(Redirected from Transwiki:Wikimania05/Presentation-JB1)
This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany.
Editing notes:
- Will full paper be submitted?
Wikis in Dutch Education
[edit]- Author(s): Jan-Bart de Vreede
- License: ?
- Language: English
- Slides: {{{slides}}}
- Video: {{{video}}}
- Note: 30 minutes + discussion
About the author(s): Jan-Bart de Vreede is responsible for the portals and portal components at the Kennisnet Foundation. Kennisnet is the Internet organisation for the dutch educational institutions.
Abstract: {{{abstract}}}
[edit]At the end of May Kennisnet and the Wikimedia Foundation became partners for the Dutch Educational world. The presentation will focus on the plans, ideas and case examples which we think are relevant for other countries and settings.
Amongst other topics the presentation will deal with:
- Using wikipedia in the classroom (what are our iniatives)
- Offering Wikimedia to Dutch Educators as an ASP service
- Promoting users to add content to wiki through themebased websites (our experiences so far and our plans for the future)
- Integration in the Dutch educational search engine Davindi. Davindi is a yahoo style search engine with a lot of rated resources. What are the problems that we run into when we try to integrate wiki content?
- The integration of wikicommons in the Kennisnet websitemaker. The Kennisnet websitemaker ([1]) is a platform which is used by more than 140,000 people to make their own website without having to know HTML). How can we integrate Wiki content in these websites and how can these websites (or components thereof) be useful to wiki as a whole.
All these topics have the general intention to make the Dutch educational world more familiar with the different wiki products but also to promote the contribution of content to the different open content projects.