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User:Wolliff (WMF)/Grants FAQ

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

This is a work in still in progress and isn't quite ready to be used yet.

This page will contain a list of frequently asked questions. Please add suggestions for questions to include to the discussion page.

What is the WMF Grants Program?

What is the purpose of the WMF Grants Program?
If the WMF Grants Program is not a good match, what are some other ways to get funding?
How is the WMF Grants Program different from the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)?
How is the WMF Grants Program different from the Individual Engagement Program (IEG)?
What is the role of the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC) in reviewing proposals?
Who are "WMF Grants Program Staff", and when and how should I contact them?

How do I apply for funding through the WMF Grants Program?


See Grants:PEG for detailed information about the program. Also see the instructions for submitting a request.

How long does it take?


A simple submission may be reviewed and receive funding within 60 days.

How long does it usually take the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC) to review a proposal?
There is no set time period for processing a request because the length of review may vary depending on,
  1. The completeness and accuracy of the submission, and the complexity of the submission.
  2. The grantee's level of engagement in the submission review process.
Generally, simple and complete requests will be reviewed within 30 calendar days if the grantee is responsive to questions and requests for information.
How long does it usually take the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) to process a funded grant?
The amount of time it takes to process a grant will also vary depending on,
  1. The completeness and accuracy of the information provided to WMF at the time the proposal is approved.
  2. The grantee's responsiveness to questions and requests for information.
  3. Other factors that may complicate the administration of a grant, such as dependence on related submissions or decisions.
Generally, a grant agreement will be issued within 7 days of a request's approval, and WMF will send funds within 30 days of receiving a signed grant agreement.

Who may apply? What projects receive funding?


Individuals, groups, and nonprofit organizations may apply to receive project-based funding for activities aligned with the Wikimedia mission.

Who may submit a proposal / apply for a grant?
Anyone meeting the eligibility requirements may apply: this includes individuals, groups, and nonprofit organizations. For-profit organizations may not apply.
May I submit a grant request for a project or event that has taken place in the past?
You may submit a request to fund a project or event that has taken place in the past; however, WMF does not guarantee that any project or event will be funded even if it has already taken place. Also note that for events or projects that have already taken place a complete and accepted public report and complete documentation of expenditures will be required before a grant agreement is issued and before any funds are disbursed.
My project is being run by a for-profit organization but its goals are charitable. Is my project eligible?
No. The WMF Grants Program does not offer funding to for-profit entities.
My nonprofit organization or proto-chapter would like organize a project, but may have difficulty receiving funds or meeting some of the eligibility criteria for organizations. What are our options?
Organizations that may have difficulty receiving funds because they are not yet incorporated or have not yet established a bank account, or have difficulty receiving funds for other reasons, should consider seeking an organization within their country or region that may serve as a fiscal sponsor. A fiscal sponsor may administer the grant on behalf of the grantee organization.
Do I have to be a recognized Wikimedia affiliate entity to apply for funds?
No: individuals, groups, and nonprofit organizations may apply for funds if they meet the eligibility requirements. Recognized affiliate entities are also encouraged to apply.
My organization is receiving funds from the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC). May I apply for project-based funding through the WMF Grants Program during my FDC funding period?
Only if your project involves lobbying. Funding will not be offered for other projects through the WMF Grants Program for entities receiving funding from the FDC.
May I apply for general funding through the WMF Grants Program?
No. The WMF Grants Program offers project-based funding only.
May I fund paid staff through a WMF Grants Program request?
No: requests are project-based. They may occasionally fund part-time staff or contractors, but only if the work of these part-time staff or contractors is directly related to the project being funded.
May I use WMF Grant funds to give grants to other individuals or organizations?
No: all regranting is prohibited. Funds may sometimes be used to reimburse volunteers for project-related expenses, such as travel.
Will I be required to divulge personal information about myself or other grantees during the application process?
Grantees are not required to publicly disclose personal information such as their legal name, but will be required to send WMF such personal information if their submissions are approved.
Do I have to have a Username (be a contributor to a Wikimedia Project website) to receive funding?
A Username is not required, but a grantee's contribution record will likely be considered by the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC)?
I would like to apply for funding for travel to an event
may I apply through the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program?
Most requests for individual travel reimbursements are outside the scope of this program. For non-Wikimedia events, applicants should apply through the Participation:Support program (a joint program with Wikimedia Deutschland). For Wikimedia events, applicants should apply through that event or the organizers' scholarship or travel reimbursement program. Event organizers may apply for funding for travel scholarships or reimbursements through the Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program.
Is there a minimum?
Yes: all submission must request at least US$ 500 or the equivalent in local currency according to the exchange rate at the time of submission.
Is there a maximum?
There is no maximum, but most requests are under US$ 50,000.

How do I complete the proposal form? What happens after I submit my proposal form?


Complete the proposal form by following the instructions here and notifying WMF Staff at grants at wikimedia dot org. They will inform you of the next steps.

May I make changes to the proposal form?
Please do not make changes to the proposal form. All questions and sections are required unless otherwise noted. If you would like to include additional information, you are free to add sections or to link to this information from the form.
How will I know if my proposal is funded?
Potential grantees will be notified by Email when a decision on their submission is made. The grant submission page will also be update to display the current submission.
What should I do after my request is submitted?
All potential grantees should Email grants at wikimedia dot org when their submission is opened, and monitor the discussion page of their submission so they may respond to comments and questions while their proposal is being reviewed.
I no longer wish to apply for funds, but I have an open submission. What are my options?
If you currently have an open submission, you may withdraw your submission at any time before a decision is delivered by writing a note on the discussion page of your submission and sending an Email to grants at wikimedia dot org. WMF Staff will then update your grant submission in order to show that it has been withdrawn. You should not move your submission back to "Draft" status once it has been opened. You may not delete your grant submission.
Must my request be submitted is US$?
You may submit a request in any currency. If WMF is unable to send funds in your local currency, you will be notified and an equivalent amount in another currency will be sent.
Must I account for grant funds in US$?
You should account for grant funds in the currency in which you are spending them. In the case of multiple currencies, please include multiple columns for each currency and specify exchange rates used and the dates of each expense.

How do I change my submission after it's been approved?


All changes to an approved submission must be approved in writing by WMF Staff. In most cases, Staff will make the changes for you after they have been approved.

May I use grant funds for a purpose other than that described in the approved grant submission?
No, you may only use funds exactly as described in the approved grant submission. Any change to the project budget outside of 10% for any line item, must be approved by WMF Staff.
May I change my grant submission after it has been approved?
No changes should be made to the grant submission after it has been approved without written approval from WMF Staff. If a change is required, please leave a note on the discussion page of the submission and Email grants at wikimedia dot org to notify staff.
How do I request a change to my approved budget?
Use the "Request changes to budget" button on the bottom of your grant submission to create a note on the discussion page of your submission, or review the instructions here.
How do I change my project completion date after my submission has been approved?
Use the "Request extension" button on the bottom of your grant submission to create a note on the discussion page of your submission, or review the instructions here.
I have received funds for an approved grant, but am not able to execute my project. May I cancel it?
You may cancel an approved project and return the funds to WMF. You must still provide a project report.
If I cancel my project, do I still need to provide a project report?
Yes, you must still provide a project report according to the instructions here.

What happens after my project is completed?


After your project is completed you should follow the instructions here to submit a report by the date specified in your grant agreement.

What are the reporting requirements and when and how do I submit my report?

What reporting is required?
See the reporting requirements for general guidelines. You must abide by the reporting requirements specified in your grant agreement. Generally, reports are due within 90 days of the project completion date included in the approved grant submission.
May I submit my report early?
Yes, reports may be submitted any time after the project completion date and before the reporting deadline.
May I begin my report before my project is complete?
Yes. You may begin your report as a "Draft" before your project is complete, and submit it after the project completion date.
May I include an interim report before my final report is due?
Yes, interim reports are welcome, encouraged, and in some cases required. You may follow the instructions here.
How do I submit my report?
Reports must be submitted on Meta (this Wiki) using the grant report form. Instructions are here.
May I submit a report by Email?
No. Reports must be submitted on Meta (this Wiki) using the grant report form. Instructions are here. You should notify WMF that your report is complete by sending an Email to grants at wikimedia dot org.
I've already submitted a report on my organization's Wiki or our blog. Is that sufficient?
No. Reports must be submitted on Meta (this Wiki) using the grant report form. Instructions are here. You may link to supplemental material from your organization's blog or Wiki if it is not critical to the report. All required information or critical information must be published on Meta (this Wiki) and linked to from your grant report form.
May I make changes to the reporting form?
Please do not make changes to the grant report form. All questions and sections are required unless otherwise noted. If you would like to include additional information, you are free to add sections or to link to this information from the form.

How should I document expenses? What do I do when receipts aren't available?


Receipts or documentation of expenses is required for all project expenses. Receipts may be submitted to grants at wikimedia dot org at the time your reprot is due.

Do I need receipts? How do I include them?
All expenses must be documented with receipts. You may send receipts or documentation to grants at wikimedia dot org if you do not wish to post it publicly on Meta (this Wiki).
What documentation is required?
All expenses must be documented with receipts, with a few exceptions. For a list of exceptions and instructions about how to document them see,
What if I don't have receipts for all of my expenses?
You may be required to return undocumented funds to WMF. For some expenses, receipts may not be required, but documentation should be provided according to the instructions provided.
When should I submit receipts?
At the time your project is due. Grantees are encouraged to submit receipts at one time to ensure that they are not lost or misfiled.

What do I do with remaining funds?


Remaining funds must be returned to WMF or reallocated to approved mission-aligned purposes.

How do I return unused funds to WMF?

You may return unused funds by wire transfer or check (only within the US). See, INSTRUCTIONS FOR RETURNING FUNDS.

I have grant funds remaining. May I use grant funds for another project or activity?
Grantees who wish to use remaining grant funds for another project or activity must
For funds remaining equal to or under to the equivalent of US$500 according to current exchange rates, submit a request for reallocation as a subpage of your grant submission.
For funds remaining over the equivalaent of US$500 according to exchange rates, submit a new grant submission. If it is not approved, funds will be returned.

I submitted a report. What happens next?


After your report is submitted, it must be reviewed and accepted by WMF Staff.

I have submitted a report and sent documentation to WMF according to the instructions. Am I done?
No. Your report must still be reviewed and accepted by WMF Staff before your grant is closed. You should monitor the discussion page of your report for comments and questions.
How will I know when my report has been accepted?
WMF staff will notify grantees of changes in the status of their reports by Email. The grant report page will also be updated by WMF Staff to reflect the current status of your report.
May I change my report while it is "Under review"?
You may change your report while it is "Under review", but you should notify WMF Staff. WMF Staff may request that you make changes to your report during the review process.
May I change my report after it has been accepted?
You are welcome to add information to your report after it has been accepted, but you should notify WMF Staff?
Who reviews reports?
WMF Staff reviews each grant report and provides comments or asks for information from the grantee.
What criteria are used for accepting reports?
Grant report forms must be complete and grant reports must be submitted on Meta and correctly named, documentation must be submitted to WMF according to the guidelines, and the grantee must respond to quesitons and requests for information from WMF Staff before a report is accepted. Incomplete reports and reports not published on Meta will not be accepted.