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 * StewardScript extends the user interface for Wikimedia stewards' convenience.
 * @see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/StewardScript
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/stewardscript.js]]

// Translated by: [[User:Zaher.Kadour/Archiver.js]]
$(document).ready(function() {
    if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == -1)
        // is a special page
    $("head").append("<style>a.arkylink { font-weight:bold } .arkyhighlight { background-color:#D9E9FF }</style>");
    var validSections = new Object();
    var fromTos = new Object();
    var wikiText = "";
    var revStamp;
    var startArchiveButton = mw.util.addPortletLink("p-cactions", "#", "archiving", "pt-oeca", "Start/End the Archive Wizard", null, null);
    var overlay = $(document.createElement("button"));
    $(startArchiveButton).click(function(e) {
    overlay.html("archiving all sections")
        .attr("id", 'archivebutton')
        .css("position", 'fixed')
        .css("bottom", 0)
        .css("height", '44px')
        .css("width", '100%')
        .css("font-size", '200%');
    overlay.click(function(e) {
        var numOfThreads, archiveTarget;
        var sections, archiveThis;
        var cutOffset, revisedPage;
        function cut(s, start, end) {
            return s.substr(0, start) + s.substring(end);
        cutOffset = numOfThreads = 0;
        revisedPage = wikiText;
        sections = $("a.arkylink").map(function() {
            return $(this).attr("data-section");
        if (!(numOfThreads = sections.length))
            return alert("No section selected, Cancel");
        archiveTarget = prompt("archiving" + numOfThreads + "Sections: What is the title of the archive page?", mw.config.get("wgPageName"));
        if (!archiveTarget || archiveTarget == mw.config.get("wgPageName"))
            return alert("No selected archive page, Cancel");
        sections.each(function(i, n) {
            revisedPage = cut(
                    fromTos[n][0] - cutOffset,
                    fromTos[n][1] - cutOffset
            cutOffset += fromTos[n][1] - fromTos[n][0];
        archiveThis = sections.map(function() {
            return wikiText.substring(fromTos[this][0], fromTos[this][1]);
        console.log("archive this:" + archiveThis);
        console.log("revised page:" + revisedPage);
        if (1) new mw.Api().postWithToken("csrf", {action: 'edit', title: mw.config.get("wgPageName"), text: revisedPage, summary: "archiving " + numOfThreads + " sections to [[" + archiveTarget + "]]", basetimestamp: revStamp, starttimestamp: revStamp})
            .done(function(res1) {
                alert("section successfully moved");
                new mw.Api().postWithToken("csrf", {action: 'edit', title: archiveTarget, appendtext: "\n" + archiveThis, summary: "archiving from [[" + mw.config.get("wgPageName") + "]]"})
                    .done(function(res2) {
                        alert("Sections have been added to the archive page successfully");
                    .fail(function(res2) {
                        alert("Failed to add the sections to the archive page. Manual checking is required");
                    .always(function(res2) {
            .fail(function(res1) {
                alert("Failed to add the sections to the archive page. Canecel the archiving process.");
    new mw.Api().get({action: 'parse', page: mw.config.get("wgPageName")}).done(function(dataShit) {
        new mw.Api().get({action: 'query', pageids: mw.config.get("wgArticleId"), prop: ['revisions'], rvprop: ['content', 'timestamp']}).done(function(shit) {
            var rv;
            rv = shit.query.pages[mw.config.get("wgArticleId")].revisions[0];
            wikiText = rv["*"];
            revStamp = rv['timestamp'];
            .filter(function(i, s) { return s.index == parseInt(s.index) })
            .each(function(i, s) { validSections[s.index] = s });
        for (var i in validSections) {
            i = parseInt(i);
            fromTos[i] = [
        $("#mw-content-text").find(":header").find("span.mw-headline").each(function(i, title) {
            var header, editSection, sectionNumber;
            header = $(this).parent();
            editSection = header.find(".mw-editsection"); // 1st child
            sectionNumber = header.find(".mw-editsection a:first");
            if (sectionNumber[0]) {
                sectionNumber = sectionNumber.attr("href").match(/&section=(\d+)/);
                if (sectionNumber)
                    sectionNumber = sectionNumber[1];
            } else // eg <h2>not a real section</h2>
                sectionNumber = undefined;
            if (validSections.hasOwnProperty(sectionNumber))
                editSection[0].innerHTML += "&nbsp;<span class=arky style=display:none><span class=mw-editsection-bracket>[</span><a data-section=" + sectionNumber + " " + "onclick=$(this).closest(':header').toggleClass('arkyhighlight');$(this).toggleClass('arkylink');>أرشف</a><span class=mw-editsection-bracket>]</span></span>";

