Moroccan time
The second episode of the Podcast features two experienced editors, one from Algeria (Mohamed Bachounda), and another from Morocco (Mounir Afifi). They present to the listener the diversity of Wikimedia projects, that go beyond Wikipedia, such as Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.
An information session for organizers, communities and members of the Maghreb region on how they can organize and participate in the campaign.
2023/03/11 Wiki For Climate Change 2023 Coordination meeting for Maghreb region : Meeting to discuss the draft grant submission for the Maghreb Climate Change Wiki Campaign
2023/03/17 Financial support
2023/03/25 Special coordination meeting of the Climate Change Wiki Campaign to set the roadmap for the launch of the campaign in the Maghreb region
2023/04/01 Ad hoc meeting to set the 2023 Climate Change Wiki Campaign Program - Maghreb Region
2023/04/14 Webinar on Wikimedia Commons Categories This webinar will focus on introducing Categories as used on Wikimedia Commons to an audience considered still very new to the movement. Topics will include: - What are categories - Why do we have categories - How to navigate Commons categories - How to create and delete categories
2023/04/15 Maghreb Climate Change Wiki 2023 launch preparatory meeting
2023/05/05 Highlights of the Climate Change Wiki Campaign in the Maghreb
2023/06/24 A picture from the webinar on Algeria's Environmental Challenges Wiki for Climate Change 2023 Webinar : Algeria's environmental challenges : Wikimedia Algeria hosted a special webinar on the occasion of the Wiki for Climate Change 2023: Right to a Healthy Environment in the Maghreb campaign. we invited a successful model in Algeria that has effectively combated climate change. These creatives, along with dedicated volunteers and the film industry, have made significant contributions to the creation of a sustainable future.
What are the needs that you are going to meet or the services provided to the communities?
What is the actual purpose or stated goal from the hub?
What is your overall plan regarding the implementation?
Important to have as many representative voices to participate in the discussion and coming together
The main problem is to hire someone who can move forward with this work (volunteers from the region won’t be able to carry this work alone) the question is what support the Wikimedia can provide
Hub doesn’t need to be an entity, hub can be online as well, and it is recommended in the piloting stage.
The needs assessments will help you:
Hear from the different communities
Clarity on what are the needs
What is the people’s expectations from the hub
There is an option for peer support to learn from peers who have already gone the same processes
Apply for grants to help create the needs assessment ( A challenge was raised at the call: The problem is not the grant, but the energy and availability/effort/time to prepare the grant application as volunteers. This was the main challenge mentioned in the call)
Action items
Set up monthly meetings to follow up and provide guidance
Needs and expectations assessments to provide full clarity regarding the expectation and needs from the hub (please see the CEE research for questions examples)
Connecting with peers, if you all agree to that we can start this with the help of Kaarel Vaidla and Yop Rwang Pam
WikiDZ representatives were invited to attend live sessions to provide input into this process.
These sessions were conducted in groups, and the language used was English.
The calls were supported by Wikimedia Foundation staff, as well as the Board of Trustees liaisons to the Affiliations Committee (AffCom) and AffCom members, subject to availability.
This is an open invitation to all group members. Manar, a staff member of the Wikimedia Foundation and Senior Global Movement Communications Specialist for MENA, has invited us to a meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know her, discuss the group's current and future projects, and learn about grants offered to the community and ways to support the group. Best regards.
The knowledge is there and then ?! by Bachounda : For over 20 years the community has been gathering, creating, sorting and created, sorted and nurtured thousands of ideas all focused on knowledge gathering in 2017 the community saw the need to review its future strategy around 2030.
Tamazight in Wikimadia projects by Ahmed Houamel : Exhibition of the ideas of collaborative work within the community that have made it possible to launch the first community project Tacawit Wiktionary of the Chaoui language, a variant of the Tamazight (Berber) languages.
"We sing for human knowledge": Using music to promote open knowledge projects and Wikimedia events by amine benloulou
2023 08 23 Collaboration between WikiVibrance & Maghreb on Wiktionary
with Euphemia Uwandu
Based on our discussion concerning collaboration between WikiVibrance and Maghreb on the Wiktionary project, I would like to invite you to a meeting to discuss some important points about this initiative.
2023 08 30 : meeting to discuss the dictionary of the climate change project. dusscation point: - Establish the selection criteria and tasks for the project team. - Determine the basic requirements for beginning work on the project. - Prepare a grant proposal for the Maghreb region. Please list any points that we believe are important so that we can discuss them on the day of the meeting.
The French WikiConvention is a WikiCon (a word for Wikimedia conference) dedicated to the French-speaking community. Its goal is to allow French-speaking contributors to the various Wikimedia projects to meet and exchange on free knowledge sharing, education, free software, etc.
Organized by WikiFranca, the first edition took place on August 20 and 21, 2016 in Paris.
A meeting with the famous alpine music composer universe to discuss the possibility of collaborating on the creation of music for the free wikipedia project
Algerian Wikimedians User Group/Gestion/Reports/Repport2023