Movement roles project/Initial Questions II/es/B25es
I write and expand articles in Spanish Wikipedia and upload images to Commons. Sometimes I expand or correct articles in other languages (Catalan, French, English and Occitan) but my part in those is very small.
Vision and Mission
[edit]- Are you familiar and comfortable with the vision and mission of the Wikimedia Foundation?
Yes. I want to remark that both mission and vision are clearly and breifly explained, what is a plus.
- Do you and your organization share this vision and mission?
Strategic Goals
[edit]The strategic planning project framed the following goals for the movement:
- Secure the infrastructure
- Increase global participation
- Improve quality
- Expand reach
- Support innovation
With that in mind:
- How applicable do you think these goals are to your role in the movement?
I'm trying to improve quality in the activities I take part in. I recommend people to use Wikipedia and also to contribute whenever they are able to. I strongly remark them that if there's a mistake or a missing detail, they can correct or add it.
- How can the Wikimedia movement best meet these goals?
Infrastructure and innovation require money. But participation and reach need more of public relations efforts, also important to get money, of course. Quality has to be achieved by participation.
- Should the movement spend its resources on goals/activities of groups that are not wholly aligned with the strategic goals?
That should be taken into consideration if they're are not wholly unaligned whith the strategic goals.
Roles in the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- What role do you see for you and your organization in achieving the vision, mission and strategic goals?
I don't belong to any group as for now. I'm taking a very small part on the constitution of a Spain chapter.
- What role should other groups play in achieving our movement priorities?
- What do these groups need to fulfill this role?
- What do they need from others to fulfill this role?
- What do they need to provide others to fulfill their roles?
- Which interactions with other groups in this movement are critical for each group to play their part?
Entities in the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- What should be the core tasks and roles of the Wikimedia Foundation in the movement?
- What do you think should be the core tasks and roles of a chapter in the movement?
A chapter should take care of Wikimedia community interests in a geographical area, including rising money, finding information resources (access to photograhical collections or statistical data, for instance), or getting public attention by hosting promotional activities. It should be stated clearly that chapters cannot have a language-based structure, or be commited to promote a language. Every wikimedian in a country with a chapter should be supported by its local chapter, even if s/he doesn't use one of the official or local languages in the country. That will provide a sort of safety network for all projects, even for those in minority languages, or in dead languages, or in languages that are mainly spoken in countries that are not all that free-speech friendly. In addition, chapters that are openly commited to promote one specific language should be required to take the appropiate steps in order to allow allophone users to join. Chapters are also useful in providing a tax-friendly conditions for donations to the Organization, either by the general public or by corporations.
- How should the role of a sub-national chapter differ from a national chapter?
- What do you see the core tasks and roles of the chapters committee to be?
Coordination and supervision.
- Are there core movement tasks or roles that are not now adequately served, or that might need to be served in the future?
- What should other and new Wikimedia entities (groups that don’t fall within the current definition of a 'chapter', but share many attributes and goals) do?
Relationships among entities within the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- What should be the minimum standards of transparency among Wikimedia entities – the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters, etc.?
We are volunteering our time and money to the whole project. I think a maximum of transparency is required.
- What safeguards should be in place between entities to protect the integrity and reputation of the movement?
- To whom are the Wikimedia entities accountable? (e.g. their members, other entities in the movement, etc.)
- What is the right way to include various movement groups in the overall governance of the Wikimedia movement?
Resources for entities within the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- How should resources be secured to support the growth of the Wikimedia movement and fulfilling of the mission?
- How best to ensure that each Wikimedia entity has the funds it needs to a) survive and b) fulfill its mission?
- How best to ensure that money is distributed to ensure that the Wikimedia movement achieves its goals in the best way?
[edit]- To support the growth and sustainability of the Wikimedia movement, what is the one, most important change we need to make?
- What change could most help you now in your role in the Wikimedia movement?
[edit]- How would you describe your affiliation with Wikimedia?
- Would you consider yourself to be affiliated with:
- The Wikimedia Foundation?
- A chapter? (If so, which one?)
- A project? (If so, which one?)
- Another group? (If so, which one?)
- None at all? (If so, feel free to elaborate.)
As I've said, I write articles in the es:wiki, and upload images to commons. In addition I've done minor editing in other Wikipedias. I'll join Spain chapter as soon as it takes off. During my Wikipedia experience I'm finding help from many people, most of them from fields completely unrelated to my activities (I write mainly about French towns), but all of them with a strong will to help. That's far more that what I usually find outside here.
Anyone else?
[edit]- Is there anybody else you would specifically recommend we ask for their views?