Talk:Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Global Conversations
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Telegram for working official communication for events - pls NO
[edit]Dear organizers,
I just got and invite to join Telegram Have to say I love, use and recommend Telegram app, with most of its features (especially channels), but maybe it is sub-optimal to use a linear and under-structured communication of telegram group for these massive global events in which random comments (including and saying Hello!) adds to huge amount of messy content to scroll through (I will not open the topic of animated graphics, usability, accessibility and not being FLOSS)...
Could we PLEASE use more structured and coherent interface of Wikimedia Chat as a default (almost) live chat communication environment? It is much better in many ways AND it can be cross-linked to Wikimedia_Chat as can be IRC, so it would meet all half way - no? (for people who thrive in more casual Telegram environment or IRC it is also OK to have that explicitly casual communication or explicitly pragmatic, just not as a default for all)
Thank you in advance for considering this, keep up the good work and please consider it as UI/UX and communication recommendation. Zblace (talk) 05:34, 23 October 2020 (UTC)
- Dear Zblace, thanks for the feedback. We are now testing Wikimedia Chat channel, which can be joined here: --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 21:14, 23 October 2020 (UTC)
- Dear KVaidla (WMF) - No problem I am happy to review and give both critical and creative feedback, but it is not obvious what and how you plan to do things (and is still not)... That is until I saw the announcement for first event(s), but than it is more complicated. In general I think it is nice that you listened to some users *(with strong preference to somewhat 'problematic' Telegram app), but it should be more informed decision making process. Ideally WMF should have policy on tools/services so you and others would not make the decision on project/event base, unless it is exceptional. Anyway, good to see you are reconsidering your previous decision. While taking steps to do it in a more informed way, please also consider to be more explicit about your plans for the process, so advice could be given timely and not as a (critical) response.
- BTW - just to note that my personal stand in this situation and context is that you should not decide on single 'better choice' channel, but use WM Chat as a way to organize and sync different persistent chat options (old school IRC and pop-options like Telegram and Discord as they can be bridged). You should also not be doing just one channel but setting up few (at least for different languages, later processes also) and have them grouped all under same 'team' feature.
- P.S.
If there would not be WM Chat already setup and running as WM Cloud self hosted (with experienced admin) I would likely recommend for WMF to go with even better ZULIP that is specifically targeting open source communities (also used by WMF Tech Outreach programs). - Zblace (talk) 08:06, 24 October 2020 (UTC)
And same concerns about zoom as videomeeting platform--Barcelona (talk) 08:17, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
As there is now an alternative within the Wikiverse with WikiChat, why promote Telegram, an outside and exclusivst venue at all? Anything outside the Wikiverse has far less value than those venues inside. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 09:10, 28 November 2020 (UTC)
Übersetzung klappt nicht
[edit]Auf der /de-Seite fehlt die Hälfte der UnterzeichnerInnen, die Übersetzungsleiste oben und vermutlich noch einiges mehr. Und dann wäre da noch die Frage, ob es tatsächlich mehrere Diskussionsseiten geben soll, oder alles hier stattfinden sollte, mit WL auf den jeweiligen Sprachdisks. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 07:24, 9 November 2020 (UTC)
- Moin Sänger ♫, die Navigationsleiste ist leider nicht zum Übersetzen markiert. Warum die Liste der Teilnehmenden sich nicht aktualisiert, weiß ich leider nicht. Ich vermute, das hängt mit dem Cache zusammen. Zu den Diskussionsseiten, dort ist auf englisch erklärt:
- Wie verwenden?
Weil wir einen komplexen Priorisierungsprozess anstreben, ist dieser Raum möglicherweise nicht unmittelbar intuitiv zu navigieren. Hier sind einige Klarstellungen:
- Unten finden ist eine Liste der zehn Strategieempfehlungen. Wenn Du auf eine dieser Empfehlungen klicken, kommst du zu einer separaten Seite, auf der für jede der einzelnen Änderungen und Maßnahmen (Initiativen) eigene Abschnitte vorgesehen sind.
- Benutzende können diese Abschnitte nehmen, um {{support}}, {{oppose}} or {{comment}} bezüglich der Priorität einer bestimmten Initiative auszudrücken.
- Es ist auch möglich, die zusätzlichen Knöpfe zu verwenden:
- Discuss (Erstellen eines Abschnitts auf der Diskussionsseite, um diese Initiative weiter zu diskutieren, während die Diskussionen für jede Initiative in einem einzigen Abschnitt geführt werden), oder
- Create a sub-page (um eine eigene Seite für die Meta-Initiative zu erstellen, wenn du das möchtest, wobei ein Standard-Namensraum für alle Unterseiten beibehalten wird).
Obwohl diese Seite auf Englisch ist, können Kommentare in jeder beliebigen Sprache erfolgen. Wenn du einen solchen Raum in deiner eigenen Sprache einrichten möchtest, kannst du auch gerne das Support Team zur Unterstützung anfragen.
--Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 07:45, 9 November 2020 (UTC)
- Das mit den Sprachdiskussionsseiten ist immer wieder eine grundsätzliche Frage. Jede übersetzte Seite hat zunächst mal einfach so asap eine eigene Disk.
- Das hat den Vorteil, dass dort diejenigen, die dieser Sprache mächtig sind, in dieser ungestört diskutieren könnten.
- Das hat den Nachteil, dass es einzelne, abgeschottete Diskussionen gibt, und vermutlich alles außer dem Englischen eher mit Nichtbeachtung gewürdigt wird, wie es in diesem anglozentrischen Laden so üblich ist.
- Ich habe anderswo schon mal aus den Sprachdisks eine WL nach hier eingerichtet, wobei dann klar sein muss, dass hier nicht nur Englisch geredet wird. Das sollte aber kein Problem sein, denke ich. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 08:02, 9 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ach ja, bezüglich Navileiste: Ich meinte die Umschaltleiste für die Sprachversionen oben, die bei solchen übersetzten Seiten üblich ist. Ich kann von der /de-Seite nicht zur /fr oder der englischen ohne /en navigieren, es geht nur über die Zurücktaste im Browser. Das ist nicht das übliche Vorgehen auf übersetzten Seiten. Frag mich nicht, wie das einzurichten ist, ich übersetze nur ab und an mal was, mit der unterliegenden Syntax kenne ich mich nicht aus. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 08:07, 9 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ja, dass du öfter msal was übersetzt habe ich schon gesehen :) Sehe ich jetzt erst mit der fehlenden Sprachnavi. Verstehe ich auch nicht. Ich versuche heute nachmittag mal zu schauen, wo ich das rausfinden kann. Wahrscheinlich über Abbad --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 08:14, 9 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ach ja, bezüglich Navileiste: Ich meinte die Umschaltleiste für die Sprachversionen oben, die bei solchen übersetzten Seiten üblich ist. Ich kann von der /de-Seite nicht zur /fr oder der englischen ohne /en navigieren, es geht nur über die Zurücktaste im Browser. Das ist nicht das übliche Vorgehen auf übersetzten Seiten. Frag mich nicht, wie das einzurichten ist, ich übersetze nur ab und an mal was, mit der unterliegenden Syntax kenne ich mich nicht aus. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 08:07, 9 November 2020 (UTC)
- The navigation bar is absent in the translations because it was added after the page was marked for translation, and the page hasn't been re-marked since. The list of people having expressed interest in attending is also not updating in the translations because it's part of the translatable page. It should probably be a transcluded subpage (with an appropriate edit link) instead of being placed directly on the page, so that the translations will reflect updates immediately. --Yair rand (talk) 08:26, 9 November 2020 (UTC)
- I have moved the participants list away and marked the page for translation. There are a few, minor yet important changes to the translation links. @Christoph Jackel (WMDE): @KVaidla (WMF): Could you very kindly update the German and French translations so people can access the new links appropriately? --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 09:57, 9 November 2020 (UTC).
Teilnahme ohne die Kugel
[edit]Wie kann hier ohne seine Daten den nicht vertrauenswürdigen Datenkraken Google mitzuteilen mitgemacht werden? Irgendwas auf Google schließt jedeN aus, der was von Datenschutz hält. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 09:15, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
- Lieber @Sänger:: Wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben, werden die Daten nach spätestens 90 Daten gelöscht. Du kannst alternativ mir (per Wikimail) oder dem Team (strategy2030 eine E-Mail schreiben, dann können wir die Anmeldung per E-Mail klären (sprich: Ich schicke dir die Fragen per E-Mail und du antwortest per E-Mail). Wäre das okay? Grüße, --CKibelka (WMF) (talk) 14:05, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ich möchte gar nichts mit dem bösen Google zu tun haben, und es sollte eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein, dass möglichst überhaupt nichts mit Google, Facebook oder ähnlichen Schändern des Datenschutzes gemacht wird. Wir haben Abermillionen an Mitteln, da müssen wir nicht mit dem Teufel paktieren. Alles außerhalb der Server des Wikiversums hat deutlich weniger Legitimität als Sachen im Wikiversum, Sachen auf Google können imho duirekt in die Tonne gekippt werden. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 14:10, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ich habe mich in die Liste eingetragen, ich kann über Wikimail erreicht werden, das hat zu reichen.- Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 14:11, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ok, dann schicke ich dir eine E-Mail per Wikimail. Grüße, --CKibelka (WMF) (talk) 14:16, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass es nicht gut ist, ein Googleformular für die Anmeldung zu verwenden. Meiner Meinung nach sollte das Ziel sein möglichst für viele Dinge freie Software zu verwenden. Wenn die Zeit für die Installation und Bereitstellung von freien Tools auf Wikimediaservern genommen wird, dann können dise genutzt werden. Aus meiner Sicht ist das die Herausforderung sich die Zeit zu nehmen.--Hogü-456 (talk) 18:59, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ok, dann schicke ich dir eine E-Mail per Wikimail. Grüße, --CKibelka (WMF) (talk) 14:16, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
- Ich habe mich in die Liste eingetragen, ich kann über Wikimail erreicht werden, das hat zu reichen.- Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 14:11, 11 November 2020 (UTC)
Doing this in person via live chat endangers participants and introduces bias
[edit]People: The movement is based on voluntary participation, in our own time, via text-based media. From the start, it has enshrined anonymity as a basic principle. By prioritizing face-to-face meetings that require real names (chapters, meet-ups, Wikimania), the WMF has moved decision-making into the hands of that subset of volunteers who are willing and able to take time for such additional participation and reveal their identities; and also isolated itself from the broad majority of volunteers. Moving to Zoom makes this worse. I am not going to register for any such thing, or show you my face, and I don't volunteer to build an encyclopedia (and a repository of freely available and well indexed images, and a news site) in order to have my needs overridden by people who have the time and inclination to do "meta" politicking. All of the proposals should be binned as not representing the needs of the actual movement, the volunteers, and all such decisions should be made by the volunteers through text-based means that provide a guarantee of anonymity. Yngvadottir (talk) 00:31, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- I'm pretty sure that all of our video cams will be off (i.e. disabled) by default. When I attended a Zoom meeting, my cam was disabled, and I had an option to either enable it or leave it disabled. As for recognizing our voices, if you're concerned about your voice being recognized, either don't speak and just listen to other participants (or attendees), or install a voice changer (hardware or software). I don't know what you were hoping by commenting on potential compromise of privacy and/or anonymity. George Ho (talk) 01:22, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- I agree 100% with @@Yngvadottir:, and I quite honestly have no clue what WMF thinks they are accomplishing by doing this in such manner: OTHER THAN effectively weeding out nearly all but the upper echelons of society from participating, while remaining 'open to all' in name only.
- I suppose if it helps to pay the bills....whatever works. I seen a lot of exorbitant lauding of the grandiose nature of the project and on and on....almost as if they believe these accomplishments are THEIR accomplishments! They are not without credit, and should be acknowledged where credit is due. They have provided and provide the platform. The builders do need a platform to build on. But at the end of the day, what makes that platform of any noteworthy significance is not the corporate PR gymnastics of 'innovations' and 'strategies', but what has actually been BUILT on it. And that was not done under any bureaucracy's direction. Therefore, they must understand that any unilateral encroachment into the projects' spheres of domain jeopardises the very reason for their existence. Firejuggler86 (talk) 06:12, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- I am not a member of the transition support team but if you turn off camera and microphone you usually can still participate live by using the chat function which is not recorded, as far as I know. --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 07:46, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- I wonder whether it's an intentional bias. They did something even more detached with the rebranding catastrophe, they did workshops stuffed with proselytes and some alibi community participants with some marketing professionals in charge, and wonder afterwards why this was not appreciated by those, who generate all the wealth they are giving away to those marketeers. It's the on-wiki communities that rule this enterprise, the WMF is only a service organisation for the on-wiki communities. Grüße vom Sänger ♫(Reden) 07:47, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- Some clarification and further thoughts, and this is partly also in response to George Ho: if there's an attached chat, some number of hearing- and visually impaired persons will be able to use that, as well as some of those concerned about privacy, but in that case, why not accommodate everyone, including all our varying time zones and schedules as well as languages and technical platforms, by using text-based discussion on a wiki, or an actual vote? In terms of privacy, let me be plainer: to participate, the WMF is asking me to sign up for a third-party video-conference service, or re-use an existing sign in (presumably Zoom was chosen precisely because it is being widely used for remote meetings in the context of people's jobs). I highly doubt Zoom would let me register as "Yngvadottir", whether as a primary or secondary account, without linking to my legal identity. Just as I cannot attend Meet-ups, let alone Wikimania, without using my real name to enter the venue. I will not do that, and it has been foundational to the projects that information that can reveal the identity behind an account is protected from all but trusted functionaries who are restricted in when they may access it and what they may use it for. We even have a provision for people living under certain regimes to use proxies. My privacy is valuable to me; keeping my work and wiki identities distinct is important to me; some editors' privacy may be their defense against a well founded fear of loss of employment or even of harm. So, in addition to giving almost exclusive attention to those movement participants with the means, leisure, and desire to attend face-to-face meetings (disproportionately men and those in relatively prestigious jobs in the West, and also those without a disability making travel and oral/aural conversations more difficult), the WMF's emphasis on such meetings as venues for policy-making disadvantages those unwilling to risk identifying themselves (which, again, includes many women). Using video-conferencing software solves only one of those problems, the travel, and worsens the rest. The WMF has not appreciated this, and has no basis on which to predict the reactions of movement participants as a whole. (Yes, I have participated in surveys; they frequently did not include the options I would have wanted to select.) If it must make decisions with a big effect on the projects, we should all have a voice in those decisions. Yngvadottir (talk) 08:32, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- You can create a newer email address solely and/or reserved for whatever use you see fit. I have plenty, and I often use them, including one just for Wikimedia-related stuff. And you don't have to link one email address to another if you don't want that. Alternatively, you can create a new email address and then dump it (i.e. deactivate it) once the Zoom meetings are over. How's that? George Ho (talk) 08:47, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- Dear Yngvadottir, thank you for raising your concerns regarding the approach and George Ho for your comments on topic.
- Multiple channel approach
- As the Wikimedia movement has evolved, conversations have moved to different spaces and are no longer exclusively on-wiki. We are trying to accommodate to this and meet the people where they are and want to get involved. Due to the situation of global pandemic (COVID-19) it is not safe neither feasible to host in-person events, but other prevalent means of interaction and connection are being used in the movement strategy transition discussions, including Telegram, WMCloud Chat, engagement on existing Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram groups. At the same time the on-wiki engagement continues to be a centerpiece and we try to follow up with each comment that we received in this Transition meta space, as well as have engaged with communities in their own wikis (e.g. English, German, Russian and Arabic Wikipedias). Looking at the functionality of different spaces, we see that probably meta is the best fit for bringing all the conversations together and so we have created a Discussion Space here and will be posting the summaries from other conversations, including online calls, under relevant sections. We are committed to getting back to all the questions and comments in that space and hope that once the conversations get going, the people will start to be engaged also there.
- Specifics of online calls
- When it comes to online calls, this seems to be a preferred option for many, especially for conversations on complex topics and creating alignment:
- Synchronous discussion helps to facilitate clarity easier - it is easier to ask questions as soon as you feel that you don't understand and often tone of the voice gives additional information that makes it easier to follow the structure of sentences or presentation and distinguish more easily irony and jokes.
- At these meetings video can be turned off and also only chat participation is possible - there are assigned facilitators who surface relevant questions or talking points from the chat to the main conversation space.
- Participating on video or audio calls is often an easier pathway into the conversation for people who have not been extensively involved - instead of being confronted with walls of text on-wiki, people can listen in, build their understanding and contribute where they see fit.
- This also facilitates alignment as people listen to each other - in written communication it is easier to end up in a parallel discussion where there are few or none touching points. Natural back and forth in speech helps to overcome that.
- As a result, we see a lot of potential for engagement on online calls for this complex topic and that is also one of the reasons why the global online meetings have received such prominence. Like I said, we are planning to follow-up with summaries on meta, as we have done for prioritization discussions happening across the globe at the moment here. I hope it makes generally sense, yet I am happy to discuss it further and clarify the reasoning.
- Anonymity
- We fully understand the concerns around anonymity. We also see how some of the channels used in the strategy process cannot provide full anonymity (e.g. Telegram and WhatsApp need phone numbers, etc.). This is also understandable that there are concerns around participation at the online events. Here are couple of points I would like to surface:
- Participation at Zoom calls does not need registration. However, installing the App is needed in that case.
- It is possible to participate on the calls without allowing Zoom to have access to your microphone or camera. You can hear and see the conversation, but cannot participate with video or audio yourself. Chat function is fully enabled. If that is preferred approach, this should be communicated to the event organizers, so we can arrange breakout small group discussions accordingly.
- In our registration form we do not ask about real names, the questions is about "preferred name", which we will use for communication and general participant management purposes.
- I hope that you find my response helpful in providing the context regarding the approach and also clarifying the modes of participation that are possible in this transition process. Thank you for your kind attention and again for sharing your perspective! --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 15:23, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- Dear Yngvadottir, thank you for raising your concerns regarding the approach and George Ho for your comments on topic.
- You can create a newer email address solely and/or reserved for whatever use you see fit. I have plenty, and I often use them, including one just for Wikimedia-related stuff. And you don't have to link one email address to another if you don't want that. Alternatively, you can create a new email address and then dump it (i.e. deactivate it) once the Zoom meetings are over. How's that? George Ho (talk) 08:47, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- Some clarification and further thoughts, and this is partly also in response to George Ho: if there's an attached chat, some number of hearing- and visually impaired persons will be able to use that, as well as some of those concerned about privacy, but in that case, why not accommodate everyone, including all our varying time zones and schedules as well as languages and technical platforms, by using text-based discussion on a wiki, or an actual vote? In terms of privacy, let me be plainer: to participate, the WMF is asking me to sign up for a third-party video-conference service, or re-use an existing sign in (presumably Zoom was chosen precisely because it is being widely used for remote meetings in the context of people's jobs). I highly doubt Zoom would let me register as "Yngvadottir", whether as a primary or secondary account, without linking to my legal identity. Just as I cannot attend Meet-ups, let alone Wikimania, without using my real name to enter the venue. I will not do that, and it has been foundational to the projects that information that can reveal the identity behind an account is protected from all but trusted functionaries who are restricted in when they may access it and what they may use it for. We even have a provision for people living under certain regimes to use proxies. My privacy is valuable to me; keeping my work and wiki identities distinct is important to me; some editors' privacy may be their defense against a well founded fear of loss of employment or even of harm. So, in addition to giving almost exclusive attention to those movement participants with the means, leisure, and desire to attend face-to-face meetings (disproportionately men and those in relatively prestigious jobs in the West, and also those without a disability making travel and oral/aural conversations more difficult), the WMF's emphasis on such meetings as venues for policy-making disadvantages those unwilling to risk identifying themselves (which, again, includes many women). Using video-conferencing software solves only one of those problems, the travel, and worsens the rest. The WMF has not appreciated this, and has no basis on which to predict the reactions of movement participants as a whole. (Yes, I have participated in surveys; they frequently did not include the options I would have wanted to select.) If it must make decisions with a big effect on the projects, we should all have a voice in those decisions. Yngvadottir (talk) 08:32, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
No Special:MyLanguage in the site notice
[edit]The site notice that brngs the user to this page doesn't use Special:Mylanguage. Is it supposed not to? Could someone add it? --Sabelöga (talk) 11:13, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- @Sabelöga: Thanks for the hint! I've pinged user:Ciell, who created the Central Notice banner for us. Thank you & best regards, --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 14:27, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- Thanks! --Sabelöga (talk) 15:01, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
mark Friendly Space Policy and Privacy Statement for translation
[edit]Please mark Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Transition/Global_Conversations/Friendly_Space_Policy_and_Privacy_Statement for translation. Ty Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 12:57, 16 November 2020 (UTC)
- @Christoph Jackel (WMDE):: We have marked it for translation! We have requested (professional) translations for both the Q&A page, as well as the Friendly Space Policy page. The translations should arrive within the next days. So if you are planning to translate the texts into German, don't worry!, you don't have to. Thank you! --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 21:12, 16 November 2020 (UTC)
- It is certainly sufficient if they are online this Friday. Thank you and best regards --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 10:32, 17 November 2020 (UTC)
- Cornelius Kibelka (WMF), I still can translate Friendly Space Policy and Privacy Statement until noon tomorrow if needed (the Q&A are less important imho). Cheers --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 17:44, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- @Christoph Jackel (WMDE):: Literally, I just got them and will paste them in the next hour. Would you mind checking the German after? --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 17:46, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- With utmost pleasure!
--Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 18:28, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- @Christoph Jackel (WMDE):. Here you go. German translations are pasted. Thank you! --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 19:31, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- With utmost pleasure!
- @Christoph Jackel (WMDE):: Literally, I just got them and will paste them in the next hour. Would you mind checking the German after? --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 17:46, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- Cornelius Kibelka (WMF), I still can translate Friendly Space Policy and Privacy Statement until noon tomorrow if needed (the Q&A are less important imho). Cheers --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 17:44, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- It is certainly sufficient if they are online this Friday. Thank you and best regards --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 10:32, 17 November 2020 (UTC)
Using Free Software
there is a local installation of Zonestamp [1] So you dont need to set link to a external Website of a Company that people can see their timezone. I think that it were good if you use free or open source software for events if possible. For example in videoconferencing there is BigBlueButton and for forms there are also free solutions. I mostly use free software in my free time and it is possible to do the most things what are needed with it. After the Wikimedia Foundation wants a world in which every single human can freely share the sum of all knowledge, I think using ree software is a part of the mission of the Wikimedia Foundation. --Hogü-456 (talk) 18:45, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- @Hogü-456:
- Thank you for the Zonestamp hint, didn't know that tool.
- Regarding Zoom: Generally, I agree, and I am at forefront of using free and open alternatives. However, have you looked into our FAQ on what we have written regarding the usage of Zoom?. BigBlueButton is not stable enough to host online conversations for more than 80-90 participants. We expect around 150 to 200 participants per event. All online conference organizers that I've spoken with over the last weeks and months, even from Free and Open Movement, opted for Zoom because of its stability, capacity and breakout room feature. Cheers, --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 19:35, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- @CKibelka (WMF): If you have 'talked to conference organizers [...] from Free and Open Movement' then therein lies your problem. The emphasis here being on 'open'. Those who would use the word 'open' do not understand the importance of free/libre software. Regardless of technical concerns, nobody (and certainly not the WMF, which hosts projects touted to be free as in freedom) should be encouraging (or even suggesting) the use of nonfree software. If there is no suitable free/libre software program for the purpose, then please request that someone author one. Sacrificing freedom so that this event can go forward at the planned time is a mistake and sends the message "Don't worry about valuing your freedom if you desire to get something done in a certain timeframe - we at the WMF, hosting a free as in freedom project for a global online encyclopedia, certainly don't"...
- Think carefully about what you are doing. DesertPipeline (talk) 03:31, 30 November 2020 (UTC)
- @CKibelka (WMF): Wikimedia Germany published a form and the source code under the AGPL-License [2] for requesting different things that people from Germany can get through funding. I think this form can be changed so that it is possible to use it for the registration. Have you thinked about that or have you talked to someone who can change it. The suggestion to aks people to develop free Software if there none exists you can use is good. I think it can also help for implementing existing Software if the official Employees of the Wikimedia Foundation dont have the time to change a Free Software and so they use a Non-Free one. So from my point of view using non-free Software should be only a partly use under another free Software is implemented. So please ask volunteers for a free Version if you use a non free Software for a topic. I think you can get help from someone. --Hogü-456 (talk) 18:56, 18 January 2021 (UTC)
- Think carefully about what you are doing. DesertPipeline (talk) 03:31, 30 November 2020 (UTC)
Recordings of short keynotes....
[edit]...(or whatever they have been named) available? It would be useful to have them for local conversations in coming weeks. So even rough cut and upload to Commons+YouTube (sorry but better player) would be important to have in next few days. Zblace (talk) 08:19, 23 November 2020 (UTC)
- Dear Zblace, thank you for your note! The recordings were indeed made to make the speeches available for people to use also at the upcoming online discussions.
Here are the links for presentations from Saturday, November 21:
- Opening remarks from Ryan Merkley (Chief of Staff, Wikimedia Foundation)
- Opening remarks from María Sefidari (Chair of the Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Foundation)
- Remarks from Sandister Tei (Wikimedian of the Year 2020, Founding member of the Wikimedia Ghana User Group]]
- Closing remarks from Katherine Maher (Chief Executive Officer, Wikimedia Foundation)
- Remarks regarding the next steps at the end of the meeting by Kaarel Vaidla (Lead Movement Process Architect, Wikimedia Foundation)
Here are 3 complementary links for 3 presentations from Sunday, November 22:
- Opening remarks from María Sefidari (Chair of the Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Foundation)
- Remarks from Sandister Tei (Wikimedian of the Year 2020, Founding member of the Wikimedia Ghana User Group]]
- Remarks from Katherine Maher (Chief Executive Officer, Wikimedia Foundation)
I hope this is helpful! --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 07:48, 24 November 2020 (UTC)
- Thank you! This is indeed helpful. I would still hope you also adopt uploads to Youtube, just because their player (all time-based features) are still superior. Best -- Zblace (talk) 08:12, 24 November 2020 (UTC)
I attended at the talk on Saturday and there was a voting throung a Google Form about the Recommendations and how important they are for a world wide coordinatian. With the results there was a chart created. Where can I find that chart I think you called it Heatmap. Have you uploaded it to Wikimedia Commons. --Hogü-456 (talk) 19:16, 24 November 2020 (UTC)
- Hi Hogü-456, we hope to have the report, including the heat map, uploaded tomorrow. Hope you can join us for the next set of conversations on December 5 and 6. Registration opens on Nov. 25. MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) 23:24, 24 November 2020 (UTC)
- Hogü-456, most files (including 2 different heatmaps) are uploaded into commons:Category:2018-20 Wikimedia movement strategy process Transition. Cheers --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 08:21, 25 November 2020 (UTC)
- Also the report has now been published on meta. I hope this is helpful! --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 15:16, 26 November 2020 (UTC)
- Hogü-456, most files (including 2 different heatmaps) are uploaded into commons:Category:2018-20 Wikimedia movement strategy process Transition. Cheers --Christoph Jackel (WMDE) 08:21, 25 November 2020 (UTC)
Sunday November 29 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
Anyone with an interest in Wikimedia affiliates is welcome to join the Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meeting in two sessions on Sunday November 29 - you are invited to RSVP here.--Pharos (talk) 00:32, 25 November 2020 (UTC)
Propose your lightning talks
[edit]You can now propose a lightning talk to pitch an initiative at the 5-6 December Global Conversations. Looking forward to seeing your proposals! --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 13:55, 30 November 2020 (UTC).
Maybe to late
[edit]I integrated my talk idea in the category "not selected", because there are only categories to choose from. Admittedly I am quite late, and I am also not so unhappy about the possibility not to talk today. But since I made this talk proposal I add it here. --Ai24 (talk) 07:28, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
- Hi @Ai24:! I've seen that you have added a lightning talk proposal for today's meeting. That is a bit unfortunate, because the schedule is already (too) full, so we can't add any further lightning talks. I'm sorry for that :( --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 09:07, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
Live music
[edit]Hi, I very much hope that live music performances will become a regular fixture during similar meetings in the future. However, this will require us registering the event with a collecting society, unless we limit ourselves to compositions in the public domain. --Gnom (talk)
WikiBlind, wikiKind and wikiWonderland
[edit]In preparing for our events on wikipedia day, I’m updating the text we submitted here for the lightning talk. I’m sighted but working from an iPad so have limited abilities to edit. Please forgive ineptitude and mistakes. Grateful for any encouragement. And what I really want to say to anyone reading this: Happy Birthday Wikipedians and Thank You for all the work you have been doing!! DrMel (talk) 21:19, 12 January 2021 (UTC)
was referring to our old text on - didn’t realize this talk page was a redirect from there. DrMel (talk) 21:22, 12 January 2021 (UTC)
- @DrMel:: Thank you so much, DrMel! However, for our next set of events (January 23/24) we won't have lightning talks, as the events will focus entirely on how to implement the (Interim) Global Council. I'll let you know if there will be other Lightning Talk opportunities as part of the Movement Strategy events. Best regards, --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 23:03, 12 January 2021 (UTC)
Update FAQ?
[edit]Given that the form for the upcoming events also points to the old FAQ page, I recommend updating it to deal with the upcoming events. --Yair rand (talk) 22:13, 13 January 2021 (UTC)
- @Yair rand:: Thanks, Yair! It is noted, we just rushed to open the registration overall, and will work on the FAQ in the upcoming days. Thanks for the reminder. --Cornelius Kibelka (WMF) (talk to me) 13:58, 14 January 2021 (UTC)
- @Yair rand: Now updated. Thank you for the note --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 15:46, 15 January 2021 (UTC).
Something that I feel is missing is a downside that some community members did not participate because of the technology choice (it being proprietary software). Perhaps it was still worth using it, but I think it deserves to be mentioned that the tool choice was excluding community members. ♥Ainali talkcontributions 13:46, 12 March 2021 (UTC)