Wikimedia Quarto/2/pr/Zh

这这一年秋天有几个主要的新闻事件:“100万条目”新闻稿在全球超过10种语言发布;在德国发行德语Directmedia CD的新闻稿发布;以及维基新闻的运行被许多语言的记者和bloggers报道(请参看第7页的新闻报道)。
在这三个月期间,几个较大的维基百科被大家所注视,除英文之外,也被大量的媒体所报道。例如法语维基百科提交了几篇非常好的文章。其中之一是Liberation ([1])的文章,还有一个强烈批评的文章在Charlie Hebdo ([2])。2004年12月27日,Anthere接受了radio BFM的电台采访 (请参看[3])。另外一次在2005年1月的电台采访是以Yann为主:[4]。

Angela也接受了BBC Radio4的采访。这是她的报告:
“11月17日,我为维基百科做了我有史以来第一次的电台采访。它是BBC Radio 4's You and Yours节目。我没有想到在我的生命中我会同意做这种事情,但是他并没有我想象得那么可怕。它是在Ipswich的BBC Suffolk演播室录制的,recorded at the BBC Suffolk studio in , since the BBC Essex studios, which are closer to me, were fully booked at that time. 当我到达的时候,我被邀请在“演员休息室”等候,他并没有听起来那样让人感到深刻;它只是一间有几个沙发,饮用水和关于BBC Radio Suffolkit新闻剪报的房间。录制不久之前就开始了,我被带到一个小演播室并且给了我一些耳机,我可以听到节目和在曼彻斯特的编辑对我的谈论。在录制的时候我被单独留在演播室。”
Bamber Gascoigne started by giving a potted history of the encyclopedia, and, then, a recording was played of a family searching for facts in a traditional encyclopedia, compared to one using the web. Michael Schmidt, an English professor at the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, then talked about how his students nowadays were more likely to use computers than books for their research. The presenter, Liz Barclay, asked me to distill how Wikipedia works, and I explained how the site is editable by any visitor, and how vandalism is quickly discovered and reverted. Bamber was at a studio in London, and talked about his HistoryWorld site. Bamber and Michael both felt that Wikipedia articles should be "arrested" at some point to prevent editing. But, I suggested that instead of locking articles permanently, a version of an article could be marked as stable and could be given to users who wanted that, whilst still allowing other users to edit the live article. This section of the programme lasted just under 20 minutes and concluded with Bamber saying "the idea that encyclopedias [which are printed] are reliable is nonsense".