WikiConference India 2025/Minutes
WikiConference India 2025
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[edit]This is the page for the Wiki Conference India (WCI) 2025 preparations. It will serve as a central hub for organising committee activities and consultations with the community.
Wiki Conference India 2025 is an opportunity for the India's Wikimedia community to collaborate on projects, initiatives, and discussions. This page will track the progress of preparatory activities and consultation calls.
Preparatory Calls (Organizing Committee)
[edit]07 Feb 2025
[edit]- Participants :Navya, Soni, Santhosh, Athul, Sapni, Manoj, Jinoy, Shreya, Pavan, Praveen, Iflaq, Babitha, Pranamika, Manav
- COT was finalized 10 members.
- Venue Discussion with WMF travel team started.
- Preference venue document created including hotels according to facilities, space and accommodation. Asked WMF travel team to start negotiation with hotels according to the preference given.
- Communcations update on Theme
- Summarised the responses of the survey document shared with all hands team.
- Updates from Operations Team
- Finance, Trust & Safety and Budget discussions are happening
- Need to use a project management software instead of google sheet.
- Collaboration Team Updates
- Following discussions with the COT and Collaborations team, a decision was made to add one more COT member to the Collaborations team.
- Design Team Updates
- Discussions on program and scholarship evaluation criteria and forms happened regarding questionnaires etc.
- COT started discussion about timeline and created a draft timeline to speed up the processes. Started working on those tasks according to priority.
15 Dec 2024
[edit]- Participants : Shakuntla, Iflaq, Pranamika, Jinoy, Dhaval, Soni, Babitha, Soni, Pavan, Medini, Suyash, Shreya, Kavitha, Kuldeep, Santhosh, Navya, Rachit, Chitraparna, Satdeep, Praveen, Ranjith, Athul, Jameela, Manoj, Sapni
- Welcome
- Welcome and new year wishes from the host and participants
- COT Nominations
- After the 15 dec meeting, google form was created to get nominations and finally Got 7 nominations (5 female +2 male)/(4 from current wci team and 3 new)
- Voting was opened for 30 dec 2024 to 1 jan 2025 via google form
- Candidates gave the preference in the google form for the team they want to represent in the COT
- Then nominations were shared with wci organising team for voting and voting was opened for 3 days (30-31st Dec 2024 and 1 Jan 2025)
- Doubt
- Suyash - when a person voted for some candidates on the first page, why was the next page showing all candidates to vote again?
- Jinoy - it was not mandatory to vote for everyone, the voter had to select the first preference among the listed candidates.
- COT Results
- Communication -
- Design - Chinmayee (she was in the 3 teams with the most votes but because of her preference and past experience. Everyone preferred Design for chinmayee.)
- Operations - Soni (He was already in and prefers operations team)
- Collaborations -
Expecting cot finalisation by next friday
- Updates
- Communication - Resuming communication team calls and will start the theme discussion soon after break
- Operations - Work is happening around hotels in kochi with wikimedians of kerala and Resuming operations meetings after break
15 Dec 2024
[edit]- Participants : Rachit, Manav, Soni, Praveen, Navya, Mourya, Ranjith, Babitha, Shreya, Athul, Santhosh, Medini, Aafi, Satdeep, Nitesh, Monusha, Kavitha, Iflaq, Suyash, Dhaval, Pavan, Jinoy, Kuldeep, Nivas
- Levels of Engagement and Representation
- Structure of CoT (Core Organizing Team):
- Consensus reached on having 12 members in the CoT.
- Diversity criteria include:
- At least 4 Kerala Wikimedians.
- 1-2 members from emerging wikis.
- 3-5 women or other genders.
- Key Concerns:
- Representation from Kerala:
- Need for more Kerala Wikimedians due to their on-ground efforts, but capped male representation to avoid over-representation.
- Gender Representation:
- At least one female representative from Kerala.
- Remaining seats should prioritize diversity.
- Representation from Kerala:
- Finalized Members (6 of 12 so far):
- Jinoy, Pavan, Manoj, Navya, Ranjith, Athul.
- Structure of CoT (Core Organizing Team):
- Nomination Process for Remaining Seats
- Eligibility Criteria:
- No members from the 2023 CoT.
- No paid staff from CIS/WMF.
- No additional male members from Kerala.
- No members from the support group.
- Process:
- Candidates submit nomination statements privately: Comms will update on telegram group about the process
- Anonymous voting by all hands members.
- Final selection by current COT (6 confirmed members)
- Results announced publicly.
- Roles and Responsibilities:
- CoT should reflect critical expertise in:
- Programs, outreach, finance, operations, cultural sensitivity, and technical skills.
- Focus on merit and experience for selection.
- CoT should reflect critical expertise in:
- Eligibility Criteria:
- Support Groups and Sub-Committees
- Role of Sub-Committees:
- Sub-committees to manage specific tasks and include additional members where necessary.
- Leads will decide sub-committee composition.
- Support Groups:
- Mixed input on allowing support groups to nominate individuals:
- Majorly no votes from teams.
- Mixed input on allowing support groups to nominate individuals:
- Role of Sub-Committees:
- Timeline and Milestones
- Draft Nomination and Diversity Guidelines:
- Communication team to prepare and circulate documents
- Final decisions on roles and responsibilities to be completed within a week.
- Overall Timeline:
- A clear roadmap with checkpoints for CoT structuring and conference planning to ensure timely execution.
- Draft Nomination and Diversity Guidelines:
- Pending Actions and Follow-Ups
- Nomination Process:
- Finalize criteria and open nominations.
- Address Diversity:
- Ensure women and emerging wiki representation in the remaining 6 positions.
- Transparency and Inclusion:
- Calls to be transparent, inclusive, and free from hierarchical bias.
- Nomination Process:
13 Dec 2024
[edit]- Participants : Iflaq, Nivas, Navya, Chitraparna, Tanveer, Nivas, Athul, Kuldeep, Medini, Nitesh, Rachit, Santhosh, Satdeep, Shreya, Suyash, Soni, Jinoy, Ranjith, Babitha, Pavan, Pranamika, Manav, Monusha, Shakuntala, Mahesh, Manoj, Nitesh, Dhaval Vyas, Akhil Krishnan S., Aafi, Kavitha
- Recapping 6 Dec COT Call and 29 Nov All Hands call
- Engagement with Supporting Teams:
- All members of all hands team will be added to the respective teams and invited to the regular meetings
- Navya, Jinoy, Pavan, Manoj should add the identified members to the corresponding Team and invite them to the regular meetings of respective team.
- COT Formation and Decision-Making:
- The 4 leads from subcommittees are confirmed
- The 2 leads from Kerala are confirmed
- A special call focused on COT restructure will be arranged in the coming days
- Meeting Admin
- Poll has been shared for date and time inputs
- A special call to structure the call, baseline and facilitation will be arranged before the meeting.
- Clean up the baseline document for discussions
- Prep for facilitation
- In the meeting-
- Identify the COT
- Define roles and responsibilities for diversity-based members.
- Establish a clear deadline for completing the process.
- Team decorum, behaviour guidelines and decision-making
- ACTIONS: Everyone reviews these two documents (WCI 2023 Team Processes & Guidelines, Team Decorum) and shares feedback, questions or comments
- Venue Updates:
- Shortlisted properties: Grand Hyatt, Crown Plaza, Four Points by Sheraton.
- Tentative dates: 21-24 August 2025 or 28-30 August 2025.
- Venue selection and booking will be handled by WMF.
- Project Management Tools:
- Discussion on the use of tools like Asana or Google Sheets for tracking tasks and timelines. **Consensus on simplicity and consistency in usage.
- No decision on the specific tool was made
- Theme and Logo:
- The first step is to finalize the theme to guide logo design.
- The Comms team is reviewing available resources and will start working on a proposal for the theme and design in their upcoming meeting.
- As soon as the baseline proposal is ready, Comm's team will share the proposal with everyone for input and suggestions.
- Suyash would like to be involved in logo designing
6 Dec 2024
[edit]- Participants : User:511Kev, Jinoy Tom Jacob, Aafi, User:Ranjithsiji, Babitha Shetty, K.N Medini, Kavitha Ganesh, Kuldeep Singh, Manoj K, Navya Sri, Pavan Santhosh, Shakuntala Marndi, Shreya, Soni, Suyash, Pranamika
- Recap of the last call
- CIS Update:
- Grant contract is approved/signed
- Operations update:
- Operations checklist sheet will created and updated until
- Finance process document will be created and shared
- Decide on Persons approving finance.
- Budget - Finance subteam will be made (Soni, Suyash, Ranjit, Pavan, any other CIS point of contact) - will likely handle Bill processes
- Venue: Will it be booked by WMF/COT - TBD
- Tanveer/Kerala wikimedians will travel
- Travel: who will handle - WMF/COT - TBD : travel agency, salary to coordinator
- Design team:
- Jinoy: Design team lead (COT member), subteams headed by others
- Iflak: Scholarship + sub team
- TBD for the learning and evaluation
- Communications team:
- there should be only two layers of people - COT Members, and Team (For e.g. Comms COT, Comms Team). Reducing layers for support/help.
- Logo discussion had begun
- Collaborations team:
- Team met, no pertinent major updates yet
- Wikimedians from Kerala UG:
- During the recent meeting, the Wikimedians of Kerala UG have formed a 12-member core working group dedicated to organizing Wiki Conference India 2025.
- Venue Scouting: They will scout for suitable venues and create a list of potential hotels for the event. This is happening this weekend.
- Local Discussions: Plans to hold local discussions to finalize details and gather input from the wider community in Kerala.
- Handling Inactive Members:
- Reminders and discussions for inactive members.
- Requesting members to step down if non-participation persists.
- Selecting new (restructured) COT process (final):
- Composition
- 4 members (1 from each team)
- Each team decides their 1st representative internally
- Then 2 members from Wikimedians of Kerala UG
- Then 1-2 members from Small wikis (decided by All Hands)
- Then 3-5 members from Women/Other genders (decided by All Hands)
- 4 members (1 from each team)
- Then everyone else (Voted and Decided).
- These are minimum numbers for inclusion/diversity.
- For e.g. if 1 Member from Small Wiki is already decided by team/KWMUG, then All Hands suggests 0-1 more.
- We may have more than suggested number
- Each team should have minimum 3 members in COT.
- Composition
29 Nov 2024
[edit]- Participants : Jinoy Tom Jacob, Athul R T, Babitha Shetty, Chitraparna Sinha, K.N. Medini, Kavitha Ganesh, Kuldeep Singh, GopalaKrishna, Manavpreet, Manoj K, Monusha, Pranamika Adhikary, Praveen Das, Ranjith Siji, Satdeep Gill, Shreya, Soni, Suyash Dwivedi, Tanveer Hasan, Nitesh Gill, Pavan Santhosh, Akhil Krishnan, Mourya, Shakuntala Marndi, Iflaq, Vijayan Rajapuram, Dhaval Vyas, Jameela P, Irvin Sabastian, Mahesh, Nivas
- Recapped the last call
- Meta page needs to be updated to “Support Team” everywhere
- COT proposal -
- Not enough clarity on roles and responsibilities of people going forward
- Lots of doubts about different points - Why were they not discussed?
- Why CIS is being excluded from COT - WMF employees should also be added
- Kerala WMUG updates -
- Hotel decision, flight booking etc needs to be sorted sooner (Expected deadline - Jan 2025)
- Collaborations with FOSS, Open space etc, need to begin (OSM, OpendataKerala etc..)
- Satellite events connected to WCI in Kerala’s colleges/universitiies/other institutions
- 12 member Core Working Group - Backup and support groups if they are not available
- Dec 2025 (28th, 29th Dec 2025) will be WikiConference Kerala 2025 - Kerala
- Suggestion for Tasklist with deadlines (Milestones) and list of tasks and responsible people (Can have a Phabricator Board / Gitlab Board / Google Task Board)
- CIS Updates
- Grant is approved. We have received Contract from WMF end. Tanveer will sign it. It should be reviewed/approved by other community members.
- Kochi is updated on fluxx and Grants page. Budget needs to be adjusted as well
- WCI23 Email id and drive -
- Temporary and permanent folder are made - Please move all files to temporary folder. Nivas will move them to permanent (for deletion opsec)
- Learning & Evaluation went to report direct
- Need a POC for email id - For password reset reasons and sharing access
- Team building - Tentative in December
- Three essentials that need to be given a deadline -
- Logo being finalised - Communications is in charge
- Previous year we used WMF help with logo design, previous logo was adaptable for future years (took 3-4 months total)
- We should have time to have community participation
- COT being finalised
- COT meets next weekend. Ideally new COT decided by next weekend or after?
- Venue being finalised - Operations needs to liase with WMF for it
- To be discussed in next Operations call
- Logo being finalised - Communications is in charge
- Questions -
- What is the role of Supporting Team + COT in tasks?
- Can we have a timeline tasks + tracker document : Jinoy volunteered to do it
- Who is/are the lead/s of WCI25?
- When will the new COT be selected?
- Suggestion - New Comms should meet WCI23 Comms people more directly. Same for other teams.
22 Nov 2024
[edit]- Participants : Soni, Jinoy, Iflaq, Shreya, Pavan, Medini, Kavitha, Babitha, Kuldeep, Pranamika, Santhosh, Shakuntala, Mahesh, Suyash
- 12 members in overall COT
- Diversity - Gender diversity, community diversity (language by size, wikipedia vs other)
- Lower number should be there, higher number should be aspired to
- 3-5 members of COT for Women and Other genders (30-40%)
- 1-2 members from smaller communities (<50 active contributors)
- If some committee lacks experience for COT-head, we look for experienced members in that area
- 2 Kerala Wikimedians in COT and at least 1 Keralite representative in each committee
- CIS Members in the COT based on need
- 4 Teams only: Subteams as needed - Continuing with same structure as before (Design, Operations, Communications, Collaborations)
- Use supporting hands, not staff (Staff may be in volunteer capacity)-
- Core Values
- Assume Good Faith: Trust that each team member is dedicated to the conference’s success, uniting us under a shared purpose.
- Respect Diverse Perspectives: Each team member brings unique skills and perspectives. Respecting these different viewpoints creates inclusivity and strengthens our teamwork.
- Active Listening: Listening to each other’s ideas builds trust and empowers members to contribute fully, enhancing collaboration and creativity.
- 2 missed meetings + reminder as benchmark for removing from COT
- The Comms Team will officially communicate to all new members in COT/removing members from COT
- Decide COT by (tentative plan) -
- 4 representatives, nominated by each team
- 2 Kerala WMUG representatives, nominated by them
- Then we discuss to add (in order) -
- Enough Wikimedians to meet 2 Members from Small Wikis in COT
- Enough Wikimedians to meet 3-5 Women and Other Gender in COT
- Members with experience, from WCI23 organising team, as needed
- CIS representatives, if needed
- Enough members to have ~3 members from each Team
15 Nov 2024
[edit]- Participants : Pavan, Suyash, Soni, Shreya, Shakuntala, Jinoy, Aafi, Santhosh, Kuldeep, Kavitha Ganesh, Babitha Shetty, Medini
- Recapped 2 Nov COT+All Hands meeting, 29 Oct COT-only meeting
- Main priority for us now - COT and composition, the timeline of WCI25
- Proposal for new COT structure from Suyash ji:
- 12-15 members max in COT
- 60% members should be fresh, 40% should be experienced from previous WCI
- Kerala User Group should have at least 2 members in COT, decided by UG
- Supporting Members from CIS-A2K and WMF
- More local volunteers based on teams, Share Conflict of Interests beforehand, Share everyone’s contributions on meta
- Core values based on team - Assume good faith, respect diverse perspective, active listening
- Departments : Each COT member heads one + Supporting Staff + Helping Hands (volunteers)
- Guideline for stepping down from COT
- Note: it is a draft and will be discussed in the google document and will be finalized in upcoming meeting.
- COI declarations from different members.
- It was also made clear that the grant amount of the WCI 2025 is doubled becuase grant was submitted excluding some estimates that are handled by WMF.
2 Nov 2024
[edit]- Participants: Aafi, Babitha Shetty, Chitraparna Sinha, Kavitha Ganesh, Manavpreet Kaur, P Iflaq, Pavan Santhosh, Pranamika Adhikary, Praveen Das, Shreya, Santhosh Notagar, Suyash Dwivedi, Tanveer Hasan, Kuldeep
- COT Structure and Roles
- Discussion centred on the roles of CIS members in the COT, emphasising their involvement in an official capacity rather than as volunteers. The aim is to maintain an equitable, community-led decision-making process with representation from diverse Indian communities.
- Suggestions included including new members alongside previous members for a balanced structure and listing support team separately from the core committee to provide clear distinctions in roles.
- The COT structure should be adaptable and open to suggestions, focusing on leadership and mentorship for new members.
- City Selection Process
- Kochi (Cochin), Kerala has been chosen as the host city for WikiConference India 2025 after a thorough evaluation. Selection was based on a rubric assessing criteria such as community support and infrastructure, with Kerala scoring slightly higher than the next option, Bangalore. The selection criteria included volunteer support, local community strength, cost, connectivity, and infrastructure.
- It was recommended that the selection criteria be made publicly available on Meta as a resource for future events.
- Future Plans and Next Steps
- The need to onboard the organising team and establish a clear timeline for grant approval was highlighted. Monthly milestones are to be defined to ensure smooth communication and planning. Emphasis on transparency and inclusivity in the planning process.
- A suggestion was made to use a shared document to collect agenda items from team members for better organisation and prioritisation in upcoming meetings.
- Action Items and Responsibilities
- Several action items were outlined, including the proposal of a new COT structure and initiation of contact with the Kerala community for city preparations.
- Responsibilities and timelines for the organising team are to be clarified, with the support team providing assistance without taking over the core planning process.
29 Oct 2024
[edit]The WCI Core Organizing Team (COT) Meeting focused on key updates regarding city selection, team structure, and volunteer management strategies.
- The city selection process, now extended to October 30th, centers on two potential cities, Kochi and Bangalore, with a decision expected shortly thereafter.
- Discussions clarified the distinctions between the COT and Support Team roles, and proposals were made for a clearer membership process and the optimal size of the COT.
- The group considered meeting bi-monthly and emphasized the importance of structured agendas and clear communication.
- COT will meet 1 to 2 times a month as per need, and All Hands 1 times a month
- Volunteer engagement was highlighted, proposing the creation of an ‘All Hands’ team for broader participation, while decisions regarding the final COT membership and communication improvements were solidified.
- Any volunteers who reached out to Santhosh after the call to actions will be added to All Hands, people from All Hands will be added to subgroups like Grants/Trust&Safety etc as per need.
- Some volunteers need to be added to All Hands telegram group
- COT will be expanded or reduced only by Communications Team, please discuss with Comms Core members if someone should be added/removed. The sheet with roles and responsibility will be considered accurate.
- Everyone is requested to add username/name on the Sheet
- Action items were assigned, including the finalization of city selection, contact for an official email ID, and scheduling a meeting with the Support Team.
- Email ID, Evaluation and Learnings, Trust and Safety recommendations from last COT is urgent priority
- Grants team needs to be made
- Date of next call needs to be confirmed.
October 15, 2024
[edit]- Participants:
- COT: Santosh, Kavita, Ashwini, Babita, Kuldeep, Pranamika, Shakuntala, Jinoy Pavan, 511KeV, Suyash
- Support Team: Rachit Sharma, Manavpreet Kaur, Nitesh, Satdeep, Praveen, Gopala, Medini, Chitraparna Sinha, Nivas, Tanveer
- This meeting was helpful in sharing experiences of the WCI-23 core team members regarding things that worked and challenges that they faced while organising WCI-23.
- Setting up of clear responsibilities
- Commitment towards agreed upon deadlines
- Supporting team members across different processes is essential
- Financial oversight and policies need to be constantly reviewed
- Multilingual imagination for WCI-25
- Setting up of a central document for coordination
- Transition and transfer of official accounts and access to drives and social media
- Share the updates on other groups where Indic Wikimedians are active (telegram groups, facebook chats and other social media channels and regional mailing lists)
- Comms to arrange POSH Training for COT of WCI-25. This is a best practice continuing from WCI 23
- Guidelines for participation of minors in WCI-25 need to be updated and discussed with the design and ops process
- Set cadence of the COT WCI25 and Support team meetings
- The cadence should also be followed by the various processes
October 11, 2024
[edit]- Attendees:
- (New COT- Volunteers, 2-CIS): Aafi, Ashwini Lele, Babhitha Shetty, Kavitha Ganesh, Kuldeep Singh, Pavan Santosh, Pranamika Adhikary, Santhosh Notagar, Shakuntala Marnd, Shreya, Soni, Iflaq
- Introduction and Roles and Responsibilities
- Roles and responsibilities of the Core team WCI-25 team members was discussed
- It was suggested that the roles and responsibilities should be flexible and open for discussion for a few more meetings to understand the skills and interest of the COT members.
- It was also suggested that the design team and the learning and evaluation team should be independent (not in the same process) to avoid bias. Soni raised a concern about potential bias if the design team was involved in the learning and evaluation phase. It was suggested that a collaboration between the design and operations teams would be more appropriate for L&E plan
- City Selection Framework
- Framework:
- It is decided to upload the framework on Meta and ask for community input.
- The operations team is suggested to be in charge of city selection
- The deadline for community input on the framework isl 26th October
- Documentation and Deadlines
- A central document would be created and updated as needed to track discussions and deadlines associated with the tasks was discussed
- Community consultation during the Train the Trainer 2024
- The idea of presenting the previous conference's details and asking for input is discussed.
- It is suggested to have a small team present during the event to explain the conference plans.
October 4, 2024
[edit]- PARTICIPANTS: Tanveer, Pavan, Nitesh, Nivas, Satdeep, KC Velaga, Santhosh Notagar, Aafi, Shreya, Pranamika, Ashwini, Suyash, Mourya, Gopalakrishna, Kuldeep,
- Wikimedia Technology Summit presented an opportunity for Wikimedians to discuss Wiki Conference India 2025 (WCI-25)
- A new Core Team for WCI-25 has been formed. The core team comprises volunteers who have shown interest in organising WCI-25. The expression of interest has been sought on mailing list, community conversations
- Core team of WCI-23 has been disbanded. Formal transfer of gmail account, google drive, introduction and context setting with WMF Conference team and with other stakeholders will follow in the upcoming weeks.
Four processes were suggested -
- Design (Phase 1 - Scholarships, Phase 2 - Program, Phase 3 - Learning & Evaluation)
- Operations (Phase 1 - T&S, Phase 2 - Logistics, Recurring - Finance)
- Communications (Obj 1 - Internal Coordination, Obj 2 - External Communications, Obj 3 - Design Support)
- Collaborations (Obj 1 - Event Collaboration, Obj 2 - Value Aligned Partnerships, Obj 3 - In-kind support)
- The Organising team for WCI-25 consists of two teams. Core Team - Comprising volunteers and some CIS members for adhering to compliance matters. and Support team - comprising of some members of CoT of WCI-23.
- There might be changes in the roles of the support team members depending upon requirements and context
- Core Team of WCI-25 will receive support from WCI-23 in introductions, transitions and setting up processes for the workflow.
September 24, 2024
[edit]The meeting focused on gathering input from community members interested in supporting and organizing WikiConference India 2025. Participants were introduced by Nitesh, highlighting the importance of community engagement and collaboration. Previous conferences were briefly reviewed, and CIS-A2K expressed its commitment to support the upcoming event.
During the discussions, various areas of responsibility were identified, including communication, program development, and general coordination. Community members shared their interests in different roles, with Shakuntla and Shreya focusing on communication, while Chaduvari expressed interest in program development. CIS-A2K is committed to assisting with logistics and finance, while community members will take the lead in organizing.
The conference is tentatively scheduled for the end of September 2025 to allow ample time for planning. A potential host city, Bangalore, was discussed, with the final decision pending community input. Action items were assigned to facilitate ongoing communication and gather feedback from the Wikimedia Foundation, ensuring that the planning process remains inclusive and collaborative.
- Participants
- Ashwini - Marathi Wikisource
- Babitha Shetty - Tulu Wikimedian
- Chaduvari - Telugu Wikimedian
- Kavita - Kannada Wikimedian
- Kuldeep - Punjabi Wikimedian
- Nitesh - CIS-A2K
- Pavan - CIS-A2K
- Pranamika - Assamese Wikimedian
- Sakuntala - Santali Wikimedian
- Santosh - Kannada Wikimedian
- Shreya - Commons Contributor
- Soni - English Wikipedian
- Suyash - Commons Contributor
- 511KeV - Kashmiri Wikimedian
- Key Topics
1. Introduction and Purpose
The meeting focused on consultation with community members who expressed their interest in supporting and organizing WikiConference India 2025. Participants introduced themselves, facilitated by Nitesh.
2. Context:
- WikiConference India Background
- Previous events were held in 2011 (Mumbai), 2016 (Chandigarh), and 2023 (Hyderabad). The importance of community engagement and networking was emphasized.
- Efforts to invite interested community members
- Leads & Key organizers of previous WCI 2023 initiated the conversations and process to invite community members and movement entities interested in organizing the next WCI.
- Some of the new interested candidates include a couple of earlier organizers who came forward to support WCI 2025 while CIS-A2K came forward to support this conference.
- Proposal submission and Next steps
- A proposal was submitted for WikiConference India 2025 by CIS-A2K after consultation with the interested community members to honour the deadline and keep the opportunity alive for community members to explore.
This call is being organized to take this process forward in line with A2K’s commitment to involving community members in decision-making processes and ensuring that they play a key role in leading the conference. This call includes Wikimedians who expressed their interest in supporting the conference and some more Indic Wikimedians who joined upon outreach by CIS-A2K.
The intention behind this call: The purpose of this call was to gauge community members' interest in taking on responsibilities for organizing the conference. It included initial discussions about the conference's objectives and shared responsibilities for immediate next steps, such as responding to feedback, creating processes and teams, and expanding the team in consultation with and inclusion of the broader community.
3. Discussions
- Roles and responsibilities:
Various areas of responsibility were outlined, including community coordination, Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) coordination (Including communications), Programs, Finance, Logistics, and Trust and Safety.
- Shakuntla: Interested in communication.
- Shreya: Interested in communication and scholarships.
- Kavita: Interested in coordinating communication efforts.
- Chaduvari: Interested in program development.
- Santosh, Soni and Suyash: Open to various roles, including coordination with the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), logistics, finance, scholarships, and overall workflow coordination.
CIS agreed to contribute to logistics and finance, primarily and extend support in other aspects while Community members will lead the majority of the aspects.
4. Conference Focus and Challenges
Chaduvari discussed what can be the focus of the WCI. He expressed that WCI should create a network of Indian Wikimedians who can understand Common challenges across Indian Wikimedia communities, such as attracting new contributors. The idea also included that there should be extensive research carried out by CIS-A2K on the common challenges before the conference and that should lead the conference program and next steps. The importance of evaluating funded programs was highlighted by another community member.
5. Host City, Participation and Timing
Based on the question from Soni, Pavan (CIS-A2K) clarified that the venue for now is tentative. For the convenience and diversity, Host cities generally would be metro with high connectivity and a city other than previously hosted cities. Bangalore as a tentative host city was discussed. However, the final decision would be made after a process to explore other suggestions by the wider community and the process to decide upon the host city was also rested with the interested members of the group.
To a question about participation in general, Pavan responded by saying that 200+ overall participation can be expected. The proposed number of scholarships can be found on the proposal page. CIS-A2K is proposing to organize the event at the end of September 2025 to allow sufficient time for planning and organizing. Some participants agreed that giving the organizing team ample time is important, particularly Suyash, who mentioned that having a full year would provide everyone with a good opportunity to plan effectively. As a follow-up question, Pavan mentioned that the end of October 2024 would be the time when we get the decision from the WMF grants team about the funding status.
6. Communication and Next Steps
- A Communication channel will be created for ongoing discussions.
- Feedback from the Wikimedia Foundation needs to be reviewed, and the proposal improved.
- Roles were taken up for proposal feedback review, communication development and other aspects.
- Action Items
- Nitesh & Pavan:
Create a group for ongoing internal discussions. Coordinate the review of feedback from the Wikimedia Foundation and support community members on the responsibilities
- Suyash, Ashwini, and Soni:
Review and incorporate Wikimedia Foundation feedback into the proposal.
- Shreya:
Create communication for WikiConference India mailing lists and village pumps.
- Soni and Santhosh:
Develop a framework for deciding the conference host city.
- Shreya and Nitesh Gill:
Collaborate on scheduling future calls and maintaining communication.
September 8, 2024
[edit]The meeting took place before the proposal submission (on 10th September), during which the first draft of the proposal was shared with a group of volunteers who expressed interest in joining the organizing team. They reviewed the proposal and provided feedback, which was then incorporated into the revised draft.
- Agenda of the meeting:
- WCI 2025 objectives
- Idea behind the call
- Proposal review
- Open discussion on the venue, with Bangalore being decided as the tentative venue city
- Attendees:
- Aafi
- Santosh Natogar
- Shreya
- Suyash Dwivedi
- Pavan (CIS-A2K)
- Nitesh (CIS-A2K)
- Nivas (CIS-A2K)
Consultation Calls
[edit]Consultation calls are open for feedback and ideas from the wider Wikimedia community. These calls will focus on the theme, participation, and potential collaborations for the conference. Most of the consultation calls happened in South Asia "Open Community Calls" and one call with the interested candidates to support the process.
August 25, 2024, South Asia Open Community Call
[edit]The deadline for submitting WikiConference India 2025 was reiterated during the call, along with an invitation for interested participants to join. The survey results were discussed, and it was noted that a few Wikimedians had come forward to offer their support for organizing the event, while CIS-A2K committed to supporting the process.
- September 8, 2024, Call with the interested candidates
Call with interested candidates from the community, including Aafi, Santosh Notagar, Shreya, Suyash, and Soni, along with CIS-A2K members Pavan, Nitesh, and Nivas, to discuss and make necessary changes to the draft proposal. Key decisions included tentatively submitting Bengaluru as the host city and increasing scholarships for community members.
July 21, 2024, South Asia Open Community Call
[edit]Leads of WCI 2023 introduced the initial discussions and timelines for WikiConference India 2025 (WCI 2025).
Survey: They shared the community survey, which was essential for the proposal application, encouraging participants to discuss it within their communities.
Call for organisers: Initial outreach to members of the previous Conference Organizing Team (COT) received positive responses, and several community members, including Aafi, Santosh Notagar, Shreya, Suyash, and Pavan from CIS-A2K, pledged their support for organizing WCI 2025. The event is tentatively planned for early to mid-2025, with key work required over the following 40 days to meet the Conference Funds submission deadline. Volunteers were invited to reach out via