Wikimedia Quarto/2/tech/Zh
下面报告的大部分都是James Day写的;巴黎设备的部分则大部分是David Monniaux所写。
在法国安装Squid caches
(从上到下依次是:bleuenn, chloe, ennael。)
在2004年12月18日,3台捐赠的服务器安装在了Aubervilliers的一个主机托管处,它位于法国巴黎的市郊。按照提供者的要求它们分别被命名为bleuenn, chloe, 以及ennael。根据技术要求,机器是HP sa1100 1U服务器,配置是640 MiBRAM,20 GB ATA硬盘,以及600 MHz Celeron处理器。
机器配备有Squid caching软件。他们将进行技术测试,增加Web caches以减少用户的等待时间。有代表性的是,在法国一个使用DSL互联网接入的用户只需要30 ms的等待时间就可以连接上这些机器,如果他们直接连接到位于佛罗里达的维基媒体主机群则需要大约140 ms。我们的想法是来自欧洲部分的用户将使用法国的Squid caches,这将缩短1/10秒,而所有用户访问多媒体内容和匿名用户访问页面内容将延时。Logged-in users will not profit as much, since pages are generated specifically for them and, thus, are not cached across users. 如果一个页面不在Squid cache,or a page is for a logged-in user, the Apache web服务器必须有1/5到1/3或更长的秒数再加上数据库的时间来获得页面。一般来说数据库时间大约为1/20秒,但是对于类别可能需要更多的时间,甚至对于一个非常巨大的监视列表可能需要100秒的时间。
Squid caches在2005年1月将被启动,接着是一个测试时间。到1月31日为止,机器已经为比利时、法国、卢森堡、瑞士以及英国cache了英文,法文和多媒体内容。系统还需要进行一些测试,并且希望能够对caching的执行做一些调整。我们也会考虑在其他国家安装类似的caching机群。
In mid-October, two more dual Opteron database slave servers, with 6 drives in RAID 0 and 4GB of RAM, plus five 3GHz/1GB RAM Apache servers were ordered. Delays, due to compatibility problems, which the vendor had to resolve before shipping the database servers, left the site short of database power; until early December, the search function had to be turned off, at times.
In November 2004, five Web servers, four with high RAM (working memory) capacity used for Memcached or Squid caching, experienced failures. This resulted in very slow Wikis, sometimes.
Five 3GHz/3GB RAM servers were ordered in early December. Four of the December machines will provide Squid and Memcached service as improved replacements for the failing machines, until they are repaired. One machine with SATA drives in RAID 0 will be used as a testbed to see how much load such less costly database servers might be able to handle, as well as, providing another option for a backup-only database slave also running Apache. These machines are equipped with a new option for a remote power and server health monitoring board at $60 extra cost. This option was taken for this order, to allow a comparison of the effectiveness of this monitoring board with a remote power strip and more limited monitoring tools. Remote power and health reporting helps to reduce the need for colocation facility labor, which can sometimes involve costs and/or delays.
A further order of one master database server, to permit a split of the database servers into two sets of a master and a pair of slaves, with each set holding about half of the project activity, as well as, five more Apaches is planned for the end of the last quarter of 2004 or the first days of the first quarter of 2005. This order will use the remainder of the US$50,000 from the last fundraising drive. The database server split will allow the halving of the amount of disk writing each set must do, leaving more capacity for the disk reads needed to serve user requests. This split is intended to happen in about three months, after the new master has proved its reliability during several months of service as a database slave.
[edit]流量由2004年第三季期间开始的每秒大约400-500个请求至季尾的每秒大约800个。在2004年第四季的季头,已进一步不断上升,流量超过每秒900个请求,以每日最高峰流量时段达到每秒1,000至1,100个请求的范围,接著,在大约900位置稳定下来,之后再次上升到之前高峰的位置,或者发生反应时间低于理想速度,或两者同时发生。([1])。[2] 带宽增长迅速,从2004年4季度初的每秒32兆,到季度末达到每秒43兆。一般情况下每天的高峰时间带宽高达每秒65到75兆比特,甚至有时达到瞬间100兆的单机以太网出口限值。为了处理此种流量,我们暂时采用了双管道100兆连接, 并在佛罗里达的共管中心安排了一根 千兆比特 光纤 连接,并订购了 所需部件。