This represents an updated timetable on the implementation of Wikidata and the Ultimate Wiktionary, as well as updated milestones based on the progress of the specifications.
Milestone 1
The namespace manager is a key aspect of the Wikidata application, as schemas are associated with namespaces. Milestone 1 focuses on the full implementation of this tool (see Wikidata/Notes). The secondary target of this milestone is the finalization of the Wikidata backend specifications. A full Wikidata database should be modeled on a relational database (MySQL) and benchmarked to be scalable. This can be done without accessing the database from a wiki, but typical update, storage and query operations should be tested.
Original deadline: July 3, 2005 New deadline: ? Milestone content: available. Initial code released and accepted by Brion for MediaWiki; he took it on himself to upgrade the code to later version of PHP. The code is in use in WiktionaryZ
Milestone 2
[edit]The second milestone should be a prototype of the Wikidata editing interface and storage layer using a hardcoded schema. Preferably, the database that is modelled in this way should be the GEMET multilingual thesaurus. The frontend should be capable of adding, updating and retrieving well-structured entries as well as searching using a simple interface.
Original Deadline: July 28, 2005 New deadline: December 2005 GEMET prototype milestone: Scheduled for release before Christmas 2005 --GerardM 22:30, 8 December 2005 (UTC)
Milestone 3
[edit]The third and final milestone focuses on adding the required flexibility to build arbitrary Wikidata applications using a schema editor as well as frontend (widget) and data display code. Using these tools, the Ultimate Wiktionary should be implemented in collaboration with the Wiktionary community. The milestone is hence considered to be completed if the Ultimate Wiktionary application is successfully demonstrated and tested.
Original deadline: September 1, 2005 New deadline: Unknown (March? 2006) Schema editor/interface milestone: not yet available