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Imaginaţi-vă o lume unde fiecare persoană are acces gratuit la totalul ştiinţei umane. Asta este ce facem noi.
Şi ne trebuie ajutorul vostru.


Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (Fundaţia Wikimedia) este o organizaţie non-profit cu ţelul de a face valabilă informaţii gratuite la fiecare persoană din lume. Ajungând la ţelul acesta prin developare şi distribuţie de conţinut gratuit, Wikimedia se bazează pe donaţii publice ca să menţină proiectele sale bazate pe tehnologie wiki.

Wikimedia provides computing and network resources to create and distribute many reference works including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikisource and the Wikimedia Commons. The content of these projects is provided to the public free of charge.

Cum va ajuta donaţia voastră

Nici un website de-al noastru nu are reclame. Vizitatorii nu sunt taxaţi ca să editeze, citească sau folosească conţinutul nostru. Din cauza asta, ne bazăm total pe donaţii ca să menţină We rely entirely on donations to fund our projects. Our unprecedented growth in traffic and content requires regular hardware updates to prevent outages without sacrificing functionality. Other outgoings include bandwidth costs, rackspace within a colocation center, purchase of Wikimedia's domain names, sponsorship of specific software development tasks, and, occasionally, travel expenses. See hardware capacity growth planning for details of what we plan to buy next.

The Wikimedia Foundation also requires funding to continue its pioneering role in exploring the field of collaborative content creation. In addition, we are pursuing grants to fund the packaging and distribution of Wikimedia content to places that do not have access to the Internet. Every donation can make a big difference. If you have any questions regarding donations or the Wikimedia Foundation, please contact us.

Make a donation

Donations may be tax deductible.

Donate online with [https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=donation@wikipedia.org&no_note=1&tax=0 PayPal] or MoneyBookers using the easy to use forms linked below. Our account name for these is donation@wikipedia.org. PayPal allows for onetime, monthly and yearly payment options (cancel a subscription).

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You can send donations via snail-mail to Wikimedia's head office at the following address.

Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
204 37th Ave N, #330
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Disclaimer: Please note that neither this page nor any link on any Wikimedia site pointing to this page should be considered a solicitation to make a donation. Our license guarantees that you are, and will continue to be, free to use our content regardless of whether you can afford to donate.

Buy merchandise

Wikipedia merchandise at Cafe Press: US$5 of every purchase goes to the Wikimedia Foundation.