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User:संतोष दहिवळ/global.css

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/* the "top" table is the stuff inside topbar, where search, go, disclaimers, etc. live */
td.top { 
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/* rm the line over the bottom bar */
td.bottom { 
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h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 
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/* Table of contents */
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/* DIV around image thumbnails */
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/* Textarea */
textarea { background : #ddd; } 
/* Make the separator in the left side menubar invisible, just a largeish gap */
hr.sep {
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/* Fix classics HORRID difference with monobook, where images stack horizontally rather than vertically */
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/* Talk page colors indentation levels */

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} */

.ns-1 dl,
.ns-1 dl dl dl,
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.ns-3 dl,
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.ns-5 dl,
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.ns-7 dl,
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.ns-9 dl,
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.ns-11 dl,
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.ns-13 dl,
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.ns-15 dl,
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.ns-101 dl,
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.ns-105 dl,
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    background-color: #eff8ff;

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