The following request for comments is closed. The request was eventually archived as inactive.
The purpose of this page is to find out what needs to be done for peaceful cooperation of V. Z. and the rest of cswiki. For English debates, see Requests for comments/Cswiki issues.
Účelem této stránky je zjistit, za jakých podmínek je V. Z. ochoten fungovat v české Wikipedii. Protože na cs: tento pokus skončil opět hádkou, zakládám pro návrh V. Z. prostor zde. Prosím ostatní, aby se zejména do chvíle, než V. Z. přednese své stanovisko, zdrželi unáhlených reakcí. Děkuji. --che22:44, 21 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
The only practical problem that non-English texts make administration difficult, but I have found no specific rule prohibiting international contents on meta. Therefore, my proposal is to proceed with "mediation" (which is not real mediation as there is no neutral mediator) here and to use Czech. --Tompecina10:17, 22 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]