Requests for comment/2013 issues on Croatian Wikipedia/Evidence
The following request for comments is closed. The information gathering period is over. Please see the main RfC page for more info.
These pages contain specific information bearing on the current discussions about Croatian Wikipedia. A fork of these pages is also maintained at Croatian Wikipedia. If you would like to read the submitted information, please follow one of the following two links:
The process of gathering information and commenting on it are closed, along with the discussion of the process on the talk page. |
Dobro došli!
Ove stranice sadrže konkretne podatke glede tekućih rasprava o hrvatskoj Wikipediji. Ogranak ovih stranica također održava hrvatska Wikipedija. Ako želite pročitati podnesene podatke, molimo slijedite jednu od sljedećih poveznica:
Postupak prikupljanja podataka i komentiranja su završeni, kao i rasprava o postupku na stranici za razgovor. |
The purpose of these pages is limited to gathering specific facts bearing on the current controversy about Croatian Wikipedia, and surveying opinions directly related to these facts. The purpose is not to arrive at general conclusions about these facts, but to create a comprehensive overview of the information with help of which such conclusions may be reached. | Svrha ovih stranica ograničena je na prikupljanje konkretnih činjenica glede tekućih rasprava o hrvatskoj Wikipediji, te prikupljanju mišljenja izravno vezanih uz te činjenice. Svrha nije donošenje općih zaključaka o tim činjenicama, već stvaranje sveobuhvatnog pregleda podataka uz čiju pomoć bi se takvi zaključci mogli donijeti. |