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Grants:PEG/WM PH/Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage 2016

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WM PH/Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage (2016 Round)
Continuing on the very good output of 2014's Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, Wikimedia Philippines looks to the long term by launching the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage, a program to document and provide access to knowledge and information on the country's cultural and natural heritage. This grant request seeks to fund the program's activities and initiatives for 2016.
targetEnglish Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata
strategic priorityImproving Quality and Increasing Participation
start dateJanuary 1
start year2016
end dateDecember 31
end year2016
budget (USD)please add the amount you are requesting (USD)
grant typeorganization
non-profit statusYes
contact(s)• eugene(_AT_)wikimedia.org.ph
organization• Wikimedia Philippines


From May 2014 to May 2015, Wikimedia Philippines had the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, which sought to collect data and information about cultural heritage sites and structures in the Philippines. The project's outcome includes almost 300 new and over 500 improved Wikipedia articles, including 4 Good articles and 37 Did you know? entries, and over 5,000 photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons of which over 2,000 were included in Wikipedia articles.

Following the very good output of that pilot project, Wikimedia Philippines is launching the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage (EPH), a long-term program to use the Wikimedia projects as a platform for researching, documenting, and collecting information and knowledge about Philippine heritage, and then providing them to the public. The program will be structured as a series of annual projects that slowly and steadily increase in scope. Shown below is the vision-mission statement of the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage.

That every Filipino is given access to the sum of all knowledge on Philippine heritage.

To achieve its vision, the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage Program will have projects and initiatives to research, document, and collect knowledge, information, and data on places, sites, objects, and topics related to Philippine heritage and then disseminate and provide access to them through the Wikimedia projects.


For the 2016 round of the EPH program, the following project goals and scope will be adopted:

  1. To increase the number of Wikipedia articles related to built cultural Philippine heritage, natural Philippine heritage, and Philippine heritage in general
  2. To increase the number of Wikimedia Commons images related to built cultural Philippine heritage, natural Philippine heritage, and Philippine heritage in general
  3. To improve the quality of said Wikipedia articles and Wikimedia Commons images according to those projects' quality assessment processes
  4. To increase the open data in Wikidata related to built heritage structures and sites officially identified by the National Commission on the Culture and Arts, the National Museum, or the National Historical Commission of the Philippines
  5. To increase the open data in Wikidata regarding historical markers installed by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines
  6. To increase the pool of Wikimedia heritage researchers
  7. To increase partnerships of Wikimedia Philippines with heritage-related government agencies or non-profit organizations

Compared to the previous Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, the 2016 project aims to include natural heritage (such as the Tubbataha Reef, a World Heritage Site) into the project's scope. In addition, Wikidata will be included as a target Wikimedia project, joining Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. Furthermore, while the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project focused exclusively on quantity of output, the 2016 project will explicitly include quality goals and measures.



The 2016 round of the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage Program will consist of three main activities that aim to meet the project goals and one supporting activity for managing the project:

  1. Field deployment, research, and documentation. This is the primary vehicle of the certified researchers for collecting and documenting information on Philippine heritage.
  2. Workshops, edit-a-thons, and WikiExpeditions. These are intended to provide social activities for maintaining motivation, and opportunities for improving the skills of the certified researchers.
  3. Certification of new researchers. This intends to increase the pool of researchers for the long-term program.
  4. Project management and support. This is the process that plans, executes, and monitors the other activities in order to ensure that the project meets its goals.

These activities are described in detail in the following subsections.

Field deployment, research, and documentation[edit]

CHMP volunteers documenting a house in Santa Ana, Manila

In order to meet the content goals of the project, field deployment to identified heritage sites, on-site research, and documentation is needed. For example, a visit is required in order to take photographs of the site or structure and to get its GPS coordinates. In addition, the local heritage or tourism office may provide additional help or assistance in the form of reliable sources, documents, and information.

Similar to the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, the deployment will be categorized as either local or long-haul:

  1. Local deployment is where researchers, individually or in pairs, will visit and document sites located around where they live. This is the preferred mode of deployment during the rainy season (July to November) in order to avoid problems of inclement weather causing cancellation of trips to far areas, or impeding proper documentation, such as not being able to take good photos of sites and structures because of rain.
  2. Long-haul deployment is where researchers, in groups of two or three, will be assigned to distant cities and municipalities where there are identified cultural and natural heritage sites and structures. There is currently no compiled list of target places for the long-haul deployment, but primary consideration will be given to places that were targeted during the previous project but due to circumstances were not visited. These include Glan in Sarangani, Tabaco in Albay, Laoang and Palapag in Northern Samar, and Sanchez Mira in Cagayan.

WikiExpeditions, edit-a-thons, and workshops[edit]

CHMP volunteers participating in a tour of the Gala-Rodriguez Ancestral House during WikiExpedition Sariaya

One successful and welcomed introduction to the previous project was the addition of edit-a-thons and WikiExpeditions. The previous project's original overall plan was that there would be a workshop to provide initial training to the qualified volunteers, a certification period to assess which of the qualified volunteers will be certified based on their output, and finally a deployment period for the rest of the year. During the actual certification period it was observed that without further activities and opportunities for training, the output of the certified volunteers will diminish and there is a risk that the goal of the Project will not be met. Therefore, social activities like edit-a-thons and WikiExpeditions were organized in order to sustain the motivation of the volunteers through social interaction, provide venues for further skill improvement and training, and to create partnerships with heritage organizations. (See the Activities section of the Grant report for more details.)

For this current project, we intend to continue with holding such events. Depending on the time, resources, and possible partnerships, we plan to organize the following events:

  1. 3 WikiExpeditions. Similar to the previous project's WikiExpeditions to Santa Ana and Sariaya, we plan to have a WikiExpedition for each of the last 3 quarters of 2016 (the first quarter is reserved for the certification period). One identified target location is the town of Pagsanjan in the province of Laguna, and we seek to partner with the Pagsanjan Heritage and Historical Society.
  2. At least 4 Edit-a-thons. The Mario Feir Filipiniana Library had hosted 2 of the edit-a-thons during the previous project and the owners have expressed interest in becoming hosts again. We plan to hold 2 of the edit-a-thons again at the library. Other edit-a-thons will be held elsewhere and we hope that they can be done outside of the capital region to provide opportunities for certified researchers in the provinces to participate.
  3. Various workshops. Because of the increased scope for this project, we plan to hold a few workshops to provide training and skill improvement on various aspects of the project and the Wikimedia platform. (It's possible that some of these workshops may be combined with the above-mentioned edit-a-thons to reduce logistical issues.) Among the identified workshop topics are:
    • Photography and quality Wikimedia images. We plan to invite friends who are expert photographers to provide a lecture on taking better-quality photos of heritage monuments. This workshop will also introduce the criteria and procedures for declaring photos as Featured images on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. (The learning pattern "Improving your building photography" and others will also come in very handy.)
    • Wikidata introduction and tools. This workshop will provide an introduction to editing and creating items in Wikidata. For the technically-minded, tools for querying, extracting, and using Wikidata data may also be demonstrated. A target outcome is to provide an easy way to display on a map of the Philippines all of the added Philippine heritage data in Wikidata.
    • Wikipedia esoterica. Templates, infoboxes, categories, article assessments, DYKs, Good and Featured article procedures and criteria, and a refresher on citations will be the topics for this workshop.

Certification of new researchers[edit]

Sonny Tinio giving a lecture during the Cultural Heritage Mapping Conference held last May 2014

In order to ensure the sustainability of the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage program and to spread the workload to a larger pool of certified researchers, the project will hold a certification period to train and certify new researchers. This period will be divided into four phases:

  1. Registration and screening. We will put out a call for people who are interested to join the project and then provide a registration form. We will also tap the existing pool of researchers to help promote project and invite people to join. We will then screen the responses and invite those who are promising to join the project.
  2. Pre-certification. One identified problem during the previous project was that less than 50% of the initial conference participants (21 out of 48) were able to complete the certification process. We hope to improve on this outcome by having a pre-certification screening wherein interested participants will undergo simple Wikipedia and heritage related exercises to gauge and test their interest in doing the actual work needed for the project. It is one thing to say that you want to travel around the country and help document Philippine heritage and another thing to do the actual nitty-gritty work.
    We have not yet designed the exact mechanism for this phase but the idea is that each participant will perform some research (does not have to be using reliable sources), improve a pre-selected Wikipedia article (using the participant's Wikipedia sandbox), and to take a photo and upload it to Wikimedia Commons. To help the participants, we plan to hold a Wikipedia beginners workshop that they can optionally attend in the middle of the pre-certification period.
  3. Conference. Those who have passed the pre-certification will be invited to a 3-day conference for a more intensive training and introduction to the other activities and processes of the project. This will be executed in a similar fashion to the previous project's conference. (Please see the interim report for more information.)
  4. Post-certification. This will be a bit similar to the previous project's certification process but we will implement changes to emphasize the collaborative nature of the project and provide opportunities to the participants to specialize in whatever aspect of the project they are most interested in. Previously, each participant was required to create or improve 3 Wikipedia articles, upload 30 images, and properly report expenses. Their output were then graded and those meeting the 75% passing rate were deemed certified. For this project, we will adjust the process and criteria and ask each participant to select which among Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikidata they want to contribute to. Then based on their selections, they may be partnered with each other and given quantitative and qualitative goals to meet (and these will be based on a subset of the Measures of Success below). Those who have achieved their goals will be deemed as certified researchers.

A rough and tentative Gantt chart of the whole Certification process is shown below:

Activity Week starting
December January February March April
14 21 28 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25
0 Planning
1 Registration period
2 Pre-certification
3 Announcement and invitation of selected conference participants
Confirmation and preparation of participants' attendance to the conference
Conference preparation
3-day conference
4 Post-certification

Project management and support[edit]

In order to effectively and efficiently manage the project, the project leads will be adopting and tailoring the processes of the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This grant request already forms part of the Initiating and Planning processes and in the course of the project, the Planning, Executing, and Monitoring and Control processes will be used. The final grant reporting will be part of the Closing processes. In addition, the project will follow an incremental planning approach wherein the high-level project plan (essentially, this grant request) will be refined with details for each sub-activity as they about to be implemented.

Monitoring plan
To monitor the project's progress to meeting Goals #1 and #3 (and Measures A, C, D, and E) for English Wikipedia articles, we will be initiating a Philippine Heritage Task Force under WikiProject Philippines. The numerous tools available to English Wikipedia WikiProjects should make monitoring quite simple. For articles in other Wikipedias, these will be monitored manually by monitoring the global edits of the project members.
To monitor the project's progress to meeting Goal #2 (and Measure B), we will be manually monitoring the Wikimedia Commons uploads of the project members and categorizing them similar to what was done in the previous project (see commons:Category:Philippine Cultural Heritage Mapping Project content). The Learning Pattern, Batch categorizing users' photos in Wikimedia Commons, would again be used. For the image quality measure (Measure F), we will be asking the project members to inform the project leads whenever an image is nominated.
To monitor the Wikidata-related Goals (#4 and #5, and Measures G and H), we will be creating a Philippine Heritage WikiProject in Wikidata and we will investigate using automatic item categorization by adding WikiProject banners to the items' talk pages, similar to what is done on the English Wikipedia. We will also see if we can collaborate with the existing Wikidata:WikiProject Cultural heritage.
Reporting plan
Three interim quarterly progress reports will be provided to the WMPH Board and to WMF through Meta-Wiki. These interim reports, which will be provided by April 30, July 31, and October 31 (a month after each quarter's end), will only document the progress towards meeting the projects Goals (per Measure), and a short summary of activities done so far. The other reportorial aspects (such as lessons learned, Global Metrics, and expenses) will be included in the final Grant report.
Together with WMPH's Treasurer, the project leads will also be improving the documentation and training of the certified researchers with respect to expense reporting. Based on informal surveys done during the previous project, this is one aspect of the project that the project members have had trouble with.


Target readership[edit]

  • Wikipedia (with focus on the English Wikipedia)
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Wikidata

Fit with strategy[edit]

What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorities. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1–2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found here.

Increase Quality
As shown by the output of the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, there has been a good increase in the number of articles and images on Philippine heritage in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, helping to counter systemic bias in the coverage of Wikimedia projects. Furthermore, even if having high quality articles was not a specific target for the previous project, a few editors had been self-motivated to bring 37 articles to the Wikipedia front page under the Did you know? project, and 4 articles to Good article status. This provides the impetus to incorporate explicit quality measures for the 2016 project as shown in the next section.
Increase Participation
Prior to the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, almost all of the volunteers did not have any experience contributing to any of the Wikimedia projects. The project has thus provided opportunities to bring in new editors to the movement. In addition, the previous project specifically targeted a sector (Philippine cultural heritage) that lacks coverage and participation in Wikimedia. For 2016, the project seeks to tap another sector (Philippine natural heritage) that have so far not seen any noticeable activity in the Wikimedia movement.

Measures of success[edit]

Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used to determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. See the PEG program resources for suggested measures of success.

In order to determine if the project goals have been achieved, the project will adopt the following measures of success. Each measure is directly tied to one of the project's 7 goals.
ID Target Goal No. Measure of success Notes
A Goal #1 At least 500 Wikipedia in-scope articles will be added or substantially improved

Articles can be in any Wikipedia language edition. Any added article should not be a stub and must contain either an infobox or an image. A substantial improvement to an article is considered to either be:

  • the article must have its content increased by at least 25% (using DYK metrics),
  • the article has a new section related to heritage,
  • at least 50% of the article was rewritten to be more readable or better structured (this includes copyediting),
  • an image was added (but not in a gallery), or
  • at least 2 properly formatted citations were added to existing text

In the previous project, 794 articles were added (291) or improved (503). There is also a decrease in the expected amount of added or improved Wikipedia articles (1000 to 500). This is due to the emphasis on quality and not just quantity for this 2016 project. It should be noted that the criteria for determining whether an article was improved in the previous project was not defined. So adding a wikilink was considered an "improvement". This will not be the case for the 2016 project.

B Goal #2 At least 2000 in-scope images will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons In the previous project, 5,504 images have been uploaded. For 2016, there will be more emphasis on quality so the target was reduced from 5,000 to 2,000.
C Goal #3 At least 40 English Wikipedia in-scope articles will be featured on the Main page under the "Did you know?" section In the previous project, 37 articles achieved DYK.
D At least 10 English Wikipedia in-scope articles will achieve Good article status In the previous project, 4 articles achieved Good article status.
E At least 1 English Wikipedia in-scope article will achieve Featured article status In the previous project, no articles achieved Featured article status.

At least 50 in-scope images will achieve any of the following statuses:

Photos uploaded as part of the previous project are also included.
G Goal #4 At least 50 officially identified built Filipino heritage structures will have Wikidata items

A Wikidata item is considered OK if it has the following properties:

Example: Lichauco Heritage House

H Goal #5 At least 100 historical markers will have Wikidata items

A Wikidata item is considered OK if it has the following properties:

Example: Lichauco House historical marker

I Goal #6 The number of certified Wikimedia heritage researchers will be increased to at least 30 Of the 21 certified volunteers from the previous Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, around 10 have expressed interest to continue on as researchers for this project.
J Goal #7 At least 1 joint event or project will be initiated between Wikimedia Philippines and at least a provincial-level heritage-related government agency or non-profit organization

Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some global metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.

Resources and risks[edit]


The 2016 project will be managed by a steering committee composed of the the following people:

  • Project lead: Eugene Villar. Eugene was the project lead of the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project and is currently the Chairman of Wikimedia Philippines. Among the chapter's projects and initiatives, Eugene has selected the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage as his primary focus.
  • Deputy project lead: Melo Cruz. Melo is one of the active certified volunteers of the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project and has shown great initiative in other aspects of the project apart from writing articles and uploading images.
  • Project adviser: Carlo Moskito. Like Melo, Carlo is one of the active certified volunteers of the Cultural Heritage Mapping Project and has provided a lot of quality content including all of the previous project's Good articles and most of the DYKs.

In addition, the following certified volunteers from the previous Cultural Heritage Mapping Project have also expressed interest to continue on as researchers for this project:


Risks identified are as follows:

  • Unliquidated cash advances. In the previous project, cash advances were provided as an alternative option to reimbursed expenses, in order to provide flexibility for the volunteers in their field deployment. This led to a problem that some volunteers were not able to liquidate their cash advances in a proper and timely manner. For this project, we plan to reiterate expectations with the certified researchers regarding expense reporting and that any unreasonable noncompliances will result in their being excluded from future project activities and support. In addition, we will aim to make the expense reporting and liquidation process simpler and easier to the extent that it is possible.
  • Travel safety issues. Travel to certain areas in the Philippines is considered unsafe due to the problem of rebel and independence movements. Also, there is always the possibility of accidents and unforeseen events resulting to injury to the researchers. We plan to avoid certain identified unsafe areas and instead concentrate on documenting sites and structures located in relatively safe and well-traveled areas of the country. In addition, we will have the certified researchers sign liability waivers and stress that any travel is purely voluntary on their part.


Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines.

Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Note: Exchange rate of 47.0399 PHP to 1.00 USD is used in all figures below. Exchange rate is quoted by Oanda as of 2016-01-05.

Number Item description Qty. & Unit Cost per unit Budgeted total In US$ Remarks
1 Field deployment, research, and documentation ₱200,000 $4,251.71
1.1 Local deployment ₱50,000 $1,062.93 These 2 items are necessarily lump-sum items because where and when certified researchers will be deployed cannot be planned way in advance. The amount of expenses depend on where the researchers live and where they will be deployed. Allowed expenses include transportation, food, and accommodations (in the case of long-haul deployments), and incidental expenses such as entrance fees to sites.
1.2 Long-haul deployment ₱150,000 $3,188.78
2 WikiExpeditions, edit-a-thons, and workshops ₱300,000 $6,377.56
2.1 WikiExpeditions ₱200,000 $4,251.71 As described in the Activities subsection, 3 WikiExpeditions are planned to be held. The expenses associated with each WikiExpedition will primarily depend on the number of participants who will be attending and the distance from Manila. For this grant request, we have estimated an average of ₱65,000 for a WikiExpedition based on the expenses incurred during the previous project's WikiExpedition Sariaya.
2.2 Edit-a-thons ₱50,000 $1,062.93 As described in the Activities subsection, at least 4 edit-a-thons are planned to be held. Two of these are targeted to be held at the Mario Feir Filipiniana Library, where minimal expenses are expected. For the remaining 2 edit-a-thons, 1 is targeted to be held outside the capital region to target remote researchers and this is expected to have a larger expense due to travel costs.
2.3 Workshops ₱50,000 $1,062.93 The workshops are planned to be mostly held in the Greater Manila Area and we will just provision for online streaming for remote researchers. The expected costs for workshops are primarily for venue rental, food, honorarium for resource speakers and lecturers, and incidentals.
3 Certification conference ₱350,000 $7,440.49 Estimated number of conference attendees is 30, which includes potential researchers, project team, WMPH members, and resource people. Not all will be present on all days of the conference.
3.1 Venue ₱40,000 $850.34 Estimated cost is based on the 2014 conference.
3.2 Meals and snacks 240 meals and 60 snacks ₱200 per meal and ₱100 per snack ₱54,000 $1,147.96 Meals cover 3 days of the conference, and dinner of remote participants coming a day before the conference. Estimated unit cost is based on the 2014 conference.
3.3 Accommodations 90 person-nights ₱1,000 ₱90,000 $1,913.27 Participants living outside the Greater Manila Area will be provided a 3–4 night accommodation, while those from Metro Manila Area will just be provided 2–3 nights accommodation. Estimated cost is based on the 2014 conference.
3.4 Fare/transportation ₱100,000 $2,125.85 Participants from outside the Greater Manila Area will be flown to Metro Manila, while the rest will be traveling by land. The number of flight passengers is not expected to be more than 10.
3.5 Instructional and other materials ₱20,000 $425.17
3.6 Field exercise expenses ₱6,000 $127.55 This will cover the expenses, including transportation and incidentals, for the field exercise similar to WikiExpedition Manila held during the 2014 conference.
3.7 Honorarium for resource persons ₱40,000 $850.34
4 Project management and miscellaneous ₱75,000 $1,594.39
4.1 Project management honoraria 200 man-hours ₱250 ₱50,000 $1,062.93
4.2 Researchers' IDs 30 ₱100 ₱3,000 $63.78 Will be used as an "official ID" of the certified researchers whenever they will be engaged with government offices/agencies in their respective localities where they will be assigned.
4.3 EPH program shirts 50 ₱300 ₱15,000 $318.88
4.4 Courier expenses ₱7,000 $148.81 Volunteers would be required to submit regular expense report and mail their original expense documentation to the Project lead. The project lead would also facilitate stipend releases which may be through a check mailed to the volunteers. The organization is required under Philippine laws to always have the original copy of receipts at its registered office.
5 Contingency (~8%) ₱75,000 $1,594.39
Total cost of project
₱1,000,000 ($21,258.55)
Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants program
₱1,000,000 ($21,258.55)
Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded

Non-financial requirements[edit]

See a description of non-financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requests for non-financial assistance now.

Requests for non-financial assistance, if any
  • If possible, a video message from the WMF to played during the certification conference. The message should be inspirational and encourage the participants that joining the Wikimedia movement is time well spent as it helps to preserve heritage and other information for future generations.


Community notification[edit]

You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talk page, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?

  • This grant proposal has been approved by the Board of Trustees of Wikimedia Philippines.


Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.

  • Support Support - Good luck with the project. Wikicology (talk) 20:34, 28 June 2016 (UTC)