(Redirected from Transwiki:Wikimania05/Presentation-IB1)
This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany.
Editing notes:
- Will full paper be submitted?
Technology in schools and Open-Content Awareness in the Arab Countries
[edit]- Author(s): Isam Bayazidi
- License: CC-SA, GNU FDL
- Language: English
- Slides: {{{slides}}}
- Video: {{{video}}}
- Note: Presentation (10 minutes) and panel discussion
About the author(s): Isam Bayazidi had been involved in several Open Source projects, such as Arabeyes and Arabic Wikipedia. As well, he had been an active member in CISV for the past 7 years or so. He is currently blogging and working in a Linux company in Amman.
Abstract: {{{abstract}}}
[edit]The Presentation will cover two aspects related to the Arab countries; the use of technology in schools, and open-content awareness. Numbers, statistics and facts that effect the growth of open-content projects, and a review of reasons of poor Arabic content on the Internet.