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This is the Wiki99 list for LGBT+ topics. Please visit Wikimedia LGBT+ for general support on LGBT+ issues in Wikimedia projects.



Wiki99 is the idea to have a list of about 99 Wikipedia articles which should be translated into as many languages as possible in order to establish common understanding in a field. The 99 articles should include defining concepts which are less related to any particular culture, and also cultural concepts which promote international diversity of thought in a field.

Please seek to keep this list internationally diverse without focusing on too many cultural concepts, biographies, or events from any one region. It is preferable to include representative articles from as many cultures as possible in this list, while still keeping the list count to about 99.

A major challenge with this list is international representation of biographies and concepts. There is a bias in LGBT+ discussion and history writing to present topics from the English-speaking world and certain Western countries. If anyone has a topic to share from outside Western discussion, and which would be good to promote for translation into every language as part of an international shared LGBT heritage, then please add the idea to the list.

The general idea is to have initial discussion in English as a common language, but then to translate the shared list into other languages so that everyone can share in the common LGBT+ culture and stories. The project works better when there is more cultural diversity presented in all of the listed topics.

For more specific lists, visit:

LGBT+ rights by country



Core concepts

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1homosexualityromantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex114Q6636164
2LGBTQlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning persons as a group91Q17884171
3bisexualitysexual and/or romantic attraction to people of more than one gender86Q43200152
4sexual orientationenduring pattern of sexual attraction82Q17888121
5same-sex marriagemarriage of persons of the same sex81Q17422103
6asexualitysexual orientation where there is a absence of sexual attraction to anyone74Q724351123
7intersexatypical congenital variations of sex characteristics73Q1097630122
8non-binarygender identity that exists outside of the gender binary60Q48270204
9queerumbrella term for sexual and gender minorities that are not heterosexual, heteronormative, or cisgender59Q5141591
10coming outprocess of disclosing one's sexual orientation or other identity attributes57Q20809961
11cisgendergender identity descriptor56Q109320581
12civil unioncivil status similar to marriage, most often independent of the gender of partners51Q4107561
13pride paradeannual parade celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) social and self-acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride47Q51404102
14drag queendrag artist who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes46Q337084132
15trans womanperson assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman45Q1052281111
16cross-dressingpractice of dressing and acting in a style or manner traditionally associated with a specific sex, usually the opposite sex, for performance purposes44Q43160481
17LGBT rights by country or territoryrights of LGBT people by country or territory43Q1789871
18heteronormativityconcept that elevates heterosexuality over non-heterosexuality42Q6050884
19trans manperson assigned female at birth who identifies as a man42Q2449503111
20third genderindividual whose gender identity is not defined as male or female42Q4827951
21LGBT pridepositive stance toward LGBTQ+ people, opposing any stigma, discrimination, or violence37Q5140661
22gender binaryclassification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine35Q553097081
23homosexual behavior in animalssexual behavior among non-human species that is interpreted as homosexual34Q59854031
24gay villagegeographical area within a city that is inhabited or frequented by LGBT people32Q7481984
25lesbianismsexual attraction between women33Q6649173
26transfeminismapproach to feminism influenced by transgender movement31Q330859751
27drag kingdrag artist who dresses and behaves with exaggerated masculinity for performance purposes30Q125452591
Σautolist gallery27231532514161142111616115525172012217261232327182127205276113161252279162015427281326251154112615141132591211210391737221222991926732711927122253131214132512231331191826912614624127492721,467avg.:  9 \ 54
(33 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1homophobianegative attitudes and discrimination toward homosexuality76Q33487112
2transphobiahatred, irrational fear, prejudice, or discrimination against transgender people53Q5967781
3biphobiaantagonism or disgust directed toward bisexuality as an identity or bisexual people due to their sexuality46Q74759291
4conversion therapypseudoscientific or religious attempt to change sexual orientation35Q153894791
5corrective rapehate crime in which a person is raped because of their perceived sexual or gender orientation33Q113528751
6lesbophobiairrational fear of, and aversion to, lesbians, two girls kissing32Q174265991
7outingdisclosing a person's sexual orientation, gender identity or other identity characteristic without their consent28Q10546783
8closetedkeeping silent about one's sexual orientation or gender identity17Q257432051
Σautolist gallery8726441234384734757853648214854637112874821212131116161217183741333817216381141281320avg.:  2 \ 40
(25 %)

Sex and health

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1AIDS (1959–)spectrum of conditions caused by HIV infection134Q12199314
2sexually transmitted infectioninfection transmitted through human sexual behavior100Q12198132
3condombirth control and sexually transmitted disease prevention device97Q14076114
4syphilissexually transmitted infection95Q41083172
5anal sexinsertion of the penis into the anus or other sexual activity involving the anus78Q839871
6dildosexual device62Q1080162
7safe sexways to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy or acquiring STDs51Q31852982
8gender dysphoriamental distress resulting from mismatch between gender identity and gender assigned at birth43Q1049021152
9Kaposi's sarcomaconnective tissue cancer, common among early AIDS patients37Q725345151
10gender-affirming surgerysurgical procedures to alter sexual characteristics to match identified gender33Q10535018
11gender-affirming therapymedical aspect of gender transitioning, that is, modifying one's characteristics to better suit one's gender identity15Q157489535
Σautolist gallery11107241157627817343918819711310811810111101104618346141106748821132510104525131124374332664524616495104654112411381011285562261021158529281013110761122463272113745avg.:  5 \ 68
(42 %)

Culture-specific concepts or activism



Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1sodomyany of several forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural, particularly bestiality or historically homosexuality, but also (sometimes) anal or oral sex55Q20642692
2LGBTQ symbolssymbols for self-identification which demonstrate unity, pride, shared values, and allegiance to one another in the LGBT community37Q5139972
3LGBT social movementsocial movements37Q461290771
4Transgender Day of Remembrance (1999–)day to memorialize those who have been killed as a result of transphobia35Q57116101
5LGBT communitygroup of people that aren't cisgender and/or heterosexual33Q5139331
6lesbian feminismapproach to feminism influenced by lesbian movement33Q1829942
7pinkwashinginstrumentalization of LGBTQIA+ people and their rights32Q2020081141
8LGBT topics and IslamMuslim views on LGBT topics30Q95499841
9gay bardrinking establishment catered to LGBTQ clientele29Q104363961
10Kinsey Reportstwo publications by sexologists Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, and Gebhard26Q8709538
11gay liberation (1969–1980)state of equality for LGBT people and goal of LGBT rights movement from 1969 to 198022Q1107631171
12sodomy lawlaws criminalising certain sexual acts22Q165614651
13sexual orientation and gender identity at the United Nationslegal concept, declarations and resolutions of the United Nations in favor of the universal decriminalization of homosexuality and the respect for the sexual orientation and gender identity of individuals18Q12661454
14LGBT History Month (1994–)annual month-long event for observing the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and of their civil rights movements11Q90318509
15female sodomycategory of female sexual activities2Q1189061072
Σautolist gallery timeline15111102721952175861104915551161231216137310112122110211312515211118314513281411172152109417131422avg.:  3 \ 28
(17 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1LGBT rights in Africarights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Africa21Q208219341
2homosexuality in ancient Egyptpart of LGBT history12Q47220551
3mudoko dakofemale transidentity of the Lango people of Uganda5Q248860354
Σautolist gallery3211111131112112111111212111138avg.:  0 \ 13
(8 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1hijrathird gender of South Asian cultures46Q66088261
2yaoifiction genre that depicts homoerotic relationships between male characters44Q242488131
3yurifiction genre involving intimate relationships between female characters39Q32056891
4kathoeyterm in Thai culture usually refering to a transgender woman or an effeminate gay male35Q74641151
5LGBT rights in Asiarights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Asia17Q645794241
6Section 377 of the Indian Penal Codesection of the Indian Penal Code introduced in 1861 during the British rule of India.12Q25867551
7LGBT rights in the Middle Eastrights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons in the Middle East11Q1730788341
8LGBT rights in the Post-Soviet states3Q306465343
Σautolist gallery73723214262341462344612217214245414211233141422572511214214264315126207avg.:  1 \ 26
(16 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany (1933–1945)discrimination, torture, and murder concerning homosexual people in Nazi Germany34Q71885891
2EuroPride (1992–)annual pan-European parade that celebrates LGBT+ people32Q125525161
3Paragraph 175 (1872–1994)provision of the German Criminal Code forbidding homosexual acts, repealed 199428Q249348111
4homosexuality in ancient Greecegay and lesbian sexuality in ancient Greece26Q54392731
5LGBT rights in Europerights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe25Q114472751
6Homomonument (1987–)View on mapsmemorial in Amsterdam22Q51411171
7Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (1919–1933)View on mapssexology research institute in Germany (1919–33)23Q73974232
8homosexuality in ancient Romegay and lesbian sexuality in ancient Rome18Q11754631
9Harden–Eulenburg affair (–1909)1907–1909 political scandal about homosexuality in the cabinet of German Emperor Wilhelm II13Q70377191
10Labouchere Amendment (1885–1957)1885 law in the UK7Q64673537
Σautolist map/gallery timeline10611232137511845101195911941161972211111377831063663641110228avg.:  1 \ 23
(14 %)

Latin America and Caribbean

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1LGBT rights in the Americasrights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Americas15Q291493751
2LGBT rights in Braziloverview of LGBT rights in Brazil14Q162629451
3muxeZapotec gender identity, often regarded as transgender, third gender, or non-binary14Q317757741
4LGBT rights in Jamaicarights of LGBT people in Jamaica13Q18244441
5LGBT rights in Uruguayrights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Uruguay12Q162638641
6LGBT rights in Perurights of LGBT people in Peru12Q286783741
7LGBT rights in Cubarights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Cuba12Q84638941
8LGBT rights in Antigua and Barbudarights of LGBT people in Antigua and Barbuda12Q16262563
9LGBT rights in Venezuela (1997–)11Q162638271
10LGBT rights in Ecuadorrights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Ecuador11Q65375751
11LGBT rights in Dominica11Q16262583
12São Paulo LGBTQ Pride Parade (1997–)Annual LGBT event in Sao Paulo, Brazil11Q42963391
13LGBT rights in the Bahamas10Q162626541
14LGBT rights in Trinidad and TobagoRights of LGBT people in Trinidad and Tobago10Q162637941
15LGBT rights in Grenadarights of LGBT people in Grenada10Q162625931
16LGBT rights in Chilerights of LGBT people in Chile9Q84701551
17LGBT rights in the Dominican Republic9Q66705141
18LGBT rights in Colombia9Q65348941
19LGBT rights in Boliviarights of LGBT people in Bolivia9Q162628741
20LGBT rights in Saint Kitts and Nevis10Q162626241
21LGBT rights in Saint LuciaLGBT rights9Q145418641
22LGBT rights in Barbadosrights of LGBT people in Barbados9Q14241153
23LGBT rights in Panama8Q76216851
24LGBT rights in Guatemalarights of LGBT people in Guatemala8Q148344751
25LGBT rights in Costa Ricarights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Costa Rica9Q162629341
26LGBT rights in Honduras7Q162630451
27LGBT rights in Nicaragua8Q162634141
28LGBT rights in El Salvadorrights of LGBT people in El Salvador7Q67522641
29LGBT rights in Haitirights of LGBT people in Haiti7Q16263023
30LGBT rights in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines7Q12544653
31homosexuality in Pre-Columbian Peruhomosexual behavior in pre-Columbian Peru6Q589174861
32LGBT in MexicoOverview4Q161507285
33LGBT in Argentinalesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Argentina3Q1074880844
34homosexuality in pre-Columbian civilizationshistory of homosexuality in cultures, practices and rituals of pre-Columbian peoples3Q54748084
35Advisory Opinion on Gender Identity, Equality, and Non-Discrimination of Same-Sex Couples2017 legal opinion at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights1Q563785567
Σautolist gallery331301226192322241295121711214916163114277320avg.:  2 \ 9
(6 %)

North America

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Stonewall riots (1969)View on maps1969 LGBT rights demonstrations in New York City, United States65Q51402152
2The CastroView on mapsneighborhood in Eureka Valley in San Francisco, California, USA24Q956169112
3two-spiritumbrella term for the third gender in the indigenous North American cultures24Q30170261
4LGBT rights in the Americasrights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Americas15Q291493751
5ball cultureBlack and Latino LGBT subculture in the United States15Q2813002261
6Dykes on Bikes (1976–)lesbian motorcyclists, traditionally the contingent at the front of a gay pride parade6Q5318684112
Σautolist map/gallery621211211141431514512335111264111311431311211131141413121125111431115149avg.:  1 \ 25
(15 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1LGBT rights in Oceaniarights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Oceania13Q272596141
2aikāneintimate same-sex relationships in pre-colonial Hawai'i4Q169705722
3Lesbian Feminist Circle (1973–1986)lesbian magazine from New Zealand3Q653024411
Σautolist gallery3111211111111111120avg.:  0 \ 7
(4 %)

Art works



Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1The Picture of Dorian Gray1890–1891 novel by Oscar Wilde57Q82464181
2Symposiumphilosophical text by Plato43Q486727131
3Death in Venice (1912–)1912 novella by Thomas Mann37Q828296181
4Satyricon1st century Latin work of fiction attributed to Petronius32Q246732141
5The Well of Loneliness1928 novel by Radclyffe Hall18Q1514807141
6Confessions of a Masknovel by Yukio Mishima18Q244485311
7Giovanni's Room1956 novella by James Baldwin14Q556364511
8Kiss of the Spider Woman1976 novel by Manuel Puig12Q64666812
9Hell Has No Limits1966 novel by José Donoso7Q53690689
10The Great Mirror of Male Love1687 book by Ihara Saikaku6Q387017911
11My Tender Matador2001 novel by Pedro Lemebel2Q166386618
Σautolist gallery1121423531115154834115476102362123141973161112115145124747212378361125246avg.:  2 \ 22
(14 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Brokeback Mountain2005 film directed by Ang Lee66Q16061847
2Moonlight2016 film directed by Barry Jenkins50Q21527875571
3Call Me by Your Name2017 film by Luca Guadagnino53Q25136757502
4Blue Is the Warmest Colour2013 film by Abdellatif Kechiche45Q11648811391
5All About My Mother1999 film by Pedro Almodóvar45Q32980540
6Cabaret1972 film by Bob Fosse42Q918363381
7Carol2015 film directed by Todd Haynes41Q15963780512
8Boys Don't Cry1999 film by Kimberly Peirce37Q46564634
9A Fantastic Woman2017 film directed by Sebastián Lelio34Q28127580432
10BPM (Beats per Minute)2017 film by Robin Campillo31Q29378617361
11The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert1994 film directed by Stephan Elliott28Q25532836
12Kiss of the Spider Woman1985 film directed by Héctor Babenco28Q121586533
13Law of Desire1987 film by Pedro Almodóvar24Q47807629
14Different from the Others1919 film by Richard Oswald22Q491335201
Σautolist gallery14722111242764132114101014117143131312141181141421091322141336141136186418110141141411149231012461113162513546avg.:  3 \ 39
(24 %)



African biographies

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Khnumhotep and NiankhkhnumView on mapsmanicurists of Pharaoh Niuserre21Q73960782
2Julia Nicol ♀ (1956–2019)South African LGBT+ activist and librarian8Q9617826711
3Ivan Toms ♂ (1952–2008)South African activist (1952-2008) opposed to Apartheid and conscription and defender of LGBT rights4Q609763614
Σautolist map/gallery3111111113111221111121111133avg.:  0 \ 11
(7 %)

Asian biographies

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Zheng He ♂ (1371–1433)Chinese mariner, explorer, and diplomat103Q7333302
2Yukio Mishima ♂ (1925–1970)Japanese author (1925–1970)79Q134456655
3Parinya Charoenphol (1981–)Thai actress, model, and kickboxer18Q2668396132
4Laxmi Narayan Tripathi ⚧️ (1978–)Indian LGBT activist13Q6505228101
5Xulhaz Mannan ♂ (1976–2016)employee of the United States embassy in Dhaka and the editor of Bangladesh's first and only LGBT magazine9Q2392079614
Σautolist gallery timeline53212213212221215112212423423345222111111222231322332222122112222321212212121421312312121131213113221312212212213222avg.:  1 \ 44
(27 %)

European biographies

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Alexander the Great ♂ (356 BCE–323 BCE)king of Macedonia and conqueror of Achaemenid Persia (356–323 BC)130Q8409454
2Alan Turing ♂ (1912–1954)English computer scientist (1912–1954)117Q7251514
3Freddie Mercury ♂ (1946–1991)British singer, songwriter, record producer and graphic designer (1946–1991)109Q15869555
4Oscar Wilde ♂ (1854–1900)Irish poet, playwright, and aesthete (1854–1900)106Q30875565
5Franz Schubert ♂ (1797–1828)Austrian composer (1797–1828)102Q7312406
6Ludwig Wittgenstein ♂ (1889–1951)Austrian philosopher and logician (1889–1951)99Q9391506
7David Bowie ♂ (1947–2016)English musician and actor (1947–2016)93Q5383502
8Federico García Lorca ♂ (1898–1936)Spanish poet, dramatist and prose writer (1898–1936)88Q41408445
9Sappho ♀ (–570 BCE)Ancient Greek poet from Lesbos (c. 630-c. 570 BC)89Q17892272
10Elton John ♂ (1947–)British singer, songwriter and musician84Q2808533
11Michel Foucault ♂ (1926–1984)French philosopher (1926–1984)83Q44272485
12Martina Navratilova ♀ (1956–)Czech-American tennis player77Q54545433
13Conchita Wurst ♂ (1988–)Austrian singer and drag queen67Q113581332
14Rudolf Nureyev ♂ (1938–1993)Soviet ballet dancer and choreographer (1938–1993)61Q84217322
15Vaslav Nijinsky ♂ (1889–1950)Polish-Russian ballet dancer and choreographer51Q194363312
16Magnus Hirschfeld ♂ (1868–1935)German physician and sexologist (1868–1935)39Q57592314
17Monique Wittig ♀ (1935–2003)French writer (1935-2003)38Q263201322
18Karl Heinrich Ulrichs ♂ (1825–1895)German jurist, writer and gay rights activist (1825–1895)28Q60318242
19Sergius and BacchusRoman martyrs and early Christian saints24Q14001391
20Nikolay Alexeyev ♂ (1977–)Russian-Swiss activist and journalist16Q933012152
21La Veneno ♀ (1964–2016)Spanish transgender vedette, sex worker, singer and actress11Q11687785222
22Coccinelle ♀ (1931–2006)French actress and entertainer (1931–2006)12Q2737959202
Σautolist gallery timeline22161541219216141311161612210122042104207151722117182216184211919221114517583253201017517169202141221171016102517887171051212131413151010127712153201713421421852291162135211641414111419320111156123111691191212158214151561411811,524avg.:  9 \ 69
(42 %)

Latin American and Caribbean biographies

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Gabriela Mistral ♀ (1889–1957)Chilean poet, diplomat and educator (1889–1957)92Q80871355
2Manuel Puig ♂ (1932–1990)Argentine writer (1932-1990)33Q284560232
3Juan Gabriel ♂ (1950–2016)Mexican singer and songwriter (1950–2016)27Q738404283
4Jaime Bayly ♂ (1965–)Peruvian television personality and writer17Q720199272
5Claudia López Hernández ♀ (1970–)Colombian politician18Q5771765181
6Pedro Lemebel ♂ (1952–2015)Chilean writer13Q432239271
Σautolist gallery timeline6516421112221614216146244361141411132122152121131121111111212121215152232112311211131221311113200avg.:  1 \ 33
(20 %)

North American biographies

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Walt Whitman ♂ (1819–1892)American poet, essayist and journalist (1819–1892)92Q81438384
2Ellen DeGeneres ♀ (1958–)American comedian, television host, actress, and writer (born 1958)71Q483325484
3Ricky Martin ♂ (1971–)Puerto Rican singer and actor68Q128799332
4Judith Butler (1956–)American philosopher and gender studies philosopher (born 1956)64Q219368322
5James Baldwin ♂ (1924–1987)American writer (1924–1987)50Q273210423
6Harvey Milk ♂ (1930–1978)American gay rights activist (1930–1978)52Q17141351
7Audre Lorde ♀ (1934–1992)American writer and feminist activist (1934–1992)40Q463319281
8RuPaul ♂ (1960–)American drag performer, actor, and musician36Q705715252
9Matthew Shepard ♂ (1976–1998)American LGBT student and murder victim35Q31324423
10Christine Jorgensen ♀ (1926–1989)first American to become widely known for having sex reassignment surgery (1926-1989)29Q254323252
11Bayard Rustin ♂ (1912–1987)American civil rights activist (1912–1987)21Q187930262
12Public Universal Friend (1752–1819)American preacher (1752–1819)11Q10306630211
Σautolist gallery timeline121051112714137321247179127101279111101121510121127299855111028221111341752451242182104416122412291186639122414510110129251149569avg.:  3 \ 47
(29 %)

Oceanian biographies

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Ngahuia Te Awekotuku ♀ (1949–)New Zealand academic, short story writer and essayist7Q17152983241
Σautolist gallery11111117avg.:  0 \ 7
(4 %)