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Research talk:Project page template

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Lilaroja in topic Discussion

Some projects might provide only have a basic presentation in the Directory of research projects. Others might also provide an specific meta wiki page where to provide a more elaborated presentation of the project. The page dedicated to the project might be linked from the camp: "Project name".

Template basic presentation at the Directory of research projects

Camps to be full filled:

  • Initiator: Institutional base of the project (I.e. University, Research Center, Wikimedia Foundation, etc).
  • Project name: Not in siglas. On the research name create a link to an specific page on meta where to provide further information on the project (see below) or a link to the project website.
  • Researchers involved:
  • Key objectives (Max. 60 words)
  • Key methodological features (Max. 60 words)
  • Beging date
  • End date
  • Main research findings (Max. 60 words)
  • (Information related to passing the guidelines of the Research Committe)

Template at the specific project page

An extended version (if needed) of the previous camps. Other camps to provide (optional):

  • Background: Short presentation of the project background.
  • Methodological lessons extracted from the project
  • Contact (I.e. e-mail contact, website, etc.)
  • Links to research results (I.e. Publications, empirical databases, among others)
  • Others (I.e. Previous Research, key bibliography)
  • Notes and references



I did my homework, so here you have a suggestion of template for the Directory of research projects (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template_for_research_projects), issue to be discussed at out next chat meeting (Feb 25).

However, to me it remains several aspects to be defined before hands. That is:

  • The scope of the Research Projects directory: Now the scope is defined as: "This is the canonical directory of Wikimedia research projects that are underway or have recently been completed. Research projects are documented on many different wikis, but should all be findable through this page. To qualify for inclusion in this list, a project should be significant in scope and ethical in nature (according to the guidelines [to be] developed by the Research Committee)." It remains still the need to define the goals of the Research Project Directory and why it makes sense to create it (i.e the problematics linked to research projects and how this research project directory can help to overcome them, etc).
  • The need to define the criteria for inclusion (the above mentioned guidelines) and who or with which process a research project might pass the "test" of fullfilling the guidelines.

--Lilaroja 15:51, 22 February 2011 (UTC)Reply