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Wikimedia Brasil/Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct

Recognizing in the codes of conduct of the foundation and other chapters already established within the Wikimedia movement, various values and beliefs that we share among the members of the user group of Wikimedians in Brazil, we present below the guidelines of the code of conduct to which we all subscribe.

1. Treat other people with respect.

a. Every single member of the Wiki Movimento Brasil (Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil) should aim to be honest and ethical in their dealings with each other, with community members, project users, partners, suppliers and the public.
b.This group will not practice or tolerate discrimination on the basis of place of origin, ethnicity, citizenship, gender, age, political or religious affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, family relationship, or economic or medical status.

2. To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data and to respect the confidentiality of information.

a. Conscious that we are a group that must dialogue with a broad and heterogeneous community, we cannot mask or make up data in order to privilege our interests.

3. To accept responsibility to make decisions consistent with the welfare of the society and its members and to promptly address factors that might endanger the society or its members.

a. In this context, we assume the maxim of Brazilian administrative law, of which the public interest above the particular interest.

4. To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest, whenever possible, and to make full and fair disclosure of any such real or perceived conflicts to the Executive Committee of the Society.

a. We believe in respect and dialogue as a solid path to conflict resolution and the establishment of agreements and consensus.

5. To reject bribery, corruption and nepotism in all its forms.

a. What we conduct in our daily lives, we bring into the code of conduct and our actions as members of this group.

In cases in which a complaint against a member or members of the Wiki Movimento Brasil (Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil) is made, due investigation will take place. Actions will take place in cases of violations of our Conduct Code:

• All reports of possible violations will be treated in a way that ensures the anonymity of the protester's identity, so as to preserve one's moral integrity and minimize the damage caused as a result of the situation. Therefore, all reports are expected to be based on the responsibility and truthfulness of the facts.

• The complaint channel is the organization's official e-mail, and the report itself must be written with as much detail as possible. The report will be analyzed by the "Conduct Committee".

• The "Conduct Committee" will consist of the directors of the organization: the chief executive officer, the vice president director, and the chief financial officer. In the event that one or more of these persons is directly involved in the reported case, the remaining Conduct Committee members will choose substitute members, for that case, from other members of this group.

• In finding a code of conduct violation, the committee must apply a sanction proportional to the misconduct, which can range from a public warning to the expulsion of the member involved. Sanctions will be decided at the sole discretion of the Conduct Committee.