Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Wikimedia Foundation study group

The Wikimedia Foundation staff and contractors have begun a study group to help them get in intellectual shape for the upcoming discussion around the direction of Wikimedia.
The idea behind the Wikimedia Foundation movement strategy study group is to learn from other movement strategies and strategy processes. Obviously, the Wikimedia Movement is not the only movement in the world. What can we learn from other movements? What are examples of strategies from other movements that have been effective? What can we learn from the academics who study movements?
The study group is optional for Wikimedia Foundation staff and contractors. It operates a lot like a monthly book club. To be clear, this is not the place where the Wikimedia Movement strategy will be developed. The goal here is simple: to learn from others and to develop a shared vocabulary around some concepts that might help us when the movement strategy process begins.
Information about this study group and the notes from the meetings will be posted on this Meta-Wiki page to help share what is learned more broadly.