Movement roles project/Initial Questions II/Rossini
(Redirected from Movement roles/Initial Questions II/Rossini)
Carol Rossini and Jon Huggett spoke by Skype on 2010-12-8
- Wikimedia in Brazil is in a crisis: slow growth of articles and editors on Portuguese Wikipedia, impolite language, lots of parallel channels
- Huge lack of patience in receiving new editors; more experienced editors not helping newer editors; many new articles blocked because not well done; newcomers left Wikipedia because they were blocked
- Elections did not happen because of lack of candidates
- There are no technical people at the Wikimedia Foundation who speak Portuguese. Only one steward speaks Portuguese, and people are not happy with his interventions.
- Am leading a catalyst project, not part of Brazilian wikimedia community. People that go to Wikimedia meetings are not necessarily representative of community
- Foundation has had contact with the same 3-5 people, who were playing the role of advocate
- 30-40 people engaged in discussions of roles in Brazil
- ~100 doing Wikimedia work in Brazil now
- Takes a lot of time and effort to open a nonprofit in Brazil. There is also a certain prejudice against nonprofit organizations
- Disputes with Portugal - 10-15 people working on wiki in Portugal now